chapter 52

The city lord told John sir are going to beats layer why John said furiously that beats dare touch my fiance that deserves death iam going to estract his soul and tour her if something happens to her

I will let the whole suwa region to buruid with city's lards thing oh shit who the hell did that stupid beats lay hands but city's lord asked him sir your powerfull being with even can hire

supreme god king LV to dystroy the beast but why are your fiance to come here alone John said to that was his family matters issue fo you want to enter let me tell in my family Matters and clan and sect matter don't put you nose even 3 heven's ruler was anhilate

in this matter so you need to behave care fully the city lord was shoked and send a message to a heven's ruler relm and asked why should he soothe person siad indeed tger was many powerful family has their trunk card hidden in their

families so don't act reclessly so just get the law stone safly I will arrive in two day's to handle things John was used rushing fats but he suddenly stopped and said like resived message

from some elder and siad to black god tower people hey my elder has arrived already I will go and get him to the beast layer but he looks around and said to city lord that his family elder has arrived to the city

so go and greet and and get him to beast layer he said sir but John looking at him and said he was heven's ruler relm power house so I can also don't neglect so please do this favour I will surely repays it and said let's go and the people are startin

to go to the layer city lord was shoked hear this and started thinking what will do he need only to hold on for two days but even if he secure it he will die misarble at the hands of the heven's ruler relm

so he and qukly informed his master his master was furious and said I will rush back with full speed I will arrive in one day just endure one day he said I will try my best and said and he was rushing to back side of the beats cave want to secure but he was planned

To run fats as he could to avoid being search and go to the wheel stra city nearby and when he entered and sneaky picked up the law stone and wanted to run away but beast notice it starts to fight

John and the black tower people arrive in front stratet attacking John said to them and I will go and look inside after I will give signal you know what to do and John rushing inside and after many

beast was killed by him he arrived at the two people fighting but John completely hold his breath that no one can notice him.and he was hiding in shadow waiting for opportunities to strike the two of them down

,.,.,.,.,.,. written by,.,.,..,.,.,.