A Dragon

Griff was fast. About fifty miles or so. Ordinarily I'd be stoked. After all, even my horses which never tired were only about slightly faster than typical horses and couldn't cover great distances in a single day. Grif though, could.

There was just one problem though: the actual mountain range was too far away; like at least two hundred or so miles away. It was going to take hours!

I suppose this was still better than nothing. Or would have been if Vivia hadn't been squirming the whole Time. After about an hour or so of flying she kept squirming and squishing her legs together, blushing just a tad bit. She looked to be in pain if nothing else.

Was she like… getting turned on from this or something? I sure wasn't. But I was definitely feeling a tad bit awkward.

"Is-is something wrong?" I couldn't hold out. I ended up asking eventually.

"Could we land for a minute?"