Chapter 7


What the actual fuck...

I stood at the door, my legs refusing to move forward or go back.

I had left the room when it seemed my hard-on was going to tear through the towel—her towel. Coupled with the not-so-subtle moans from her mouth when I tried disciplining her, her towel around my waist also made me unnecessarily hard.

There was only one explanation: I had been interrupted, unable to cum, two times in the same week!

Now, it seemed my dick was finding it hard to differentiate between family and strangers.

When I left her room, I had to pay and send off Brenda and her partner, pleading that something had come up. Thankfully, they didn't ask many questions.

That was when I heard the sounds from June's room.

My heartbeat increased as I approached her door. God help me, how can I be hard with thoughts of going to meet a girl I trained from childhood? I saw her grow, watched her laugh and cry, and felt her joy and pain. Even now, I am like a father and mother to her.

Her features have always been this way: Raven-black hair, expressive brown eyes that are hidden behind full lashes, and a smile that lights up my world whenever I think of the pain she had to endure. She's a real survivor.

And... now, I... I am getting attracted to that same girl!

God help me...

My hand stilled on her door... I paused to steady my heartbeat and arrange the organ in my trouser before pushing in...

"Doll, what's that sound—" The words died in my throat. Nooooo...

June was spread on the bed, naked, with her legs spread out and a vibrator on her clit, her fingers deep in her pussy.

"What the hell are you doing, June?" I asked with widened eyes, mortified, in great shock. Such equipment had been in my house all this while and I wasn't aware, and June was touching herself to... to me! I heard the last sentence from her fantasies.

June lay on the bed, her mouth forming a wide 'O' as she stared at me. We looked at each other for a while with my heart almost jumping out of my chest. I could tell that she was also feeling the same way from the quick rise and fall of her chest.

Goodness, June grew fast.

Her exposed tits looked very round and smooth that I found it hard to look away. They stayed on her chest, nipples pointing to the ceiling, and her smooth skin leading down to two fresh walls of flesh in between her thighs, tightly pressed to each other, and a little bud at the top which the vibrator was still resting on—also frozen in... probably shock.

Fuck, she is tight.

Her hair was scattered all over her shoulders with some strands plastered to her forehead.

The time-stop spell an invisible fairy cast suddenly broke.

At the same time, I flung my eyes to the left while she raced off the bed to her closet. I instantly regretted taking her towel out of the room. But that would have meant leaving naked.

Maybe I should just leave...

But I didn't want to leave and get locked out until the following morning. June has her way of escaping me. She would probably run out of the house till evening and complain of going late when I tried bringing up any issue in the morning.

I looked at the bed again, noting that she had forgotten the vibrator. The topic started from that point. I did not care if she was fully dressed before turning to the closet, my eyes narrowed to slits.

"June, you keep toys in this house?!" I chastised with all the it-is-so-wrong facial expressions I could make. She did not seem concerned about that.

"You should knock before coming into my room. I always tell you that."

"So you can do whatever you want in peace, right? Just like... like this?" I gestured to the bed, waving my hands over the entire bed to avoid setting eyes on the vibrator.

"It's not like it doesn't affect you." She rolled her eyes to my crotch. I followed her line of sight.


Why does my dick get up at the wrong time?! Just why?!!!!

The front of my fly seemed pregnant like a hard object was deposited within. Well, it's a hard object. No, hard flesh.

I clasped my palm over my crotch immediately. Frustration kicked in. "June, you shouldn't be home by this time! Why the hell are you home by this time?"

"I came back to get a book."

"Goodness! June, you should take whatever you will need in the morning before leaving the house!"

June's eyes narrowed at me. "So you can have threesomes with whores without interruptions?"

I gritted my teeth, my fists balling at the sides. "Fuck! You can't run out of school to come and pick up things from home. It's not proper." Why the hell did I even support her going to a college not too far from home? If I had sent her to someone very far from Seattle, I doubt if she would run home whenever she required something. Am I... Am I unintentionally spoiling her?

