Chapter 21: Corpse

Her footsteps had left slight traces on the carpet. I followed them to the stairwell, I followed her scent to the roof. When I opened the door, squinting my eyes against the light of the rising sun, I saw her.

The outline of her body against the blue sky, her hair dancing with the wind. She was standing so close to the edge.

With every gust of the wind, I saw her body sway. I didn't dare to step closer or look away. I felt so helpless in the face of all-destroying danger.

She was quietly muttering words, I only heard parts.

'Please, come back...' She looks over her shoulder and sees me standing there. Tears are flowing over her cheeks. 'Or I never will...'

I want to step closer, but fear is holding me back. Every bone in my body is screaming, almost forcing me to save her. Somehow, I still can't.