Chapter 11: A dynamic entry back to school Part 2

The rest of the meal went on in silence up until my twin sisters finally arrived at the table.

"Morning mom!" They both said at the same time.

"Morning my little darlings, you sure took your sweet time getting changed, didn't you?"

"It was all Aina's fault! She took far too long deciding which accessories to wear." Aila muttered whilst pouting cutely.

Aina ignored her accusations as she turned her silver eyes at me.

"Good morning big brother." She muttered in her characteristic monotone voice.

"Good morning to you too, Aina." I replied whilst smiling softly.

Seems like today's breakfast won't be as awkward as the other days.

Watching Aina make it a first priority to greet me right after greeting mother before saying anything else, Aila pouted even more as she hung her head low in shame and embarrassment.

"Why did you have to go and say it, big sis? Now you are making me look like a villain for not greeting elder brother."

Aila softly muttered under her breath eliciting a chuckle from mom.

"Now, now…. So long as you feel guilty about it then its okay. Let's not make this breakfast awkward by dwelling more on it, okay?"

We all nodded before we started discussing various topics as I waited for the twins to finish eating.

"Still, big brother, I did not expect for you to go looking like a delinquent on your first day at school." Aila commented off handedly whilst eyeing me up and down.

"And there goes the little pot calling the lid black. Aren't you dressed up like a gyaru? You are coming off more as a delinquent than I do. You should learn to follow your sister Aina's example."

Since they were two years younger than me, they were going straight into their fourth year of middle school at an all-girls academy at another part of town. Aina had dressed herself up properly in her school uniform consisting of a white shirt, red bow-tie, A cobalt blazer with white ribbons and a pleated grey skirt going down to her knees.  She also wore her white school stockings together with her dainty black shoes.

I noticed that unlike Aila who was wearing expensive jewelry, Aina had opted to wear none on her body and had decided to wear an inconspicuous leather bangle bracelet as opposed to Aila's silver and diamond one.

They both wore black chokers on their necks and whilst Aina's was plain and simple, Aila's was studded with diamonds which along well with her silver eyes. Both of their hair was tied into a side braid with Ana's being at the right and Aila's being at the left.

Whilst both of them were dressed somewhat similarly, Aina had chosen to forsake wearing anything over her shirt. She wore no bowtie on its collar and the top most buttons were unbuttoned giving a glimpse of the white laced bra she was wearing giving glimpses of her prominent cleavage.

I reckoned their differences in taste and clothing were ways for them to fully express their individuality over the stereotype normally attuned to twins. It would be easier to tell them apart if they wore differently and behaved differently. 

"Grrrrrrr!!!" Aila cutely growled at me, "At least I know I won't get into a fight with anyone. Knowing big brother, you will most definitely get into a fight today. A VERY DELIQUENT-LIKE behavior if you ask me."

Whilst her emphasis on the delinquent behavior part slightly nerfed me, I decided to ignore it for now as I retorted.

"Why do you speak as if its definite that ill get into a fight? Its not like I go out of my way seeking fights with people?"

"Oh please! Spare me the theatrics, big brother. We are all aware of how much trouble you seek with people. Your personality is the type which cannot suffer a loss, you would not let it go even if a fly were to accidentally bump against your shoulder."

"Are you seeing me as one of those protagonists from the eastern novels you love to read at your free time?" I asked in mock indignation.

"You are not just one of them… you are literally a cut from the same cloth! Don't you agree with me, mom?"

Our mother smiled softly as she watched our harmonious interaction which was normally rare to see whenever she wasn't around.

When Aila tried to involve her, she easily deflected the question by showing us the time and telling us that we should hurry otherwise we would be late. The distance from our home to the schools we would be attending was quite large as we needed to get across the lake first before transversing the city.

Whilst my sisters had decided to get ferried by boat before being driven away in a family car waiting for them at the harbor, I decided to be more high profile about my first entrance to school by using a helicopter. Having to cover such a large distance on land was too much of a pain for me. I really need to talk to my mom about renting an apartment near the school so that traveling won't be as much of a tedious chore as it currently is right now.


The deafening sound of beating rotors rent through the dull ambience of the Monday morning as the twenty-eight-million-dollar Airbus H225 passenger helicopter steadily made its way towards the school at a steady speed of a hundred and fifty-two knots. Flanking it at both sides, in the front and in the back, were four MI-35 M Hind E attack helicopters in a diamond formation.

I know that bringing in the escort of attack helicopters was practically overkill at this point but if life had taught me one thing, it is that when you decided to do something high profile, go high profile all the way and hold nothing back. That way you won't get underestimated by those with means nearer to yours.

I adjusted the frequency of the flight head phones in order to muffle the loud noise of the moving helicopters as my gaze wondered on the sprawling city below.  A lazy smile crept onto my face… I had a feeling that today was going to be epic!

(Author's note: Here is a last chapter for you right before I turn in for the night... see you guys when I wake up!)