Is President Yang Planning to Share Health Status 2.0?

Yang Ruoqian forced herself to calm down.


In this day and age, cautious investors were everywhere, and inexperienced wealthy heirs weren't as easy to come by. Missing out on this potential partner meant the next one might not be so easily persuaded.


Judging from the fact that Xplendi had previously signed such a mediocre singer like she had seen earlier, it seemed that the company was still in the phase of having ideas but not profound ones. Maybe a little manipulation could throw her off balance?


Anyway, in the end, Yang Ruoqian would offer an extremely generous deal to Xplendi. Even if the entire web series went down the drain, Xplendi Media would still make money, as she was not out to harm others without benefiting herself.


Not wanting to miss this opportunity, Yang Ruoqian discreetly took a deep breath, subtly shook her head, and let out a faint sigh, feigning a somewhat disappointed look.