Is this company's homepage too abstract?

In the CEO's office, there was a fleeting moment of silence.


Weng Ziqin desperately chewed on the implications behind the boss's words. For more than ten seconds, her complexion gradually paled. "Mr. Yang, are you... are you suggesting?"


Could it be that the company's homepage should resemble the packaging of a certain coconut drink brand?


The dense and chaotic arrangement of text, the colors akin to street-side advertisements, a density of information that seemed to cram everything into the audience's minds?


Just imagining it was enough to conjure the kind of company homepage that bore a striking resemblance to some websites cautioned against by tech pundits.


Imagine investors or viewers clicking onto the company's homepage and encountering this... the scene would be, well, not just stimulating but nearly impossible to endure.


What on earth was Mr. Yang thinking?!