
In 1766, the world welcomed a child who looked ordinary at first glance. However, fate had carved his path with an extraordinary touch from the Almighty. The boy, Edward Thompson, was gifted with a disposition so violent that his mere presence was enough to drive away supernatural beings in haunted places.

His story doesn't begin with luxury; he grew up in a family of limited means, forcing Edward to work hard to earn a living. However, beneath his simple life, lies a ruthless leadership as he leads a democratic party.

Once upon a time, in a quiet and mysterious place, Edward sat upright in a wooden chair, his eyes piercing the void. Next to the cowboy, there was a calm humanoid cat named Hume Schneider. He was Edward's arch rival, as well as a terrifying demon lord.

"Do you expect me to believe your promise of peace, human?" said Hume, in a dubious tone. "You're only saying it now, after tens of millions or even tens of billions of years?"

Edward replied confidently, "You're right."

That exchange of words was a microcosmic picture of the eternal conflict between humans and demons. Who started this war no one knows for sure. It has existed since the dawn of humanity, from the moment Adam was created by God. Perhaps, the root of the problem can be traced to the revenge created by Cain against Abel. At that time, Abel brought his best offering to God, while Cain brought the worst offering. In the darkness of his heart, Cain became a demon, ending Abel's life as a human.

And from there, a demonic offspring was born that produced a figure like Hume Schneider, who sat before Edward with deep doubts. "Do you expect me to believe a word you say after all the carnage you've done?" Hume asked, illustrating how difficult it was to believe in peace among the conflict that had raged for so long.

However, beneath the disbelief and questions that continued to plague their minds, there was a seed of hope. Hope that one day, humans and demons can find a way to coexist in peace, even if their dark history cannot be erased.

In the grip of the tension that engulfed both of them, Edward Thompson, the hard-hearted cowboy, stared intently at Hume Schneider, the proud demon lord. Both were silent for a moment, letting their sharp words hang in the air, like swords ready to slash at any moment.

"What else can I do?" urged Edward, his voice echoing in the silent room. "If it weren't for fear of me, you humans would have wiped out the entire system long ago. Under the pretext of your justice, you absolved yourselves of all blame, going so far as to glorify your fall as Demon King."

Hume responded in a low, booming voice, "Only because of the atrocities committed by humans."

"And it was the devil who forced our hand," Edward retorted loudly, his eyes blazing in genuine courage. "And yet, are you saying humans are innocent?"

Their piercing gazes met in the center of the dark room, creating an unspoken boom of debate. The cowboy would not relent, expressing his deep doubts about Hume's claims.

"There is no right or wrong in war," Edward said firmly. "You may be a demon, but humans have their sins. The question is, does your presence as the Demon King really bring peace to this world? Is fighting humans the true answer?"

Hume smiled sarcastically, shrugging indifferently. "You always wonder, Edward. However, I believe that defeating me will bring peace to this world. I am the most powerful demon leader ever. If I fall, they will be terrified. Perhaps, it will give humans a chance to find the peace they seek."

However, Hume's smile only added to the fire of questions in Edward's mind. "Is it that easy?" the cowboy questioned. "Or is this just an illusion, a false wishful thinking that blinds you to the real truth? Is it possible that your power as the Demon King only prolongs suffering, not the peace we seek?"

Hume pondered for a moment, breathing in the cool air of the room. "You always question everything, Edward. But I know that my existence has meaning. I am a counterweight, a leader who brings chaos to save humanity from its own arrogance. I am the last resort, the last hope they have."

Edward smiled bitterly. "And yet, is there another path we have yet to discover? Does there always have to be conflict, bloodshed, and suffering? Is there no peaceful way to resolve this fight? I look at you, Hume, and though you are a demon king, I see the human that once existed within you. Is there no humanity left? Is there no desire to end this cycle of destruction?"

Hume frowned, shaken by the sharp questions. In his deep gaze, Edward saw a flash of doubt that dimmed the demon lord's splendor. However, the doubt was only fleeting. Hume again raised his chin proudly.

"Humans and demons will never coexist in peace, Edward," Hume said in a steady voice. "We are natural enemies, two opposing forces. And while I appreciate your question, you must accept the fact that peace can only be achieved through absolute victory. I am humanity's last hope, but also their last despair. Perhaps, it is an inevitable fate."

Edward looked at Hume with a look full of despair. In his heart, there was a genuine desire to see the world free of bloodshed, to see humans and demons coexist in peace. However, he knew that his mission would not be easy. The challenges he faced were immense, and the decisions he made would affect the fate of many.

"In that case," Edward said with a heavy voice, "I will continue this fight. I will find a way to end this conflict without having to sacrifice more lives. Even if I can, I will sacrifice myself."

Hume smiled, but this time, his smile was softer, containing a tremor of doubt that was previously unseen. "I don't know what will happen, Edward. But if there is any human capable of changing this destiny, perhaps it is you. I only hope that your choice will bring the peace we all seek."

Edward continued with courage in his eyes, speaking the words with a determination that could not be shaken. Though his voice remained flat, it carried the weight of truth in every word.

"No, that will not happen. You must realize the fact that such peace is only an illusion. Even if the Koboy dies, the demons will still light new coals. This war will not subside until one side is completely annihilated."

Every word that fell from Edward's lips was piercing, creating a wave of tension that filled the air. The overwhelming power he possessed made the words sound like a threat, and anyone who heard them felt shaken by his courage and wisdom. The Koboy had faced many battles, his experience making him realize that only with extraordinarily courage and strength could he make his opponent understand the true truth.

