
Reincarnation - Fate

Brave’s family… Daniel Davis… Information about the jann realm… Amrita was able to connect the dots and so she risked an experiment.

“Brave!” She said.

Daniel Davis flinched while he was walking back. He stopped abruptly, looking back towards his history teacher. “What did you say?”

“I was wondering if you knew anything about a certain djinn named Brave.”

Daniel’s face was expressionless while Sean was confused since he didn’t know what the two were talking about.

“I… I don’t.” Daniel faltered a bit but then turned back again.

“He says you’re his family.” She said in the same tone, not believing him. The undead djinn had revealed his name later yesterday, worrying that he was being rude by not telling her who he was.

Daniel came back and looked at her dead in the eye: “You’re lying.”

Straightening up, he said: “He’s…”

“Dead?” Miss Pooja Amrita completed the sentence while Dan looked at her with eyes wide in disbelief.

“He’s not dead. Not anymore.” Amrita explained briefly.


Mr. Kaplan came out of the staff room and found them still standing right outside of it.

Looking at his watch, he said: “I can’t believe the three of you are still here. Miss Amrita, I’m afraid it’s too late to keep the students here, and my disciples, it is rude to take so much time of your master.”

After taking a short pause, he looked at the three and said: “Welp then, I am leaving.” as he did.

After he left, an awkward silence settled between them and it was Amrita who broke it: “Come to my house. See him for yourself.”

At first, Sean tried to protest but looking at Daniel’s sincere eyes, he agreed to go and see the djinn.


Amrita entered the living room first, turning the lights on while the pair followed behind. Motioning for them to sit on the sofa placed near the fireplace, she asked: “Would you like some tea? I brew good coffee too, by the way.”

Both the boys shook their heads, they were preoccupied already, one thinking about one of his fathers and the other being scared witless.

“Well, then I’ll be back with a cup of tea for myself.”

She left with a swift motion and Daniel started looking around the room. Looking at it this way, the room was rather spacious and neat. The fireplace was cozy as well.

His eyes rested on the painting of the Ifrit king, and remained so. Sean noticed it and said: “No way.”

Dan looked at him. “Is that your djinn father? Brave?”

“No, Sean. That is Shah Furaith. King of the Ifrits and the worst djinn I have ever seen. He kills his servants too, if they get on his nerves.”

Sean was horrified. The weight of the fact that all of it was real had just settled in and he was clearly unable to keep it in.

“You are a human.” A voice came out from the door as Brave revealed himself. He scanned Daniel from head to foot who was speechless. Dan started crying. Sean’s face was turning pale.

“So it is you.” Brave confirmed himself out loud.

“But how?” Brave asked him while he struggled to control his tears: “I’m sorry I could not save you this time too.”

‘This time?’ Brave thought.

“Explain yourself.” He said.


“Bedevilment. Unintentional bedevilment, to be exact.” Brave announced his conclusion from the high back sofa after listening to Daniel’s story.

“You, Daniel of the Human Tribe, are a powerful one. Your ability matches one of the myths. One thousand jann years* ago, a certain human woman kicked out all of the djinns from this realm, the Bashr Realm. She gave some of the unnamed djinns a certain amount of time because of our docile nature.

“She had this power. The strange ability to possess anybody for an indefinite period of time, defying the laws of conservation of magical energy and every other magical law that I know of.

“Do any of you know what that means? The person with this ability is immortal. Even if his real body dies, he can possess any body and remain alive. He can accumulate all the knowledge and experience he wants.

“In human terms, this may even be associated with reincarnation. The myth of the woman has been passed down to us unnamed djinns for a thousand years. My grandfather had told me this story when I was 4 years of age and so I can’t remember the name of the woman.”

“Naheere!” Amrita spoke out loud from the doorway. She had been listening to the conversation since a while ago but chose to remain standing there: “Her name is Naheere.” She sat down on another sofa facing the boys.




Hi! Its me, the author,

*Jann years: Time flows differently in both the realms, this time period is with respect to the Jann Realm.