Chapter 5: Monster (final)

The kid was getting ready to strike Aina again when my hand suddenly grabbed a handful of his hair and violently jerked him backwards.

He yelped back in pain as his balance teetered on the verge of collapse whilst he took some unsteady steps backwards. Before he could do anything to regain it, I shifted his center of gravity lower and further off balance through violently pulling his head downwards whist simultaneously sweeping his feet off the ground from behind him using a low sweeping kick.

The result was instantaneous as the boy's body spun a full half-circle in the air before he violently landed on the ground taking the full brunt of the landing with his face. Before his legs which were still dangling in the air could fall to the ground following the rest of his body, I landed a powerful kick on his still-exposed stomach sending his body skidding on the dirt with the rough ground scrapping against the tender skin of his face.

He then hit the railing of a slide with his airborne buttocks and collapsed into a sorry unconscious heap with blood trickling out of his now bloody face whose skin had been scraped off by the rough friction with the ground.

Without even taking a moment to think, I bent my body low to the ground whist one of my hands grabbed a fistful of sand from the ground. Keeping my body low, I ran towards the boy who had thrown dirt into Aila's eyes with my back parallel to the ground and in order to retain my balance, I used my free hand as a third limp.

The boy had been too distracted by the unconscious collapsed bleeding boy and when he finally turned his gaze to where he had last seen me, he was surprised to find nothing there as his field of vision automatically filtered out and neglected the low ground within two meters of his feet.

Confused, he looked around and when he finally noticed me, I was already within a few centimeters away from him and it was already too late. I threw the sand which was clutched in my fist straight into his shock-filled wide-open eyes painfully blinding him and when he stumbled backward shifting his center of gravity slightly off-balance with each backward step, I immediately capitalized upon it by wrapping my arms around his waist. I followed up immediately by using the full brunt of my running momentum to jab my right shoulder violently onto his soft groin making his body painfully fold itself on top of mine.

I continued running carrying him for one more meter before I grabbed him just below the back of his knees and violently pulled them towards me. This made his body which was folded on top of mine lean away violently to the back pushing his center of mass and gravity away from me and utilizing this, I leapt up and slammed him into the ground piledriving into his groin as my shoulder which was already connected there now had the full weight of my mass fueled by my momentum behind it.

An inhuman shriek like a pig being slaughtered ripped out from the boy's throat snapping all the other kids out of their stunned stupor before he frothed at the mouth and directly passed out from the absurd amount of hellish pain.

The third boy, the big one, who had shoved Aina to the ground when she tried to help Aila when she was blinded by the sand flung from the boy whom I had just incapacitated, did not need to be told that he would be the third and final target.

He took matters into his own hands denying me the initiative to strike first by breaking into a mad dash towards me before violently throwing an unpracticed fist towards me leaning all his power and all his weight into the swing fully committing to it while aiming for a one-hit-knock-out.

This was a huge mistake on his part as my instincts immediately picked up on the numerous openings, he had exposed to me at that moment which I could counter attack in an equally numerous number of ways.

Because I had no knowledge of what 'Restraint' was, I instinctively chose the most devastating way I could think of to incapacitate him in the most painful way possible.

I rolled off the limp body of the passed-out boy and immediately got into a low crouching stance with my center of gravity as low as possible and my hands were both raised with wide open palms, the left one was near the side of my left cheek and the right one was at eye-level directly Infront of me and fifteen centimeters away from my face.

My right foot was positioned pointing at the incoming boy with its full length planted on the ground and my left foot was at a ninety-degree angle perpendicular to the right foot leaning only on its toes.

When the boy's full-powered swing finally arrived at me seeking to connect with my temple swinging from the left side, I used the full power of my dominant right hand to push the fist away from my face to the left side whilst simultaneously grabbing the hand by the wrist using the left hand which was positioned near my cheek.

I then grabbed his bicep using the right hand I had used to parry his fist and then in one fluid motion, I twisted my body and brought the hand onto my right shoulder and using the full power drawn from the twist of my hips, I pushed my right foot off the ground, arched my left foot downwards and threw the large body of the boy straight over my head and sent him slamming hard on his back onto the ground.

Air, spittle and mucus were forcefully ejected from his lungs and before he could have a chance to draw any air in, I forcefully ejected whatever was left of it inside of his lungs by violently stomping onto his diaphragm.

I heard the crisp sound of a rib shattering right before the boy wheezed whilst instinctually trying to draw in some life saving air into his painfully burning lungs which were on the verge of collapsing. In the end, the endeavor proved too much for him as his eyes rolled back in their sockets and he directly passed out with his face turning blue due to oxygen deprivation.

The possibility of him possibly dying from asphyxiation was the furthest thing from my mind as my feral eyes locked onto the other kids standing still like deer Infront of car headlights as I scanned for my next targets.

"Kyaaaaaaaaa!!!!!" one of the girls finally broke down and shrieked prompting the other kids to break down into screams of terror as well. some of them began to flee in all directions whilst some collapsed on the ground whilst soiling themselves as their feeble minds tried and miserably failed to process an event which would leave them traumatized for life.

It was this exact fight which like a falling domino, eventually triggered the other series of events that carved a profound terror into the hearts of all those who heard my name. It was the name of the monster of Lake Water town, Shinei Hassaikai.