
"As you cleared the dungeon, you get demon soul as a reward."

"As you killed the entire demon army, you got a new title 'Demon Slayer'."

"Now you can use demonic skills whenever you want and the demonic powers don't have any effect against you."

"As you defeated the boss demon 'Dveera Rakshasa', you got new skill 'Demon's wrath'."

"However you cannot use this attack using legendary dragon sword."

"As dungeon is cleared, You have to leave the dungeon within 2 hours."

I am quite happy with this new skills, they are not that great but may be useful in future. I went towards the remaining group and rejoined them. I told them that we have to leave the dungeon within 2 hours, so let's go.

I put the Jal & Jan in my item pocket after converting them into swords. We also took some mana stones as we have a little time.

We got outside the dungeon. I saw many hunters with the gear looking like they are about to enter the dungeon. Some official came and asked whether we cleared the dungeon or not.

As we explained the entire scenario to him, the dungeon slowly closed. I asked them if they knew about the status of another S grade dungeon. They said that it is still under process and thinking to send some more hunters inside the dungeon to help them but we have less hunters and dungeons are emerging more and more.

I said, "I think my work is not finished. Let me finish my work first then I will have some rest." I asked the location of other S grade dungeon and flew towards the direction using my dragon wings.

As I reached the location, I found many hunters are getting ready to enter the dungeon but they all look pretty weak. Some official came towards me and greeted me. He was one of the member of Victor's group. He also accompanied me in my first dungeon and even I used his hammer.

I asked what is the status of this dungeon. He said, "Sir our country's top graders entered the dungeon. It is about 6 hours they entered the dungeon but didn't came out. We also sent some reinforcement after 3 hours. We don't know anything inside the dungeon."

"Ok, I got it. I will enter the dungeon and don't even think to send this hunters inside this dungeon. They will only die. Use them to clear other dungeons. Take the permission from higher officials so that I can enter this dungeon with out delay.", I said and asked some refreshments to the officials who were present there supplying energy drinks to the hunters.

I was having an energy drink and that official is in conversation with higher officials. After few minutes, he came towards me and said, "they are ready to allow you but there is a condition. If you don't come outside within 1 hour then they will send these hunters as reinforcements."

"Tell them to make it 2 hours. I am going to enter the dungeon, you negotiate the other things." Saying this I tossed the can of energy drink in dustbin and went towards the dungeon's gate.

Every hunter is watching me with a face filled with little hope. I entered the dungeon after calming my mind. After travelling some distance, I saw hunters fighting against red orcs. There are many bodies of hunters and orcs lying in the ground covered by blood.

The hunters are desperately trying to kill the orcs but they were overwhelmed by the numbers of orcs. If I didn't come, those hunters outside the gate would have really died in those orcs hands.

I can see the army of orcs divided into several groups and the hunters also tackling them in groups. Then suddenly all the orcs went back and more powerful orcs came forward. It looks like they are planning to kill the exhausted hunters at once using there huge axes.

Every hunters face was filled with despair. They understood that they are going to die. Some of them lost hope and dropped their weapons. The guild leaders are also under pressure. It looked like they are trying to encourage the hunters by fighting in frontline. But the new group of orcs are looked like symbol of terror to them.