Finally Reached Greece

Elena initially found herself puzzled by Tarun's reactions, but then it hit her, and her cheeks turned rosy as she turned away from him. She stammered, "I didn't mean it that way. You're just an inspiration to me."

To this, Tarun replied with a simple, "I understand."

A strange silence settled between them, both unsure of what to say next.

Tarun knew from experience that if you needed help or something from someone, a bit of praise could go a long way. It helps create a positive image and encourages them to assist you. He had used this strategy numerous times throughout his career and had sometimes helped others in return. But this time, Tarun couldn't help but feel genuinely touched by Elena's words.

Feeling a bit drowsy, Tarun leaned towards the window and eventually drifted off to sleep. After some time, Elena had to wake him up, calling out, "Tarun, Mr. Tarun, please wake up. We have to disembark from the plane now. Are you awake?"

Tarun struggled to open his eyes, rubbing one with his hand and letting out a big yawn. He asked, "Is it morning?"

Vikram, with a sly chuckle, replied, "Yep, the sun's up. Go freshen up and maybe do some yoga."

Tarun, still somewhat disoriented, realized he was on a flight. He chuckled, "Oh, right, we're in the air, aren't we? Sorry for causing a ruckus."

Quickly, he stood up and joined the rest of the group. He asked Vikram, "Have we arrived in Greece?" This prompted laughter and playful jests from the others.

Joseph explained, "No, we have a layover in Dubai before reaching Athens, Greece. Direct flights weren't available during this time, so we booked a connecting flight. That's why we're in Dubai. Don't worry; we'll arrive a day before the auction, giving us some time to rest."

Tarun understood the situation, and they all waited for a few hours before boarding their next flight. They reached Athens in the afternoon, checked out of the airport, and made their way to the hotel.

Exhausted from the journey, most of them collapsed onto the beds upon entering their hotel rooms. Some squeezed onto the sofas since the beds were occupied, and others sat on their luggage. Observing this, Joseph addressed the group.

"Listen, before you doze off, we've got to share rooms. There's a limited number of rooms available. We're lucky to have five, but three of you will need to bunk together. Your room assignments have been sent to your phones. Go to your respective rooms as quickly as possible."

After checking their phone messages, disappointment spread among the group, with many hoping that they wouldn't have to move from where they were.

Upon seeing their assigned room numbers, the initial disappointment led to comments like, "Do we really have to move? Can't we just stay here for today?"

Joseph responded, "Let's not get too comfortable. Collect your keys and head to your assigned rooms. They're clearly marked."

Vikram stepped forward and reminded the group, "Remember, as hunters, we have the privilege of carrying weapons at all times and using them when necessary." He demonstrated by placing his claw weapon in his hand.

Vikram's weapon seemed to inspire a newfound sense of determination in everyone. Their energy levels surged, and one of them chimed in, "You're absolutely right, leader. Tomorrow's a big day for us, so we need to get a good night's rest today. Leader, can you pass me my room key? It's the one for 8002." They took the key and expressed their gratitude, saying, "Thanks, leader."

Everyone left the room, leaving only Vikram, Joseph, and Tarun behind. Joseph then turned to Tarun, saying, "You must be exhausted after your first flight experience. Take a rest, you've earned it."

Tarun nodded and began to unpack his belongings. He placed them in the shared wardrobe. He changed into fresh clothes and took a nap until nightfall.