Vivian’s POV:
“Oh, hey… what was it? Detective? I thought you were going on an extended leave?” She mocked, giggling without a care in the world. Oh… great, just perfect timing. I pretended to cough while crossing my arms.
“Yeah, I was planning to,” I spoke, trying not to make eye contact. I wasn't even looking at her yet I could feel another presence behind her even stronger than mine. Because of it, I decided to take a look and surprisingly, a man I hadn’t seen around here before was looking at me curiously, with not even a single emotion in his face. My breath hitched, not knowing I would encounter someone this close to being unreadable.
“Hey! I was talking to you.” Gigi snapped her fingers in front of me, taking my focus on her once more. She huffed, clicking her tongue as she tapped her foot impatiently, waiting for me to talk. What was she saying again?
“Sorry, what was that?” I placed my hands in my pockets, and the man’s eyes followed my motion, seemingly observing my actions. What’s with him? Not only was he unreadable, but my slightest movements were being watched. However, I knew better than to engage him right now, lest he’d stop.
I needed to know his intentions first.
“Ugh, forget it. Just get out of my sight.” She waved me off, brushing past me with the man tailing behind her, probably one of her new ‘clients’.
But for some reason, I felt as if there was more to it than that. I mean, he was like a closed book. I recollected how he acted distant, and that weird… aura, I couldn’t quite put my finger on it but he was even harder to read than my superior, Mr. Lopez.
In addition, he also had striking features that buried themselves in my mind. A mole near his right eye, a calm composure, and was almost as tall as Spencer, though I’m trying not to compare them.
I sighed exasperatedly. Walking past the police officers who roamed around the department, some running and some talking, the place was busy as always. Nevertheless, I won’t be seeing them for a while.
Stagnant, I remained for a while, unable to talk even for a second. Before I knew it, I found myself in a sterile, white hospital room, the scent of antiseptic permeating the air along with the constant beeping of the heart machine next to me. However, someone had decided to keep me company.
Hearing the news of Vivian’s temporary suspension was enough to keep me awake, well, not the news but the person who was with me at the moment.
“Oh, please, enlighten me, Mr. Ortiz,” Detective McCarthy emphasized, glowering at me while keeping that pompous look on his face, his fingers meticulously scanning through papers containing multiple data of the serial killings. He was already a failed detective to begin with, what’s the point of looking back at crumbs he left now?
I glared at him while he remained composed, enough to question me while at this state. It seemed he had no interest in letting me rest, nor even allow me to ignore his inquiries. This was the problem with him all the time, old man doesn’t want to retire.
“I’ve heard that you recently encountered our ‘alleged’ killer, did you not?” He stated as a matter-of-fact, sitting near my bedside while caressing his grayish beard. So what of it? I had no intentions to answer, let alone even confirm anything for him. He should just go home, because he won’t be prying any answers from me, over my dead body.
“Hey, I said blink twice for yes. Is that so hard?” The old man glared at me. His facade faltered, a flicker of annoyance crossing his features before he composed himself again. I didn't react, but rather fixed my eyes on his movements, focusing on his each and every move. However, despite everything and Vivian’s suspension, it wasn’t surprising me at all. Everything was like I expected it to be, not that I was doubting Vivian, of course. She was too conflicted, determined but acted around her feelings. There were times that those acts of hers had saved us from crisis, but there were also moments where she’d falter… like now.
“...if you cooperate, perhaps I might be able to do something about Vivian’s suspension in the case itself.” The detective suddenly raised, crossing his arms while eyeing me with hopeful eyes, as if reading my mind. I had no doubt he would be able to do that, but as her friend… I knew that she was the rightful detective to handle this case. At least, that’s what I think, and will believe until the end.
After thinking it through thoroughly along with a few uncertainties, I slowly blinked, twice like he said. After sensing my cooperation, he smiled, turning towards his paperwork to peruse while I patiently waited for his questions, my eyes unintentionally gazing upon the white ceiling above. Just then, I felt him shuffle from his seat, focusing his gaze on me while his lips moved to ask the first question, one that I never expected he’d ask.
“...Do you think the person you encountered is really the killer?” He inquired, tapping his shoes on the floor while I blinked… twice, agreeing to his query. Who else would it be? After receiving my answer, he nodded in understanding, moving on to the next question.
“Do you know why they didn’t finish you off?” The detective asked straightforwardly, though it wasn’t disclosed yet to the other policemen… even I knew the answer. My eyelids blinked twice, much to my dismay… and Detective McCarthy approved of my answer, noticing his slight smile which proved only one thing, that he knew the reason why I was spared, that despite of all of my contributions in the department, the killer was cautious not to kill me… or else that decision would go against their principles. How pathetic.
Someone who was obsessed with killing in alphabetical order wouldn’t just throw it all away for a simple mistake, killing me in between their spree with a name starting with an H.