Crimson City

Jiho walked toward the city entrance, activating the stealth skill of the cloak. His body instantly turned invisible and his presence was almost non-existent.

The guards who were not even focusing on the people entering the city had no chance to detect Jiho with such a high level stealth skill.

Jiho understood the value of the shadow cloak now, it was not an ordinary one but a good piece of equipment which was rarely found.

He walked past the guards and entered the city, trying not to make any noise. He held his breath, fearing the worst possible outcome of him sneaking his way inside the city.

But now that he had entered the city, he had to play safe and not get caught while also collect necessary information about the hell.

Just as he stepped inside the entrance, he was greeted by large beautiful purple and green trees, and more to his shock, the castle like houses looked even bigger now that he was getting a closer view of them.

He was fascinated by the beauty of the city, he would have never thought that there could be such a beautiful and peaceful city in the worst place possible called 'Hell'.

Unlike the stories back on earth said, the hell had beautiful cities and a peaceful environment, just like on earth.

Many demonic residents were roaming around the city, some were planting trees and plants, while some were selling various items, and some were talking to each other.

There were all kinds of demons, some were beautiful while some were kind. They were just like humans, close to their neighbours, greeting each other politely, and all that.

After standing stunned at the entrance for a few seconds, Jiho realised that the stealth was going to get off soon.

He internally panicked and ran behind a large tree, taking a good cover so no one would find him easily.

After making sure that no one saw him and no one was near him, he sighed with relief and sat down, trying to restore his stamina after walking for hours and hours.

After a minute, he began planning his next move. He had to be sure that he maintained a distance from the demons as he would get one-shot by them if they found out his identity as a human.

After pondering for a while, he came up with a good next move that could be risky but also the best way possible if he wanted to get out of hell.

"Alright... Now, it is do or die!" He thought to himself, having a serious expression on his face.

He got up from the ground and patted the dirt off his pants. He walked towards the center of the city, activating the stealth skill.

As he walked towards the large houses, he saw a lot more people than before. All of them were busy doing their own works. There were a few groups of beautiful girls and handsome boys, all of them were walking in the streets, having a good mood.

Some boys were flirting with the girls, and some were hanging out with their friends.

A few middle-aged women were forming a group, gossiping about this and that. All in all, it was like Jiho was back to earth.

All demons had two horns on their heads, they didn't look gross but instead, they increased their charm by a fold. Girls had relatively smaller horns than the boys but they still suited them perfectly.

Children were playing around in a small park which looked like a paradise. A small fountain was placed in the middle of the park.

After admiring the beauty of the city for a while, Jiho got out of his daze and walked to the backside of a large house.

People couldn't notice him because of his invisible body but as soon as he got behind the house, his body became visible again.

He looked around and found no one, he was safe in this place for a while, he could wait for the stealth cooldown to reset before he continued his plan.

His first goal was to get a little information about the geography of hell. If he knew about all the cities and towns, he could always go to the next city or town when needed.

After a few minutes, he again activated stealth and his body became invisible once again.

He left the spot and walked towards other buildings which came in his sight. A few seconds later, he came across a large house which looked luxurious.

He decided to sneak into the house, sneaking was easy and he could hide for a few minutes before his stealth skill was ready to be used.

After a few seconds he went to the back side of the large house. He was unnoticed till now, which made him relieved.

Thankfully, he had such a good skill in these tough times. Stealth could easily hide his presence while making his body invisible. 

He was safe as long as he didn't come across someone powerful who could see through his stealth.

After a few minutes of wait, the cooldown for stealth was reset and Jiho jumped into the house from the back-window which was large enough to fit a person easily.

He quickly activated stealth and his presence was hidden in an instant. The house had a few servants, mostly maids and at the front door, there were two guards with long swords and shields.

The interior of the house was luxury and nothing like the simple houses in the Black-Thorn Village.

There was a spacious living room, a dining room, three large bedrooms and a kitchen. The house was decorated with plant pots and shining ornamental gems.

There was also a staircase that led to the first floor. The stairs were made of wood which was very matching to the overall looks of the house.

Jiho, not wasting any time, headed upstairs in hopes of finding something useful.

There were also chances that there were no guards on the first floor and no servants, which would be better for him.

As he arrived at the first floor, his eyes sparkled looking at all fancy stuff which was decorating the rooms.

The first floor was almost similar to the ground floor, just that it was more beautifully designed.

There was a nametag hanging on one of the doors which had {Sophia} written on it in with a kitty painted on the side.

His stealth was coming to an end so he decided to enter the room and hide there for a few minutes before continuing.

Upon opening the door, his facial expressions changed drastically. He was not expecting such a modern-looking room in the medieval setting game.

Inside, the room revealed finely crafted dressers, their surfaces gleaming with meticulous detail, and lamps adorned with glistening gems suspended from their sides. A wardrobe stood elegantly, mirroring the ones he had known back on Earth.

The spaciousness of the room was a pleasant surprise, and at its center lay a luxuriously comfortable king-size bed. 

He was lost in his dreams and didn't notice the strange sound coming from the bathroom.

He was enjoying the luxurious space and was busy in checking out the things around the room.

The bathroom door suddenly opened and Jiho suddenly heard the sound of the door opening, which shocked him and made him frown.

He looked toward the bathroom door and saw a pair of red eyes staring at him. An exceptionally heaven-defying beauty was standing at the bathroom door, staring at Jiho with a shocked look. She had well defined features  and her curves so exquisitely sculpted which made her look like a goddess. Many would instantly become her worshippers and worship her for the rest of their lives.

She had a pair of red eyes which shone brightly under the light of the lamps, her flawless skin seemed like it was unreal.

"Y-you...!" She instantly frowned and screamed, making the sound echo throughout the room, but it couldn't escape the room as the walls were soundproof.

She chanted a magic spell and a fire ball started forming in her right hand. The fire was scorching hot and would burn anything into a crisp in an instant. 

Jiho instantly jumped off the bed and kneeled on the ground, "W-wait...! I can explain!", He shouted, trying to explain the situation to the enraged beauty in front of him.

"Explain what!?" The girl threw the fireball at Jiho but he sidestepped and barely managed to dodge it. This was possible because of his fast agility and his assassin class but still, the girl was really fast.

He activated his stealth and his presence instantly disappeared from the room.