Sexual frustration, lack of sleep, guilt, and anger started building a home in me.

To think that June has tried hitting on me before I left the room the other time is enough for me to question the job I did on her while she was growing up.

Am I a bad uncle?

"I'm sorry I said that," June said, raising both of her palms to show how sorry she was. "Like I said before now, you can't abandon your personal life because you want to take care of me. Trust me when I say that you are free to do whatever you want. I don't care." For understandable reasons, she refused to move away from the closet.

"Am I a bad uncle?" I blurted out. How can I say anything beneficial when June has a reply to everything that comes out of my mouth?

"Nah, you're not. You did your best to take care of me after my parents' demise. And it seems you've been holding back too long. I understand this feeling you're having now." She took some steps away from the closet and stopped again. "You have sacrificed so much: killing your hard craving for alcohol, not bringing friends over, not bringing women home—and hushing them when you do, working hard to make sure I get the best life possible, to make sure I walk on the right path..." She took some more steps closer. Her eyes showed exactly what was in her heart: LUST. "You don't need to make all those sacrifices anymore. I'm no longer a baby. And trust me when I say that you can do anything you want—just like you used to during the early years I came into your life. I know you had to try your best to drop some habits 'cause of me."

Everything she said so far is correct. It got to a point that I even had to hide when taking my whiskey shots because I was scared she'd take on a drinking habit, and I also had to lock away all my cuffs, whips, and chains lest she stumbles on things of such nature at such young age.

It only seemed like yesterday all that happened. When had she grown to this extent?

Yes, I had ended up returning my alcohol bottles to the kitchen, but I did not take more than a shot, and when I did I blamed it on my lack of sleep—just to tell her that I wasn't taking it for pleasure.

Something struck my mind. I palmed my face and sighed. If June knows that I do hush the women I bring home, that means she must have been enjoying the show all this while. How long has she been watching me? Little wonder she wasn't even irked when I ran into the room naked. She must have seen me naked, no, she must have seen me fucking women like a savage, like an animal, slamming into their mouths and pussies while they thrashed in the restraint around their hands and feet.

"Uncle, relax," June's voice sounded so close to me that I forced my eyes open. While my mind was wandering the length and breadth of the earth, she had closed the gap between us.

I took a step back. "I'm sorry. I feel like shit now."

"You don't have to. You're not a bad person."

"Maybe I am. Let's start on a fresh page." I looked directly into her eyes. "Let's forget all these happened. I promise to change."

I saw her hands tremor as she reached out and cupped my face. "What if I don't want that change? What if I'm comfortable with you this way?"

Surrounded by her scent which almost made me swoon, I took note of two things.

She was dangerously too close for her good.

And I was getting hard again.

"June, step back!" I ordered, my mind spiralling on ways to stop her if my "uncle's authority" did not work. Knowing June as I do, she won't stop until she gets what she wants.

Even my order was too shallow to stop her. She inched closer, her cold palm on my face making me shiver, and her eyes boring into mine with an intensity that almost crashed me to my knees. "Your dick says otherwise." Trembling, she touched my crotch.

A jolt of electricity shot through my body and settled with goosebumps on my skin.

"June, step back." It was no more than a plea now. Why couldn't I break free? And why the fuck was I getting hard as a rock?

"We should indulge ourselves," she whispered, her breath fanning my face. Her lips parted, a sign I took as her permission for me to dive in. "Let's see where this leads. I don't mind being tied. I don't mind your hands around my neck..." She caressed my right hand, tracing the veins on my arm. "... choking me as you fuck my tight pussy. No one's been inside me before... I've been keeping it tight and clean, Uncle."


No, this shouldn't happen!

Somebody help!

Universe, please send help... I don't care who it is.

My heartbeat tripled. Respiration became difficult. For a moment, I thought I was dizzy and falling to the ground until I noticed that she was bringing her face closer to mine and I was drawing back a bit.

My back met with the door.

I clearly saw the signs: NO EXIT!

Her face inched closer while her hand ran on the surface of my fly...