World Hunters Organisation

The officers of that government discussed among themselves and even contacted with higher officials. After sometime they came towards us and started saying something to Victor. As they are not speaking using mana, I was not able to clearly understand them.

Victor said, "They will continue the amusement park. We still got one hour in our hand. Do you want to try some rides here?"

"Oh Victor", with glowing eyes I said, "Let's go." Victor felt little creepy by seeing me and then made way to the rides suggesting the best rides.

I enjoyed that time. As the amusement park was not closed, the children who were crying when they listened that the park was going to be closed were filled with happiness with their cute laughing face.

After an hour as I was going to ride giant wheel, Victor came towards me and said we have to go. I replied, "Do we?", with my serious face. He said, "We have to if we want to know the reason behind this." I said, "Good Bye" to giant wheel with tearful eyes and left with Victor. It seemed like giant wheel was also seeing me with its tearful eyes. I was giving it confidence saying, "We will meet soon.", in my mind.

We reached the place where the meeting was to be held. It was an auditorium. As we entered it, the staff there directed towards the lower section of auditorium. I saw many famous hunters there and also the hunters with whom I cleared the dungeon.

In the upper section, I saw the government officials of different countries. Some hunters started to approach me and Victor said, "I have to leave. Talk with the fellow hunters and try to gather any intel about this dungeon if possible.", and made his way to the upper section as he was also a government official.

As those came closer, I saw that it was none other than Dan along with another SS class hunter of China who was with us during the S grade dungeon. Dan said, "Nice to see you again. Meet him he is 'Min Xuan Wu', he is also an SS grader and also he is one of the disciple of 'master Gui'."

Wu forwarded his hands and we made a handshake. I said, "Nice to meet you.", politely. But he replied, "I wanted to defeat the boss to avenge my masters death. But you killed him before I engaged into battle with the boss.", by making irritating face.

I said, "I am sorry. As I was getting quite bored, I engaged into battle with boss. If you had challenged the king before me, I would not interfered with your battle. I will try to remember this and will give you a chance next time if possible. So please excuse me." He said, "mmm" and turned his face away from me.

Dan smiled watching our conversation and slowly said to me, "Do you know anything about 'World Hunters Organisation'? Because I am quite listening this term here and asked Wu but he also don't have any idea about it." As I was going to say, "I don't know."

Someone has interrupted us from back. It was Ms. Yuu, "Ha, you don't know anything about it. My guild have already found the reason behind this event.", with sarcastic face and continued her sentence, "The reason behind this event is 'World Hunters Organisation', they wanted to form something like 'UN', so that every country who were a member in this organisation will help each other in difficult situations."

"They will also ensure the basic facilities of a hunter or guild to cooperate with them. That is why they called all countries along with the guild leaders and powerful hunters of those countries so that they can take cooperation from other countries. Let's see what will happen."