If Only

The castle walls were quiet today.

A young lady walked through the empty corridors. Usually, she had to cross several noblemen who either bowed to her or struck up conversations. Today, she didn't have any of that; was it some sort of a holiday? A mixed feeling. On one hand she was glad she didn't have to suffer through her daily routine. But on the other hand – something must have happened.

Sparkling white shoes; tight black silks clung to her thin legs. A long skirt hid most of it. She wore an embroidered one-piece dress over that. Her long ears protruded far away from her head, standing proud. Though the occasional interference from stray strands of her combed hair tickled her ears, she still heard better than most elf.

Her journey was straightforward. Walk for two minutes, take a left turn, head into her father's office and talk to him for some time before he gets 'really' busy for the rest of the day.