Chapter 70 unexpected apology

Stacy sat on the edge of her bed, her mind reeling from the shock of Mr. Qin's unilateral decision.

Anger pulsed through her veins, mingling with a deep sense of betrayal.

How could he make such a monumental choice without even consulting her? It was her life, her future, and yet he had acted as though her opinion didn't matter.

Lost in her thoughts, Stacy was startled when her phone suddenly beeped, interrupting the silence of her room.

She glanced at the screen, her eyes widening in disbelief as she saw the name boldly emblazoned across it – "Yuan yuan."

The mere sight of her former friend's name sent a surge of emotions coursing through Stacy – anger, resentment, and a lingering sense of hurt.

With a mix of trepidation and curiosity, Stacy reluctantly tapped on the message, half expecting it to be another jab, another reminder of the pain Yuan yuan had caused her.