Staying in a room

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The pancakes got delivered to my room and soon enough, I and Hayden munched it all and drank our soothing tea and coffee. I kept staring at his face remembering vividly how I spoke to him in a disrespectful manner when he told me he had s*x with me, I felt really bad for everything especially the way I spoke to him but he deserved it. He left my room soon after helping me to my bed to rest for a while and tucking me in. He was treating me so well like he was my husband. My cheeks almost turned crimson red on thinking of it, he was just too perfect.

I woke up four in the Afternoon and went to meet Hayden in his room as we had both discussed in order to book our rooms in Serenity hotel. I was already feeling better but my head was still wrapped with a bandage.

"", I heard his cold voice say as I knocked on the door of his room. I entered his room and rolled my eyes looking for where his perfect voice came from. Soon enough, I found him sitting on a large sofa near his bed with his laptop on his lap working, I guessed. He looked devilishly handsome even though he hadn't raised his face ever since I walked in.

"You can have your sit", he said without looking up. I sat carefully on the next arm sofa near him and placed my laptop on my legs to make our reservation.

"S-sir".....I took a deep breath and looked up at him from where I was typing my laptop.

"Yes....?" He asked, arching an eyebrow.

"There is only one room left at the Serenity Hotel...I informed him making sure our eyes didn't lock.

"Then we will stay in a room", he replied and continued typing on his laptop.

"Or is there any problem with that....?"


A room at Serenity hotel is three times bigger than this room, he said referring to the room we were in. I was aware of that because Serenity Hotel was a Seven star hotel with a reservation costing millions of dollars.

"And where exactly am I going to sleep...?", I asked as my eyes widened.

"Where else could you sleep than in bed.., he gave a casual shrug as if he didn't it was a normal thing to do.

I am sure he isn't serious, I could never share a room with him talk less of a bed.

"Miss Kana, you seem not to trust me anymore, I am a man of my words and I promise not to touch you without your permission", he said giving me a wry smile as if he was reading my thoughts.

I raised my face to look at him and all I could see was his sincerity. I couldn't help but nod in reply even though I wanted to say NO.

I continued with my work on the laptop shortly after and made a reservation for the room still thinking about how I was going to put up with us together in a room.

__To be updated soon😜😜