chapter 16

After John transport to dead forest wea teleporting array he was in middle of air he felling in ground ahh AHH help brat why are shouting your now god LV powerhouse you can walk in air but I don't know how to fly AHH just walk normal brate like you are walking in ground ahh I will try and he already fell to water fall ahhh he fell in to water AHH fortunately it's was a water AHH he got up and sees one person was in pond washing his shelf AHH this this that was long hair fair skin girl ..

Hey boy iam man you are also man what are you looking at AHH it's boy AHH this freind iam sorry I was Training how to fly in air I feel down iam sorry for that mmm and why did you blush when you first saw me as I didn't iam not the one in water laughed and said I know you thought iam girl right nono ok ok we two are men ahhh hahhaah are adventure came here for a experience yes yes this freind do you have any areas that can give experience you can try a South side ..

I heard South side is extremely mistry and even heaven's ruler relm will die yes but if you can get in explor you will get opportunity or you can get trussers that can enhance your strength if you're not interested in walk in dead forest like a idiot you can only go to South side forest you can get rich experience Thai freind thanks for your advice I will now he got out of water fell and walked many steps and turned around

Ahh this freind how can I go to South side AHH your road idiot haha go this side he pointed a road and smiled have so many sprite body of law and soul power riches a supreme god relm and mountain of undead body refining and has a dominant aoura haha this Brat has talent to accept my yin Yang cultivation ahhahah brate I will wait for you but I have to choose a girl for him to practice a yin yan cultivation method let's see who is lucky enough.

John was walking South side forest explore while he was walking in forest he sounds in deep forest in South and got in to fog and ran over see what is sound ther was two figures fighting one was a demonic cultivater and a beautiful lady hahah beauty your no longer can fight you affected by my poison John saw this and ahh let's go I don't want to involve in thise he wants to don't interfere in this but he stopped and ready for help her she also fainted suddenly his head was sliced open and he died John pick up his ring and pick up the girl who fainted and got in to nearest cave ..

Written by KHAAN..