
My strike proved to be a one-hit kill, and a notification appeared, announcing my successful dragon slaying. It read, "You have successfully killed a dragon. As a reward, you get a mana stone, and the stone is stored in your item pocket." I marveled at this unexpected reward, realizing that even non-boss monsters in dungeons above grade A could yield mana stones. It left me pondering how much more valuable the stones from defeating dungeon bosses might be.

After requesting the police and fire station staff to assist the civilians in need, I took to the skies, attempting to sense the concentration of mana around me. My senses led me to a location where hunters battled five dragons of similar size and color. The situation was dire, with many brave individuals giving their all to confront the menacing creatures. Without immediate intervention, it was clear that more lives would be lost.

I quickly engaged, starting by rushing to the aid of a group struggling against one of the dragons. Employing my "Thunder strike" attack, I delivered a powerful blow that not only struck the dragon but also subjected it to a 440-volt thunder shock. Following up with a "Wind slash" attack, I severed the dragon's head.

Moving swiftly to the next dragon, I unleashed a "Wind scythe" attack, slicing through its wings with multiple air scythes. Witnessing two of their kin fall in an instant, the remaining three dragons ascended, appearing poised to attack me simultaneously. In response, I utilized the 'Sword kinesis' skill to summon all 20 of my C grade swords, infusing them with mana. With these powered blades, I executed my new ultimate attack, "Swords typhoon," generating a tempest of swords that assaulted the airborne enemies.

Those caught in the vortex of my "sword typhoon" either found themselves impaled or sliced by the mana-infused swords, with their only escape being to reach the typhoon's center. This strategy allowed me to both damage and ensnare the flying foes. Finally, I utilized my Thunder dragon's roar to finish them off, resulting in the acquisition of five white mana stones.

Victor hurried towards me, bowing his head in gratitude and exclaiming, "Thank you for your help; you saved us." I inquired about the dungeon's status.

He informed me, "It's not cleared yet. If you hadn't arrived in time, we all might have perished. We informed the members of 'The Royal Tigers' guild to wait for your arrival. They entered the dungeon yesterday without listening our words, and today, six dragons emerged."

"I received a message that you slew one of the dragons that headed towards the station. I advised everyone here to fight with all their might until your arrival. As a result, everyone here is exhausted."

Victor continued, "The government insists that you must enter the dungeon at all costs, along with the guild leader of 'The Queens' guild. Presently, the leaders of 'The Royal Tigers' guild and 'The Perfectionists' guild are inside the dungeon."

He concluded, "Please prepare yourself and enter the dungeon when the guild leader of 'The Queens' arrives. Once again, thank you for your assistance." With that, Victor departed.

A pang of guilt washed over me, realizing that if I had arrived using flight, this tragedy might have been averted. I had momentarily forgotten the gravity of this post-apocalyptic world. My irresponsibility had cost lives, and I vowed to take responsibility to ensure that no one else would perish in presence of me.