The King Of Girgandians

The clash between our captain Dan and the commander of third section was so furious that it is grabbing my attention continuously and I was not able to fight properly. So to remove distraction, I used 'Wind dragon's roar' multiple times and cleared the entire part of their army which was assigned to us to deal with. I then put all my B rank swords in item pocket and started observing their clash.

I think I was not the only one who are interested in their battle but the king of Girgandians is also focusing on their battle. He was sitting on a huge chair and he was all alone not guarded by anyone.

As we are seeing them, the intensity of battle between was increasing slowly. Their swings are large and powerful and slow too. My ten swings of my sword are equal to their one swing. But the impact was huge. I don't know what will happen if I have to take that impact with my sword.

It was above 30 minutes that there clash was started and still they fighting with same pace. I was getting bored seeing them. I don't want to observe it anymore and their army is also decreasing in rapid rate. So I decided to wake the king.

I went towards the king and asked him, "How long will you observe this slaughter?Are you not gonna fight? Raise your weapon let's finish this here and now." Listening my words he shifted his attention towards me. His eyes were so intimidating that someone would piss their pants.

The king was getting up from his chair. After standing he put his hand forward and a sword emerged in his hand. It was similar to captain Dan's sword. He then swung it in my direction and a black sword slash is coming towards me. I covered my sword with mana and tried to block it. It pushed me back but I was able to block it.

Now it's my time, I used 'Light dragon's roar' on king and he blocked it simply with his sword. Seeing that, the words of Gilgamesh came into my mind as he said something about his king like he is powerful or what, I don't remember it correctly. But his words are correct. I then used my 'Earth dragon's roar' and the king blocked it using his sword infusing dark mana in it. But this time he went a little back.

The king was moving forward and many black mana orbs were forming on his back. He then pointed his sword towards me and those mana orbs came towards me. I then covered my dragon sword with fire mana and to block them I want to use my new attack 'Dragon Sword Special Fire dance' and started slashing those mana orbs with my sword.

This attack produces a flame tail on sword with my swings and these tail increases more and more I swing the sword by observing surrounding mana. Yes mana, as I slashing those mana orbs it was also getting absorbed by my flame tail. Once I slashed all orbs then I directed it towards the king and a huge flame tail emerged from my sword. This flame tail was like a comet and to block this the king used an attack which looked like a dragon

This attack was completely similar to my dragon roar attack only the mana was dark and pitch black in colour. It means the sword in king's hand is none other than a dragon sword. If the king also don't consume any mana for using any sword skill or dragon skill then it will be problematic. I have to defeat him and I can because he has one dragon's power whereas I has six dragon's power with me and I will consider that he also has a dragon heart like me. This will be a tough battle for me.