Dungeon Is Not Tough But I Am

Utilizing my sword kinesis skill, I unleashed all my sword collection upon the approaching wyvern flock. Thanks to my previous victory against a dragon, I could now control a staggering 30 swords simultaneously, and since SSS grade was the highest, there were no issues with the quality of the other swords.

With precision, I aimed most of my swords, excluding the shadow swords, at the wyverns' wings, attempting to ground them. Simultaneously, I concentrated my mana on my legs, propelling myself into a tremendous leap before executing my fire dragon's roar attack, engulfing the entire flock in flames. A notification popped up, celebrating my triumph:

"You have cleared the flock of wyverns and for this achievement, you've acquired a new skill: 'Float.' Using this skill, you can soar through the sky, but it will consume 10 mana per minute."

Approaching Victor and the team, I inquired if I had proven my worth. Victor's response was affirmative, "You absolutely have." However, just as we thought the ordeal was over, the boss wyvern made its dramatic entrance.

Once again, I employed my sword kinesis, aiming my collection at the boss wyvern's wings, but this time, all my swords were shattered. Calmly, I said, "Looks like I'll need all your weapons, but don't worry, I won't damage them." One of the tough-looking members of the team responded, "You can, and these are special weapons, so you can infuse mana into them if you want."

Utilizing my dragon kid-boosted sword kinesis, I retrieved an axe from Victor and a sword from the tough guy. Activating my new float skill, I rushed towards the boss wyvern. The beast unleashed an air slash attack, which I narrowly dodged and deflected with my sword. My attempts to strike its wings with the sword kinesis were futile.

Frustrated, I attempted to infuse my dragon sword with mana, envisioning a fiery aura enveloping it. A notification appeared: "You can use the fire slash skill now." Encouraged, I unleashed multiple fire slashes at the boss wyvern's wings, but it managed to evade them.

The wyvern retaliated with claw attacks, but I focused on my sword kinesis, attempting to make a concentrated strike. Yet, my initial attempts failed. The boss wyvern continued its relentless assault. I had to act quickly, so I dove towards the ground, drawing the wyvern with me. The creature was astute, tracking my movements with precision.

As I neared the ground, I executed a sudden, 180-degree ascent, employing the fire slash skill once more. This time, the wyvern couldn't escape, as it was too close to the ground to generate sufficient thrust. The fire slash sliced through its wings, crippling its ability to fight back. The dragon sword had once again proved its remarkable power, and I finished the boss wyvern with the '100 direct hits' skill.

A notification flashed on the screen, proclaiming, "You have defeated the boss of this dungeon and cleared the dungeon." Furthermore, I had unlocked the ability to infuse mana into swords used in the sword kinesis skill.

Returning the borrowed weapons to Victor and the team, I stated confidently, "See, they didn't break." However, as they reached for their weapons, they shattered into pieces. Victor explained, "Never mind that; we've collected a good number of mana stones, including the wyvern's mana stone."

Confused, I questioned, "Why did you get the wyvern's mana stone when I was the one who defeated it?" Victor responded, "I'll explain once we're out of here. The portal will close in 30 minutes, so we have to hurry."