
Pengcheng, Moon Mansion Media Guild.


At this moment, Lin Cao's eyes were bloodshot as he watched Wan Min-er playing games energetically. She was not only playing but also engaging in high-intensity interaction with the audience.


"Three-seven open, three-seven open! The opponent catches me seven times in three minutes, whoever comes has to split open. Roll, Cloud players!"


"What? You're asking about the win rate of the Stone Man against Nasus? It's 8-2. You get disconnected in 8 minutes, and Nasus gains 20 victory points."


Although the audience was being mercilessly teased by Wan Min-er at this moment, her popularity remained high. The person who was just scolded even sent two virtual planes as a gesture of support...


If only I hadn't let her go...


If only I could think of this kind of operation...