
Three days had passed since the onset of the apocalypse, and I had been actively assisting the police and government in clearing out the monstrous threats that had emerged. The world had quickly adapted to this new reality, with people from all corners of the globe arming themselves and bravely battling the creatures.

One afternoon, a frantic call from the police urgently summoned me to XYZ place. They informed me of a colossal monster wreaking havoc, causing chaos, and taking numerous lives. I wasted no time and rushed to the scene.

Upon arriving, I confronted a massive chimera that unleashed fiery attacks akin to those seen in Pokémon games. Without hesitation, I unleashed my ace move, the "Fire Dragon's Roar." My attack proved overwhelmingly powerful, extinguishing the chimera's flames and ultimately defeating it.

A notification chimed, declaring my victory over the boss and clearing the dungeon. As I gazed upward, a menacing figure appeared on the horizon – a dragon. It began to destroy buildings and unleash its wrath upon the people.

I had exhausted my mana and needed three and a half hours to recover it before I could employ my "Dragon Roar" attack. In the interim, I improvised, using my normal sword like a javelin to grab the dragon's attention. While my attack didn't harm the dragon, it successfully diverted its focus.

The dragon, about the size of a train compartment, resembled an irate adolescent who wanted to skip school but was being compelled by his mother.

With unwavering determination, I executed my new skill, "100 Slashes," a relentless onslaught of swift sword strikes. The deadly dance continued with "Swords Dance," my movements becoming a blur as I seamlessly transitioned from one attack to the next.

Harnessing the power of sword kinesis, I summoned all five of my blades to target the dragon's vulnerable eyes. The dragon's head thrashed in agony as it roared in discomfort. My relentless assault had successfully diverted its attention, allowing me to seize an opportunity.

In one swift, acrobatic motion, I leaped onto the dragon's massive form, my blade poised with precision. I aimed for the joint of its wing, where the scales offered the slightest resistance. With a well-aimed strike, I cleaved through the joint as if cutting through butter. The dragon let out a piercing shriek of agony as its wing was severed, causing it to lose balance and crash to the ground.

My daring and skill had considerably weakened the young dragon, rendering it incapable of maintaining proper movement. Seizing the moment, I plunged my sword into its heart with all my might, ending the fierce battle.

As I stood triumphant over the vanquished dragon, I couldn't help but wonder, "Is this the power of a legendary SSS-grade sword?" The dragon's lifeless body lay before me, a testament to my newfound strength and unwavering determination.

With one wing incapacitated, the young dragon's balance faltered, and it plummeted to the ground. My relentless attacks had severely weakened it, making it unsteady on its feet. I delivered a devastating stab to its heart.

A notification flashed before me: "You have slain the dungeon boss." It continued, "For this achievement, you have received a dragon heart. Your heart has been replaced by a dragon heart."

Dazed and injured, I barely had a chance to read the message in its entirety before losing consciousness and being rushed to the hospital. It appeared like my three days continuous strain and stress pushed me in that situation.

Two days later, I awoke, bewildered and wondering what had transpired. Suddenly, a notification appeared, asking if I wanted to check my information. I agreed, and my personal details, stats, attributes, skills, and titles were displayed, as if I were in a MMORPG:

Name: Tarun

Age: 24

Gender: Male


Strength: 64 Agility: 49

Stamina: 69 Mana: 500k


Fire, Water, Earth, Thunder, and Wind


Sword Kinesis, Swords Dance, 100 Slashes, 100 Direct Hits, Fire Dragon's Roar, Water Dragon's Roar, Earth Dragon's Roar, Thunder Dragon's Roar, and Wind Dragon's Roar.


Master Swordsman (No mana consumption for using any sword skill)

Dragon Slayer (No mana consumption for using any dragon skill)

As I read through each line, my excitement gradually swelled. The prospect of wielding all the dragon roars left me exhilarated. But when I saw my titles, I was taken aback.

"Whhhaaaattttt!" I exclaimed with a loud voice.

Suddenly, someone burst into the room and shouted, "Sir, he's alive!" (x3)