
[System Error]

"Wait, what?" asked Edward.

[The system is now in trouble]

[Time reversal]

"Hey wait!" Edward said to the system.

Then time seemed to go backwards, not knowing what year it was and where he was.

"Where am I?"

[You are in 1939]

"What the hell am I doing here!"

Edward noticed a ring on his hand.

"What is this?"

"I can't be like this!"

"Trojan Break!"

But after Edward said that, not even anything happened, he looked at the ring and pressed the bottom.

Time went backwards so fast, it didn't seem to make sense.

"So all the power is here,"

"Alright, I see."

Edward then walked around, he realized one thing, this country was very big and there were many wars, he guessed this was a very powerful country.

"This is Germany right?"

[Yes, you're right]

"It was worth it to use Trojan Break."

As it turned out, Trojan Break was able to see past the desired year, coincidentally, Edward saw Germany, in the same location.

Edward looked at the ring in awe, realizing its incredible potential. He decided to fully understand the power of the ring. After putting on the ring, Edward concentrated his mind and directed energy into it. In an instant, time began to rewind, flowing backwards for an entire hour. The miracle unfolded before him, leaving him in awe of the power in his hands.

However, the miracle also brought a realization to him. He realized that despite having the power to reverse time, he was the only faceless human in the world. But Edward did not despair. With determination, he remembered his secret power that he had long hidden. By focusing his mind and whistling quietly, he was able to completely change his appearance. Edward no longer looked like an ordinary human, but rather resembled a mysterious vampire, complete with an aura of immortality. In addition, he chose the appearance of a warrior from thousands of years ago, complete with ancient clothing and weapons.

With his terrifying new look, Edward decides to defend himself from danger with a tightly held old sword. He felt strong and ready to face any threat. With steady steps, he stood tall, ready to face whatever was to come.

Edward went to a German military base, with this he had to feel alert yet try to keep his composure. When he is faced with questions from soldiers who are suspicious of his whereabouts, Edward wisely tries to divert attention with his skills.

He gave cleverly false information, using hand gestures to shift the soldier's focus while ordering the system to work to create a false identity as Dunsany Sean, an Irish citizen. In an instant, the fake identity was available and Edward calmly showed it to the soldier.

The soldier scrutinized Edward's new identity carefully before finally giving him permission to follow his orders. Although Edward had managed to convince the soldier, he remained in an uncertain situation in an unfamiliar environment. Nevertheless, he proceeded cautiously, trying to observe his surroundings as best he could without attracting attention.

Inside the military base, Edward felt tense but tried to show calmness. He walked with steady steps, trying to understand the routine and dynamics of the environment. Every gaze and movement around him was carefully studied, looking for any signs that could give him clues or help him avoid dangerous situations.

As he interacts with those around him, Edward speaks cautiously, trying not to arouse further suspicion. Although he realizes that he must remain vigilant, Edward tries to establish the best possible relationships with those around him, trying to win their trust with his friendly and polite demeanor.

However, underneath the politeness and friendliness, Edward remained vigilant. At all times, he was prepared for any eventuality that might arise in such an unfamiliar environment. Vigilantly, he continued his journey in the German military base, hoping to complete his mission without being read by those around him.

Edward listened seriously as the soldiers gave instructions, realizing that a great responsibility now rested on his shoulders. Without hesitation, he expressed his desire to use his skills with swords and firearms, stating that he needed no additional training. Edward's proficiency and confidence created an aura of trust among his fellow soldiers around him.

The army gives Edward his first assignment, informing him that today is the first German attack on Brazil. The order to remain vigilant was a very important directive, and Edward responded with an exclamation of "All right," showing his readiness to carry out this mission without hesitation.

In an instant, Dunsany was transferred to the airport where a Junkers Ju 87 military plane was waiting. There, he was met by a fellow soldier dressed in similar attire to a Spartan soldier, his face carefully concealed. They immediately began their duties, guiding the planes towards their targets with impressive toughness.

