Missing Pieces Put Right

There were a few inconsistencies between some things that Grey and Unknown Souls said, so I just want to put them properly in sequence and rectify their mistakes.

1.  I might have been foolish to believe Grey's story about my injury on July 1st, 2020. I likely zoned out while listening, which is probably why I forgot it. It wasn't a car accident that broke my legs; it was the jump I took to win the match. I do remember feeling unusually exhausted that day, probably because the VISIONs were absent. It could have been a lie concocted by Unknown Souls to manipulate both Grey, who in turn manipulated me.

2.  VISIONs are undeniably an electromagnetic phenomenon, as Grey stated, but they are not solely that. There is something beyond electromagnetism within these VISIONs. Like Unknown Souls mentioned, I was an oasis. All VISIONs came to me. Thus, I do possess powers, but they are not as potent as altering the universe, nor am I a god as Grey claimed. I was, apparently, their savior...

That's all I was able to deduce this entire morning, cross-checking and consulting both Johan and Pilo simultaneously to gain deeper insights.

Johan had some more of his censorship lifted, which was a good step forward, but not enough for him to remember the day he died. Perhaps, it'll come out gradually, by the end of today, when I say him goodbye.