Why come to me when you know it will be difficult to say what you have on your mind?
I can't believe these kids.
I always used to tell June to feel free to tell me things right from when she was younger. It never helped my anxiety to hear "Errm, Uncle, please don't be mad" repeatedly, only to learn that it was something less concerning.
"I can hear you," I said, fighting the urge to shove my computer's USB down her throat and fetch out the information.
"It's about my mother..." She looked up; our eyes clashed for the briefest of seconds. On impulse, her eyes went back to her fingers.
"Oh yes, you told me some time ago that she wasn't feeling too well. How is she now?"
"Better," she said. Then with a small voice, added, "I think..."
"Please tell me she is okay."
"She is okay," Eva chuckled. "She just needs more medications and... well, and I seem to be low on cash. I want to get an upfront... about two months."
Is this what took her a century to request?