Chapter 28: Corpse

I listen to the low humming of the car. My body itches for action. I need to do something, anything. She is so close to me and the only thing I'm capable of is waiting. I hate the fact that I even have to doubt this. Why can't I just fight?

I clench my jaws to try and still that restlessness. If I fight, there'll be two possible outcomes.

One: I win, and we'll have to be on the run forever.

Two: I don't win.

I don't want to think about what happens then. Vampires are immortal, but they still feel pain. They might regenerate quicker, are stronger, faster and have better senses than any mortal being on this earth, but they still need blood to do that.

If I disobey and I get caught, I don't just die. I get locked up, with only the slightest amount of blood to keep me going. Just a drip. Until my body slowly degenerates into mere bones.