Chapter 116 the registration booklet

Mr. Qin stood close to his car, staring at the registration booklet in his hand with an expression of disbelief.

The golden sun cast a warm glow over the parking lot, illuminating his face, which was usually so stoic.

He never imagined he would come this far, never believed he could be close to a woman, let alone marry one.

The glossy cover of the booklet shimmered in the sunlight, almost as if mocking the years of solitude and trauma he had endured.

Inside the car, Ziyu waited patiently, his gaze fixed on Mr. Qin. He could feel the weight of the moment, the culmination of years of pain and healing.

Though he knew the marriage was merely a contract, a convenient arrangement rather than a romantic union, seeing Mr. Qin at peace brought him a deep sense of satisfaction.

Ziyu's thoughts drifted back to their childhood, to the day when everything changed.