Demons And The Abyss

The abyss. What really was it?

To some, it was a tall tale that parents told children to force them to eat their vegetables or do their chores.

To others, it was more than just a made-up place, it was a land of destruction of death, it was a land of horror. It was where all the most dangerous things in the world converged. It was a hell in the making.

To Hori, it was a place that he would unfortunately have to go to in order to save his life.

The demon abyss was where a god, precisely the god that would be so bored as to destroy the entire world in T-minus five years, captured and locked up demons to protect the world from them.

He left the vortexes as a way for humans to enter and exit the realm in the case of important visits having to be made.

In the book, the main character would accidentally falls into one of the vortexes after being pushed by Arthur. He would stumble upon the spirit demon core and infuse it accidentally, skyrocketing his talent in magic.

Hori felt his lips curl upward when he realized that he would be taking all the treasures that he had planted in this world meant for the main character for himself.

Next time you won't be so cocky as to beat me up you little piece of shit.

He looked at the scenery in front of him, several goosebumps appearing on his forearm immediately.

In front of him was an island. It was a normal island except for the fact that there were several vortexes in front of the island.

The bright rays of light that shone from the sun didn't seem to reach the island as a dark, gloomy cloud overshadowed the island.

Hori nodded slightly. He could've done slightly well to make the abyss look slightly less scary.

With a sigh of resignation. He put on the camouflage suit that the system rewarded him.

The camouflage suit was a thin piece of transparent material made to merge with his skin. As he put it on above his clothes, there was no evidence that he wore anything at all. He looked normal.

"System". Hori whispered. "Can I observe demons with observation while wearing the camouflage suit".

|Ding! You can observe demons as long as they are not high-level |

Hori nodded. The system had improved his mood slightly. He took a deep breath and walked towards the island.

Getting closer to the island, Hori realized that the landscape wasn't as scary as it initially seemed. There were a few puddles of blood-red liquid, and the ground was dyed red but then that was it.

He walked further inside and was face to face with one of the vortexes.

The vortex was blue in color. There was a weak force emanating from the vortex, weakly pulling Hori inside. Hori didn't seem to notice the suction force. He had other things on his mind.

Was it this vortex, or the red one? Or the purple one?

He continued having his internal argument until he realized that he was no longer on the island.

What was in front of him was a cave. Well, sort of a cave. It was more like a cavity bored into a mountain.

There were several icicles attached to the roof of the cave, shaking threateningly as if they would fall off at any second. The walls of the cave were filled with various microorganisms like moss and spirogyra.

"What do you know? It was the blue vortex". Hori muttered to himself.

Hori didn't mind the 'decor' of the cave, he walked into it. His legs moved with the familiarity of someone who had entered the cave multiple times.

Halfway through his journey into the cave, he saw a rusted sword on the floor. In the book, the main character ignores the sword seeing as it looks old and rusted but Hori bent down and picked it up. It wasn't like could afford a better weapon.

|Ding! New weapon acquired|

|Rusted sword|

|Weapon attributes|

|Rank: low tier {Upgradable}|

|Strength: 20|

|Flexibility: 20|

Hori wasn't particularly impressed when he saw the stats of the weapon. But he couldn't afford to judge the sword, it wasn't as if he had anything else he could use.

With a sigh of resignation, he picked up the sword and started walking towards his destination.

|Ding! Low-level demon detected|

Hori had goosebumps on his skin as soon as he heard those words. There weren't supposed to be any demons inside this cave.

He would've had a panic attack on the spot if he didn't remember that he was wearing the camouflage suit given to him by the system. He heaved a sigh in relief.

"I want to observe the demon". Hori said suddenly. He didn't know where he got the courage from. His curiosity probably getting the better of him.

|Name: Shadow wolf hybrid|

|Species: Vinum Deceptimum|

|Rank: Low level {Evolvable}|


|Speed: 174|

|Strength: 142|

|Agility: 153|

|Intelligence: 567|

|Skills: Shadow manipulation [active], Shadow smash, Sky shadow slash

|Active skill - effect|

|Shadow manipulation: Allows the demon in question to coat itself with shadows around it. It also allows the demon to alter its shape and give form to shadows. Thrives in dark areas|

Hori's mouth was agape when he saw the stats of the demon. He felt every hair on his body become erect. That was supposed to be the lowest tier of a demon and it was already that strong.

The demon was more than ten times stronger than him!

He swallowed a chunk of saliva and continued with his journey. He had to get stronger faster. His life depended on it.