"Even if humans become extinct, demons will continue to seek new enemies. They will retain their spirit of difference, animating their creator. And when that creator no longer exists, the demons will face each other."

Edward spoke in a voice that was soft, yet filled with wisdom. He had witnessed the darkness that pervaded the souls of both humans and demons, and he knew that only by facing it honestly and bravely might they find a way out of the endless cycle of violence.

"It is true. Demons have their sins, but I want to keep faith in the good that still exists within the demon army."

Edward sensed the courage in Hume Schneider. Behind his sharp eyes, there was a touch of tenderness and deep trust. He realized that not all demons were cruel, that goodness lay in their hearts. Perhaps, by believing in that goodness, they could find a path to peace.

Edward smiled, his voice filled with conviction. Hume Schneider might doubt the offer, but Edward would not give up easily.

Hume Schneider, the Demon Lord who dominated the realm of darkness, looked at Edward with a look of recognition in his eyes.

"Hume, I know you're a very powerful Demon King," Edward said in a steady voice, though there was an obvious tremor of reverence. "You are the strongest Demon King of all time, you even defeated the one in the past many times."

Hume nodded, recognizing the truth in Edward's words. "You are also strong," Hume said in a calm, yet appreciative voice. "You can now match my strength, you are the first human who can match my strength. Even in the history of my life, you are the most courageous against the power of the demons."

Edward replied to Hume's words with a calm demeanor, though his gaze remained sharp. "It seems you are right," he said in an undeniable tone, acknowledging his opponent's superiority. "Because you are very strong, yet I am here as your rival, who will always fight you no matter what."

The tension between the two was palpable, felt in the air around them. Both were undeniable powers, two entities that were at the ends of the spectrum of human and demon power. However, behind their intense rivalry, there was a deep mutual respect. Both sides recognize the greatness of the other, even though they know that they will continue to face each other, in a never-ending battle.

They were in a dark room that seemed to absorb light, creating a dramatic backdrop for their fight. Edward and Hume stared at each other, trying to read their opponents' minds, looking for weaknesses that they could exploit. However, both were skilled at hiding their emotions, making it difficult for their opponents to know what they planned to do next.

"You have come so far, Edward," Hume said in a deep voice, trying to understand his opponent's thoughts. "What drives you to keep fighting, even when you know that this battle is so hard to win?"

Edward smiled faintly, but his gaze was full of determination. "What drives me? Perhaps it is the belief that beneath the darkness and violence, there is still good to be found. Perhaps it is the hope that one day, humans and demons can coexist in peace. I know that this fight is difficult, but I will never give up. For I believe that there are things in this world that are greater than the power and darkness that you bring."

Hume frowned, trying to understand what Edward was expressing. Although he was a ruthless demon lord, he also possessed a sharp intellect. He knew that there was truth in Edward's words, although it was difficult to admit it.

"Believe in goodness, Edward," Hume said in a dubious tone. "Is it not an illusion? Does true goodness really exist in this world, or is it merely a dream created by humans to overcome the darkness that threatens them?"

Edward smiled gently, as if recognizing the doubt in Hume's heart. "Goodness is not an illusion, Hume," he said in a voice full of conviction. "Although the world is full of darkness, there are still those who choose to do good, who choose to fight against injustice and cruelty. I have seen it, and I believe that true goodness can overcome darkness. It may be difficult, but that doesn't mean we should give up and let the darkness win."

Hume Schneider pondered for a moment, deepening his mind in complex considerations. He realized that this fight was not just about physical strength, but also about mental and moral strength. In Edward's eyes, he saw a genuine determination, a desire to seek a path to peace, even if it had to be through a long and difficult battle.

"What you say, Edward, makes me think," Hume said in a deep voice, trying to digest his opponent's words. "Although I am a ruthless demon lord, I have never forgotten my human side. I know that kindness is not an absolute human thing, nor is the cruelty that sometimes colors a demon's heart. But perhaps, just by trusting in each other's goodness, we can find a way out of this circle of destruction."

Edward smiled in satisfaction, feeling that he had reached a point in Hume's heart. "We may not always agree with each other, Hume," he said, his voice soft yet meaningful. "But if we can find common ground in kindness, if we can understand that there are things greater than our rivalries and battles, perhaps, just perhaps, we can find a path to peace."

Hume Schneider nodded, feeling the immense weight of the battle on his shoulders. He knew that change would not come easily, but he also knew that they both had the power to create that change. In his deep gaze, there was a strong determination, a desire to seek solutions in good, not in darkness.

"In your courage, Edward, I see hope," Hume said in a low, yet meaningful voice. "Let us fight together, not only as humans and demons, but also as living beings seeking the meaning of existence and true peace."

Edward nodded, feeling the spirit of struggle burning in his heart. They both knew that they would still face many obstacles and challenges, but they also knew that they were not alone in their struggle. With determination, Edward Thompson and Hume Schneider stepped forward, ready to face a future that was not yet clearly delineated, but filled with hope and possibility. They are two forces that may be different, but in their hearts, there is a common desire to seek peace, to find a way out of the darkness that threatens their world. And with strong determination, they together bring hope into a world that has long been plagued by conflict and bloodshed, showing that even in the midst of darkness, there is an ever-shining light of goodness, ready to lead them to a better future. But Hume Schneider is a different-dimensional being, he has illusions that make him look like a two-dimensional being.

To be continued...