After 3 months passed John was comperhending the sprite formations he oppen his eays and he saw 1000 of people are looking at him he was shoked to see so many people gathered around and looking at him he saw his friend nearby John asked him why are som many people are looking at him
He said they all are waiting for him to find way for to enter in sprite array mhh John did you found way John nodded and said I found a way but it's quite deficult as long it can be achieved he said collect all soul grass they obtain and distribute .
Each of them 5 per person and wait I will inform you in hour the three group nodded and wait after hour they all people gathered are looking forward use a loud transmission token and said this formations has 3 area first core area outer area you guys only need use this method
Seal you qi complete and cunsum soul grass to resist a illusion and march forward it's simple you can try to not seal your qi or you cannot cansume your soul grass you will die misrable death without burial even you soul cannot enter rencarnation
And be supply to sprite formation and its also oppertunity you use it strength your body and soul wish good luck after he said in his mind voice do you really think that you guys can enter esyly atlaes here 8million people even soul grass can seen by everyone
Atleast in this formations 5 million people will die hahha will obtain as much as want and when I go to an continent I will sell them all and recruit few monster to protect spear sect and I will continue persu martial DOA and reach god relm and tear world rule go to an higher world
Hehheeh boy you quite ruthless how come ruthless senior I clearly explained them about situation if they want to die hehhe will humbly accept there space ring haha ohh senior I built you samll palace by refining the soul stone you can go recuperate
If you out while I go to in formations I will get those pressure mm brate your quit generess haha John after all people rushing towards in John smiling and after minutes he step forward to in formations and he didn't even feel pressured he was walking casually
But people near him all complete ashing John walking like king in red carpet while his subordinates slaughter the enymy people he was continued walking toward core he Collected atleast 2 million space rings in core atleast he collected 2 million in last he collected 3 million space rings
John was completed satisfied with the reward in this tripe senior said brate you planning on selling this items to black market god tower right senior your quit sharp(black market god know Matter how much items you bring them they will give you 60 present prices even if you have them 100 space ring with full of items they will give 60 present iven for space ring even for piece of jung.
..... written by KHAAN.....