Chapter 58


He did so, tentatively at first and then a little more firmly. He snaked his tongue out and licked around my nipple, causing a gasp to escape me.

I clenched my fist and arched my back, crying out when he bit down hard on my left nipple.

“Fuck, Kristin!” I growled at him, crying out when his fingers went down until they got to my navel. He stroked it, still sucking my nipple.

My pussy contracted, and my stomach clenched violently. Not even the night I spent with Mark can be compared to this.

“How do you feel having your uncle's mouth on your nipples?” he asked with a smile, still sucking my left nipple as his hand went lower until it reached my panties, which were soaked with arousal.

“Isn't someone being a bad girl?” he asked, slipping his index into my pussy.

I gasped, arching my back, and gripping my toes tightly.