
Vivian’s POV:

Concluding the interviews with the scientists, their shared sentiments were no surprise. Amidst the predictable responses, one individual stood out, but I reserved further inquiry pending solid evidence. With my thoughts fixated on the lab, I sped back to review the findings Harper had uncovered. His recent call intensified my resolve as I returned to the scene, eager to piece together the puzzle and propel the investigation forward.

Navigating the familiar neighborhood, I brought my car to a stop near the lab, the brakes gently slowing its momentum. The morning has fully arrived by this point. With an exasperated sigh, I removed the key from the ignition, opened the car door, and stepped onto the solid pavement. A sense of déjà vu washed over me as I noticed the police cars still stationed around the lab – it seemed the investigative work was far from over.

The cops greeted me as I approached the lab's entrance, my coat swaying behind me with each step. Returning their acknowledgment with a slight bow, I proceeded past them, the sterile aroma of medicine filling my senses as I entered the lobby. However, Harper was conspicuously absent from his usual spot. Where is he?

Slipping my hands into my pockets, I have decided to round the hallways to search for Harper. Unexpectedly, before I went deeper into the lab, loud footsteps echoed down the hallway, and he suddenly appeared, sprinting around the corner and heading toward me. Clearly, out of breath, he huffed as he reached me. I was taken aback by how tired he looked.

"What's the matter?" I skeptically inquired as Harper bent down, struggling to catch his breath. Between gasps, he managed to speak, "You... you have to see this, Vivian." He called me by my first name instead of my title caught me off guard, a sign that whatever he had to show me was significant. My intrigue deepened, and a sense of urgency began to envelop me.

I nodded in acknowledgment, giving Harper time to catch his breath. As he regained his composure, he removed his glasses to wipe their lenses, then replaced them before guiding me back down the hallway. Our footsteps echoed through the corridor as he led me toward a door at the far end, a metal door that stood apart from the operating rooms. What is this for exactly?

With a determined demeanor, Harper grasped the door handle and swung it open, unveiling a room with multiple monitors, each displaying views of the various hallways. My heart raced with curiosity – did he find something? My anticipation building, I stepped into the dimly lit room. Before me sat a security guard, his attention drawn by our entrance. He swiveled his chair to face us, greeting us politely, "Oh, welcome back."

Harper joined me in the room, closing the door behind him, and then walked to the security guard. Politely, he requested, "Can you please pull up the footage from last night? The same one you showed me earlier?" The security guard acknowledged his request with a nod and began maneuvering the mouse to retrieve the requested footage. As the monitors displayed various scenes, I stood there in quiet observation, my eyes moving from one screen to another. Suddenly, the sequence of switching footage halted, capturing my attention. I leaned forward, my focus intensifying as I tried to discern the details. The timestamp indicated that the recording was from 12:24, and I mentally noted this pivotal piece of information.

Harper remained by my side, allowing me to examine the footage closely. And then, in a moment of revelation, a figure appeared on the screen – a person I hadn't anticipated, yet somehow, it wasn't entirely surprising. I watched as the woman entered the operating room, where we discovered Diego’s lifeless body. Recognition dawned upon me as I realized who it was. It was the reason Harper had wanted me to see this footage. The woman in question was Edna Trafelski, someone I had interviewed moments ago. Was this just a coincidence or a setup? I was also suspicious of her behavior too.

In a matter of minutes, the footage showed Edna exiting the operating room, only for the recording to get cut off. Baffled, I turned my attention to the security guard, inquiring, "Why did the footage stop?" My brows furrowed in confusion as I sought an explanation. The guard responded apologetically, "Somehow, the cameras turned off manually. There wasn't anyone monitoring last night. I'm sorry." The revelation widened my eyes, and I instinctively looked toward Harper for his reaction. He merely shook his head in a disappointed manner. Something was gnawing at me that this was a setup.

"Why was there no one monitoring last night?" I pressed the guard, a tinge of frustration in my voice. He responded calmly, "We were all on leave, that's why." I let out a sigh, a sense of unease settling within me. The deliberate manual shutdown of the cameras couldn't be a mere coincidence. I continued my inquiry, my hope dwindling, "Is there any other footage? Or was that all?" The guard's dismissive shrug only added to my frustration. "Nothing else was recorded last night, except for this one clip for some reason. Odd, isn't it?" he replied. A nagging thought began to form in my mind. What if…?

"Thank you for your assistance," I acknowledged the guard before making my way toward the exit, Harper trailing behind me. As I opened the door, the light from the corridor streamed in, causing me to squint as I stepped back into the well-known hallway. I faced Harper, and the door closed behind us with a soft thud. Meeting his gaze, I couldn't help the glimmer of hope that crept into my expression. I might have a theory about what had transpired.

"Thank you, Harper," I expressed my gratitude, offering him a small smile. Harper squinted his eyes slightly but nodded in response, stating, "Of course, detective. It's my job." His formality came through once more. Double-checking the hallway, I verified that my assumption aligned with what I observed. The pieces were coming together. Could this be the breakthrough we had been tirelessly seeking?

"By the way, did you uncover anything else apart from the footage?" I inquire, our footsteps resonating along the corridor like a steady rhythm. "I did speak to the janitor who discovered the body," Harper responded, his tone tinged with a hint of disappointment. "His statement seemed consistent, so there wasn't much more to gather from him." As he shared this information, his gaze seemed to linger on the floor, lost in thought as if contemplating something deeper.

Leaning slightly, I lowered my voice, sharing my speculative thoughts with Harper. "I'm starting to consider the possibility... What if Edna was an accomplice in this case?" I turned my attention to him, studying his reaction closely. His response was immediate, eyes widening as he stopped, seemingly taken aback by my words. "What?" He stammered, disbelief evident in his expression.