Chapter 56


Is this really happening?

I stared at him as he said those words, dazed not only by the kiss but by the words I never expected to hear from him. Not in a million years.

He placed both hands on my cheeks and brought my face closer, placing his forehead on mine as he stared into my eyes, a smile tugging the sides of his face.

I expected him to kiss me since that was what his words implied, but instead of doing that, he pecked me on my forehead.

“You look just like her,” he whispered so low I had to strain my hearing.

“Like who?” I pursed my lips. “My mum?” I asked, knowing she was the one he was likely thinking of.

Shocked, he gave me a look, shook his head and leaned down to capture my lips with his, sealing my question.

Letting the matter drop at that moment, I wrapped my hands around his neck, and brought his face closer, kissing him with a vigour that surprised me.