"What type of sounds were you hearing?" Hannah asked.

"Conversations," I answered. "I was hearing the conversations between many people."

"You said you were seeing blood."

"My eyes were glowing red too."

"These are special characteristics related to werewolves."

Hannah's statement incited a moment of silence in Emma's car. I could see my sister's face through the rare view mirror; she did not feel comfortable.

"Werewolves?" my sister scoffed. "Thought those were myths."

"I don't think so. I have a postulation that they exist in this town. Even in Westify High," Hannah said.

"So, how does one turn into a werewolf?" I asked.

"It's mostly through bites. When a werewolf bites a person, it transfers some form of genes to that person. It is like reproduction where chromosomes come from both man and woman. The bitten person will eventually have the unusual ability to transform into a werewolf," Hannah explained.

"When does one expect a transformation?" Emma asked.

"Many happen days after the bite while others happen during the full moon. Werewolves are usually aggressive during full moons."

I sighed.

My sister got to Hannah's house. Hannah alighted and her aunt came out of their two-storey building. I lowered the window. She walked towards the car and said, "Emily, heard you weren't feeling well. How are you?"

"Much better," I answered.

"Hope it is not something very serious?"

I shook my head and lied, "Just the repercussions of too much work."

"Make sure you get some rest today, child. Too much work can detriment your health."

I nodded and said, "I will."

Mrs. Grace waved at Emma and me as we swerved to the main road.

Mrs. Grace lived with her husband and had been Hannah's guardian since she was four years old. Unlike most couples, Mrs. Grace and Malcolm never had the opportunity to have their child. Medically, Mrs. Grace was proven infertile. They had tried in-vitro fertilization and many other medical procedures but all were efforts in futility.

Since they couldn't give birth to their child, Mrs. Grace and her husband opted to take care of other children. They opened multiple orphanage homes and had charity organizations to feed children. Mrs. Grace's sister, Elena, left Hannah with her, and she gladly accepted.

"She's going to find out," I said.

"Not if you don't tell her," Emma said.

"Even if I don't tell her, my actions will. Did you see what happened in school? Who knows what will happen next?"

Emma sighed.

"Should I tell Dad?"

"Do you want him to kill you?"

"We're going to arrive home later than usual. What are we going to tell him if he asks?"

"Leave that to me."

When we got home, I saw my father sitting alone on the balcony. He seemed inquisitive. My alight from the bus was accompanied by a rush from him. "How are you doing, kiddo? Emma told me you fell ill in school," my dad said.

"Better. I feel better now," I responded. "Where's uncle?"

"He has returned home."

"He didn't even wait for me to say goodbye."

"You know how he is; here and there like the wind."

My sister alighted from her car and locked the door.

"What did the doctor say was wrong with her?" my father asked.

"Stress. Her body has had enough work and is showing signs that it can't persist anymore," my sister lied.

"Oh. Thank God it's the weekend. You can have all the rest you need. You might not even go to school next week," my dad kissed my forehead. "Let's go inside. I cooked."

I glanced at my sister and followed my dad inside.

When I finished taking a shower, I joined my family at the dining table. My dad had made macaroni and cheese. And with the way my sister was eating, I was certain it was delicious.

I took my seat and my father served me a dish. The aroma augmented my appetite.

"Smells delicious," I remarked, indulging in my meal.

"It's your mom's old recipe," my father said. "I wanna go shopping tomorrow. Figured I need to change my wardrobe."

My sister glanced at me and said, "Are you going on a date?"

My dad dropped his fork and said, "No! Why would you think like that?"

"I mean, you haven't gone shopping since like forever," I rolled my eyes.

"You know, it's not only women that take their looks serious, okay? I might even visit a spa tomorrow," my dad added.

"A spa? Definitely, a date," my sister chuckled.

"I shouldn't have told you both anyways," my father continued his meal.

"Probably get a haircut too," I teased.

I noticed my unusual insatiable appetite. When I was done with my first dish, I took two more. I even gulped a whole bottle of milk; something I would never do on a normal day.

I was taking another plate when my father inquired, "Kiddo, are you sure you're okay?"

I paused.

"The doctor also advised that she eat more. I believe there is a drop in body glucose," my sister chimed in, raising her eyebrow.

"Okay-" my father stressed.

I took another bottle of milk from the refrigerator.

After dinner, my sister and I went to her room.

"For how long are we going to hide this?" I whispered.

"I don't know," my sister answered. "Probably till we figure everything out."

"And how do you think we're going to do that?"

"Emily, I have no idea."

"I thought you were the smart one."

"I am, but I don't understand what type of transformation you're undergoing right now."

"It's not going to be safe for everyone here when the full moon comes," I said. "I'll probably just kill everyone."

"That won't happen. We have enough time. We will figure things out before then."

"I pray so."

When the night had fallen, I took another shower and brushed my teeth. I figured I was tired, so I decided to sleep early.

It was two hours into my sleep when I heard a strange voice in my head. "You're one of us now," the voice spoke.

I rose from my sleep and questioned, "Who is that?"

"You now have a new family, Emily. Come join us," the voice spoke again.

"Leave me alone," I came down from my bed.

"Join us before they come for you."

Once again, I started hearing voices, multiple voices. This time, I wasn't hearing conversations but a series of voices, howls, and sounds of people performing rituals.

I held my head and cried out. I ran from one corner of my room to another. When I eventually fell on my knees, I screamed, "Leave me alone!"