As the Junkers Ju 87 aircraft approached Brazilian territory, Brazilian forces began to realize the threat. Brazil's president responded immediately by mobilizing emergency forces to deal with the attack. In a tense situation, the soldier Sparta drops a large bomb that, while not nuclear or atomic, is deadly enough to destroy several houses at once. He signaled to Edward to get ready to jump with a parachute.

Edward's question about special equipment was simply answered by the Spartan soldier who handed him the parachute and helped Edward carefully attach it. Determined, Edward prepared to jump into the darkness, ready to face the challenge and carry out his important mission with dedication and courage. With the words "Alright, let's go!" he shows his determination to continue his task, embarking on a journey through the uncertain air in the hopes of ensuring safety and security for his country.

Once in the air, Edward followed the instructions his partner had given him earlier and opened his parachute with mesmerizing precision. He landed softly in the middle of the wilderness, only to discover that several German soldiers had also landed in the vicinity.

With a vampire-like appearance, Edward, who assumed the identity of Dunsany, immediately stepped to the forefront. "Let's fire!" he called out, directing his troops into battle.


The churning sound of gunfire filled the air in the midst of the battle. Edward moved like a shadow, disappearing from the enemy's sight with surprising speed. He launched a deep strike, cutting down one Brazilian soldier after another with mesmerizing skill. At any given moment, Edward was able to change his weapon, replacing his automatic rifle with an RPG or other weapon as the situation required.

One of the Brazilian soldiers noticed Edward's uncanny ability to disappear so quickly. They decided to take extreme measures by bombarding the region where Edward was located. However, Edward quickly responded, pressing a button on his ring. Miraculously, time was reversed, taking Edward away to 10 minutes earlier, just as Edward had intended.

"Listen up!" Edward exclaimed to the soldiers around him, "In 10 minutes there will be a surprise bomb attack. We must bombard them immediately before they launch the attack now!"

The German troops quickly responded to Edward's order. They fired 10 RPGs simultaneously, launching a devastating attack that took the Brazilian soldiers by surprise. In an instant, their counterattack succeeded in making the Brazilian troops retreat from the battlefield, creating an advantage for the German troops.

Edward, despite the perilous situation, maintained control and leadership with dignity. With swift actions and tactical decisions, he managed to control the situation on the battlefield, proving his ability as a reliable and experienced leader under extreme pressure.

From then on, the nickname "Geister-Befehlshaber" or "Ghost Commander" was closely attached to Edward's name, describing his extraordinary prowess in battle and his mysterious skill in disappearing on the battlefield. He has proven himself to be the single best commander of his time, a reputation earned through his admirable bravery, tactical strategies, and unique abilities. Despite this, he rarely uses weapons, relying on his physical abilities and shrewdness in evading threats.

After leading his troops through a fierce battle, Edward decided to give his troops a chance to rest. "Everyone, we must rest! Tomorrow we continue this to the bitter end!" he said firmly.

"Yes, commander!" the troops replied excitedly.

However, this calm did not last long. Edward took a bold step, deciding to infiltrate the Brazilian military base alone. With stunning ingenuity and agility, he traversed a small, long-disused passageway, entering undetected.

When he arrived inside the base, he found the Brazilian soldiers fast asleep. Without hesitation, Edward woke them up with the sound of a bell that echoed in the room. "Wake up, your opponent is me!" he said in a challenging tone.


A shot was fired towards Edward, but with his incredible skill, Edward disappeared instantly and appeared behind the soldier. In an instant, a single crushing blow from Edward was enough to knock the soldier down, shattering his body with shocking force.

The Brazilian soldiers immediately attacked Edward together, but their efforts were in vain. Edward disappeared quickly, striking the warriors one by one with a deadly attack done in just one move.

The situation worsened as Edward decided to advance towards the highest spot in the base, where the General and Commander were gathered. With burning courage, he challenged them with stern words, "Fight me, you losers!"

The General in front of him advanced, firing a single bullet, but it bounced off Edward's body. "You fool!" he exclaimed in a mocking tone.

Edward responded quickly, picking up the bullet and nimbly throwing it back. The bullet traveled at 400 kilometers per second, striking the General with deadly force, causing him to lose his life in an instant.

"It's your turn, Commander," Edward said coldly.

