Work in the headquarters

That's nice to hear Miss Kana but today I have a greater news for you. The international mother's day is coming up soon and the company is hoping for your ideas, designs on how to create a commodity that will save the lives of mothers, childrens and also be beneficial to them. After the presentation you did,the planning went smoothly and the design you presented were exceptional so the company has decided to pay you back with a promotion.

"What...!!" Thanks ma'am I screamed with exclamation.

Hold on Miss Kana let me finish then you can scream as much as you want. "After much thoughts,the company has decided to transfer to the headquarters from today and your salary will also be increased,that's the way the company wants to appreciate you Miss Kana. A big congratulations from me so pack your files and documents and head to the headquarters.

Thanks ma'am,I appreciated her even though I was afraid and scared to work in the headquarters but it had always been my dream.

"You are welcome you may leave now", she said in a polite manner.

To be sincere with myself I am not feeling good about working in headquarters. After that elevator incident of three years ago I had hardly seen the CEO and I don't pray to meet him but now I have to work with him at the headquarters.

" Welcome Ma'am,the voice of the receptionist ringed into my ears as I got to the headquarters". The reception office was like a hall and everywhere in the office looked etiquette and classy. It was easy for me to come to the headquarters because all the company's base are in the same estate area so I just had to take a came because they are far from one another.

Thanks,I replied after sometime.

You must be Miss Kana right, she asked again.

Yes ma'am am Natrine Kana,I said with a fake smile.

Ok Mr Anderson wants to see you,Ana will show you to his office.

The CEO but why,I asked with a confused and questioning look.

I am now feeling nervous,I said to myself.

"Miss Kana you will know once you reach there",Ana will lead your way.

I was now feeling nervous the suspense is too much for me to handle and this Ana was just like a statue who was just entering elevators.

Ma'am we are at the CEO quarters so be patient and wait for the door to open,after she said that she left.

"Come in Miss Kana...a cold voice ringed into my ears as the door opened what shocked me most was how he knew it was me maybe he was expecting me before.

This is it..My future here is at the edge of falling,I was really nervous about every single bit of everything.

" Good morning Mr Anderson I said picking my remaining piece of confidence but he didn't seem to care he just concentrated on the computer.

The suspense and tension was so murdering that sweat oozed from my face.I was so confused I didn't know what I was to do. I couldn't sit without his permission and I couldn't just stand like a statue.

__To be updated soon