Chapter 474 – Prank Went Too Far

When they realized it, they had arrived at what seemed like a hotel corridor with many doors on the sides. Flexy and MadLad had respawned. The former crossed his arms and tapped his feet.

"So, did you get good content?" The orange-suited streamer asked Max with a tone full of sarcasm.

Facing him, Max raised his thumbs up and gave him a nod. "Of course! It's the best content ever." He grinned in satisfaction while the other rolled his eyes.

"Damn it, my revenge will come back at you sooner or later." Flexy warned him as Max smiled and patted his shoulder.

"Can't wait."

Flexy grumbled under his breath as Amelia giggled while covering her mouth. Lily smiled wryly as Princess Peach scoffed loudly.

"So, what is this map? What should we do here?" MadLad had enough with the silly conversation and changed the topic.

Princess Peach was the one who answered him.

"Can't you see the pattern? Find the drawing, search for a clue, and proceed."