"You witch!" hissed the Commander.

With overwhelming physical strength, Edward grabbed the Commander's head, forcing him to face reality. He banged the Commander's head up and down, damaging the base's floor and collapsing the roof, while the Commander felt immense pain before his body was finally crushed by Edward's unstoppable strength. In that moment, Edward's courage, skill, and determination created the image of a fearless hero, a "Ghost Commander" who was respected and feared throughout the battlefield.

Edward had a reputation for being fearsome and brutal, as his strength had no limits that could be contained. A strange phenomenon occurs when he walks: the ground around him cracks without any heavy machinery or other tools being used. This was no coincidence, but the result of a week of extreme training. During this time, Edward concentrated his energy and time into intense and extraordinary training.

These workouts were not ordinary. He lifted heavy weights every day weighing up to 82,000,000,000 tons, reaching incredible levels of endurance and physical strength. Not only that, Edward also completed an extreme marathon run of 650,000 km in just one day. He did an astonishing number of push-ups and pull-ups: 900 million push-ups, 500 million pull-ups, as well as 300 million push-ups with one finger and 400 million pull-ups with one finger. These extreme workouts sculpted his body into a muscular and powerful frame, yet he used his muscles efficiently, optimizing strength without wasting excessive energy. Most striking, however, is his emotional composure; no emotions bind him, he is simply in a state of calm and control in every situation.

After going through the rigorous exercises of beating up all the Brazilian soldiers, Edward returned to where the German soldiers were. They woke up and looked at him in astonishment. Edward looked at them calmly, asking, "Why? And what's going on?"

One of the soldiers ventured to speak, "We heard a firefight, sir!"

"And why are you looking at me like that? Is something wrong?" asked Edward curiously.

"Sorry, sir, but you're bleeding! Are you alright?" the soldiers told Edward with concern.

"Ah, it's just a bit of a minor accident," Edward replied in a casual tone, trying to ease their worries, "Come on, let's continue resting. We still have a mission to complete tomorrow." His head remained calm, even in extreme situations. He set an example to his soldiers that true strength lay not only in the physical body, but also in peace of mind and the ability to control oneself, to disappear into the darkness, traits that earned him the nickname "Ghost Commander".

A chilly morning greeted the soldiers getting ready for the day. They sat together, enjoying the breakfast that had been carefully prepared by the chef at their base. As the sun rose, Edward had long woken up and sat at the table, holding a warm cup of coffee in his hand. With a calm demeanor, he said, "We don't need to attack before they attack first."

Questions stirred among the soldiers. They looked at Edward with curiosity. "But why is that, sir?" asked one of the soldiers, trying to understand the reasoning behind their commander's decision.

Edward replied calmly, "You will find out later." The short words sounded simple, but carried a weight of meaning that made the soldiers think hard.

Time passed, hour after hour passed without any sign of an attack. Edward monitored the situation attentively. After several hours of waiting, he made a decision. "Ten of you, please go and see the Brazilian military base to check on the situation," Edward ordered firmly.

"Yes, sir!" the soldiers replied in unison, preparing themselves for the inspection mission. They set off as Edward directed, leaving the base with cautious and alert steps.

At the Brazilian military base, when they reached their destination, there was no sign of any lively human activity. They circled the base area, looking for any signs that could give a clue to the latest situation. However, all they encountered was a gripping scene: blood splattered on the ground and human corpses lying lifeless. An eerie silence fell over the place.

The soldiers returned quickly, bringing gripping news to their Commander. They reported, "Sir, there is no one there, but corpses." The voices were filled with confusion and anxiety.

Edward looked at the faces of his soldiers before him. With a sharp and steady gaze, he said, "That's what I said. We don't need to attack before the Brazilians attack back." The words came out of his mouth with deep conviction, confirming his wisdom in making decisions. The soldiers realized that their commander had seen something bigger, something that made him cautious and forward thinking.

The soldiers pondered Edward's words, realizing that their commander's wisdom and courage had guided them through the battlefield wisely. They prepared for whatever was to come, ready to follow Edward's steps with trust, awaiting the next attack with unwavering alertness and determination.

To be continued...