Best Possible Team

There is not even been 2 minutes, I got a phone call from Victor. He said, "Come to the terrace in the building you are in as quick as you can. I will fill you with other things later."

First I filled weird because of the way he said about filling things but I calmed my mind from bad thoughts got ready and rushed to the terrace using elevator.

As I reached terrace, I saw a helicopter in which Victor was sitting. I boarded helicopter and asked where are we going and thinking is there any book on him named fifty five shades of victor.

Victor said, "Sorry for picking you up like this. But china had asked help from our country to help in transporting you to the location where S grade dungeon is opened. As you saw, a single Gilgamesh had killed 1 SS grader, who are the most powerful hunters present. If all the Girgandians are powerful like him then what may happen who knows."

So China has decided to make a team containing the best graders to clear the dungeon. So they are trying to gather as many graders as possible and also as quick as possible. That is why China asked our government to contact you and requested you to help them. They are ready to offer anything or any amount you request if you agree.

I immediately replied, "Then what are you thinking tell pilot to hurry. China needs me."

One may think once that I made my mind after Victor mentioned about money. But it is true I already got interest when he said China as I can get a chance to meet Golden eagle. Ha, money also grabbed my interest, whatever.

We reached the location and there was complete chaos there. Hunters are coming from all places, government's management are trying to select the qualified hunters from low categories, police are trying to vacate the nearby area as quickly as possible. One thing is common in everyone the fear of failure. What happens if the excavation fails? What happens if the dungeon breaks? What happens if the final boss is unbeatable? What will happen to us?

Finally team was formed. The team mostly contains graders from nearby countries only because the Easter countries were not able to help because they had other A grade dungeons in their hand. But a single S grade hunter from America was there.

The team totally contains 8 SS grade hunters, 25-30 S graders, 50-70 other A or B grade hunters. Among 8, 4 are from China only and one of them is the disciple of none other than Master Gui's. He was highly disappointed because he didn't reached there in time.

Before entering the dungeon we made our introductions to each other and exchanged our battle techniques along with the strategy. We made 'Demon Sword Xian Yu Dan' as our captain as he was once a commander in an army. We thought that he was the only one who can lead this team because of his leadership skills.

We entered the dungeon and travelled some distance. During that time 'Golden Eagle Yuu' approached me and asked me, "Are you Mr.Tarun?"

Oooof! The way she talk, her eyes, her appearance everything are so beautiful that anyone can fell in love with her in instant. I immediately wanted to reply her, "Yes my darling." But seeing her bow and captain's sword, I changed my mind.

I replied, "Yes, I am." She said, "I have listened a lot about you. Once we clear this dungeon then can we have a coffee. What do you say?

Have you ever imagined how the heaven would be? If someone asked me that question then I would reply them that a beautiful girl asking me coffee without any hesitation and it is really happening now.

I controlled myself and said to her, "If we return alive from this dungeon safely, then I can think about it." To that she replied, "What can happen to us when you are here?" It appeared like she is teasing me. So I ignored it for now. I will think about it later for now let's focus on clearing dungeon.