Chapter 2


Fuck! Fuck!! Fuck!!!

I hate myself right now.

What kind of a shitty uncle am I?

I ran my hand through my hair as I went back to my room. The print of my dick against the short I hurriedly jumped into when June bolted almost made me sigh. Sex has never felt so repelling as it does now.

In a bid to gather my thoughts, I paused outside my door with my forehead resting on the goddamn frame. With the way I pulled out of the woman—still on my bed, probably—and bolted out, I don't think she will still be in the mood. What's worse, I left her tied.

I palmed my face and sighed. June was supposed to be asleep. Hell, I was the one who woke her most of the time since she slept kind of deep.

Was I that loud?

My mind spiralled as I slowly pushed the door to my room open. I did not expect the sight that greeted me.

My whore—forgive me, I don't know her name—was spread on the bed, a side of her lower lip caught by her teeth, and her thighs spread like a fucking welcome sign.

"I was waiting for you," she purred, smiling like the slut that she is.

Without responding, I walked towards my dresser, searching for where I had deposited the key to the cuffs around her hands and feet.

She watched me the entire time with something I recognized to be confusion.

"What are you looking for?" Finally, the question I was waiting for! "Did you lose the lube?"

"Fucking Christ!" I turned to her with a snort. "Are you serious right now?!"

She must have gotten self-conscious because she recoiled on the bed, her thighs stylishly hiding the wet hole I had previously been banging into.

"Did I do something?"

"No, you didn't! I did," I snapped at her before going back to look for the key. "Where did I throw those goddamn keys?!"

"I think they are on the floor," she said quietly, probably scared I would explode anytime soon. I noticed her eyes lingering on me as I bent down at the foot of the bed to look under. When I raised my head and our gaze clashed, she looked the other way.

With a breath of relief, I sighted a shiny steel object close to the door.

I withdrew the key and my wallet. Getting her out of my house now seems like the most important thing I have to do in my life. It is either she leaves the house or I run mad from guilt.

I uncuffed her and placed some dollar bills—and a huge tip—on the side of the bed.

"Thank you for your time."

She wrapped the sheets around herself and stared me dead in the eye. "You are not serious, are you?"

"Trust me, I am. I left you a generous tip."

"No, I don't mean that. You are not going to send me out by this time, are you?" Worry flashed across her eyes.

I rushed to the top of the dresser and checked my phone.

"What!" I yelled before my brain could process that it was some minutes past midnight. "H—How?! How did we stay this long?!"

"You said you wanted—"

"I know what I said!" I cut her off with a grimace. To think that I had promised not to let her go until she couldn't walk is something that should call for laughter, but... nothing is really funny now that my entire mind is in chaos. "God, what do I do?"

"I'm sorry. I'll leave first thing in the morning," she said apologetically. I turned to her with drooped shoulders. Her hazel eyes which were the first thing that attracted me momentarily scooted over my crotch. Of course, I left her unsatisfied.

"The bathroom is over there." I pointed in one direction. "And if you need something to eat, the kitchen is at the end of this hallway." I don't even know if she will get my description, but who cares?

I turned around to leave when her voice pulled me back.

"Who is she?"

"Who?" I asked, turning back to her.

"The girl. Isn't she the reason you are this way?"

I smiled to ease her. "She is my niece. Thanks for your concern."

I whirled around and slammed the door behind me. She can have my room for the night.

The kitchen was my next stop.

After downing a glass of water and still feeling like shit, I poured myself a glass of whiskey.

As the drink flowed down my throat in a burning straight line, I plopped on one of the sofas in the sitting room and reminisced.

Thinking about the incident that pushed June into my care brought more pain than I imagined... She was the only child of my sister before an accident claimed the poor woman's life, and I was unanimously entrusted to take care of June.

And right now, I feel like the fucking devil! This is not the type of training a good uncle should give to his niece.

I chugged on my drink and refilled my glass.

The whiskey helped.

By the time my mind was done wandering the length and breadth of the universe, a deep sleep washed over me. I did not bother going to the guest room like I initially planned. The sofa was comfy enough...

I must have gotten up about three times to pee—definitely as a result of the whiskey—and each time I finished, it took almost thirty minutes to go back to bed. The third round of pee came at about five-thirty. After that, sleep completely evaded me.

I quietly started for my room. As I rounded the corridor, I bumped into someone.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry," my company for the night apologized and straightened her dress. Her purse was clutched to her chest while she kept pulling the edges of her gown like there was something beneath I was yet to see.

"It's okay. So... You're leaving." It was a statement but she responded anyway.

"Yes. Told you I'd be out of your hair first thing in the morning." She smiled a little. "Thanks for the tip."

"Oh, you're welcome." I waited for something else to come up, probably a conversation, or a question she had wanted to ask since my behaviour last night, but nothing came. I moved to the side for her to pass. "Bye. Have a nice day."

"Yeah, I will." To my surprise, she stopped by my side and planted a soft kiss on my cheek. "You're a good man." And just like that, she was gone.

I don't know if she added that last part to make me feel good, and I don't want to know. Right now, I need to find a way to face June when she gets up—if she isn't up already. A sight like that is enough to keep a freshman who is schooling in a college not too far from home up all night. What is worse is that that freshman is my niece.

How is she going to take the sight of a lady, mercilessly tied and continuously hammered into by her uncle?

To keep myself busy and my brain from exploding, I started preparing breakfast. Nothing much, just pancakes, crisp on both sides—just as June loves them.

By the time I was done, the sun was already peeking out from behind the clouds.

I served the pancakes and added a bottle of orange juice, both of which I arranged on a tray to take to June.

I felt empty as I knocked on her door. "June?"

"Come on in," she called from within.

I slowly turned the knob. "Good morning, sunshine."

A smile I wasn't expecting radiated from her face, almost lighting up the room. She was seated at her dresser, tying her hair in a ponytail and probably checking her smooth skin—a gene she took from my sister.

"Good morning, Uncle Kristin. How was your night?"

"Beautiful." The way she seemed so carefree and normal made me question myself. I laid the tray on her bed. "How was yours?"


June grew fast. I can't believe the little girl entrusted in my care as a child is this beautifully endowed lady sitting in front of me. With her raven-black hair and brown eyes, she looks like a carbon copy of her mother.



"I want you to listen to me." She stopped what she was doing and locked gazes with me from the mirror she was staring at. "Yesterday, I—"

"You don't need to do this," she cut me off. A slow exhale escaped her lips. "I know it's not been easy taking care of me since what happened happened, and—"

"No, no, June! Don't say that."

"And I know that you also have your life to live aside from taking care of me," she continued stubbornly. "I can't stop you from sating your desires, or choosing the types of women you fuck, because—"

A gasp escaped the both of us at the same time. Her hands flew to her mouth as she realized what she'd just said.

Thank goodness I had safely disposed of the tray, else it would have crashed to the floor.

From the mirror, I saw her lips move fast in a whisper, a question that was meant for herself. The words my stunned ears could pick out sounded like, "WAIT, HE DIDN'T SEE ME?"