Chapter 443 – Next Assignment!

Finding a quiet place, Max opened the paper and read the content. There was a number #5 written above a series of instructions.

1) Gather ingredients to make fried rice

2) Cook fried rice for guests in the restaurant. You have to convince them since it's not on the menu! (PS. We have prepared a kitchen in booth 5, please use that one.)

3) Gather 5 'Good Job' medals to finish the instruction. Bring the medals to Mr. Strange to finish the first game!

Max wanted to shout when he read the instruction. In summary, they had to open a restaurant, cook for the guests and get 5 medals from those guests to finish the game. They probably got this instruction because they got the restaurant area paper.

'The other must've had different tasks to finish.'

The problem was, he didn't know who had medals. Were all guests in this resort had it? Or only those special guests from the show had the medals.