A Night Flight


Calista shrieked when blood flushed out from Noah's neck. Her body froze at the sight while her mind wondered why she could clearly see the scene in the dark.

"My lady, let's go this way." Coton gathered his courage to stand against the duke's intimidation. He walked to the lady and lent her a hand. "We need to leave this place. It's not safe," he told Calista, dragging her out of the drawing room.

"What's going on?" Lola asked when she saw her lady and the duke's aide walking out of the room. She had the kids over her shoulder. Good thing they were still sleeping like logs. "It's not even a full moon yet. Why's your alpha wolfing?" Lola complained, following Coton's lead.

"A blood demon appeared. He's preying on the lady. Weren't you supposed to protect your master?" Coton breathed sharply when he felt a deathly glare behind him.