
Rage has no limit, no bounds, and no rationality. For the first time in my life, I feel rage, and I feel how it is spreading through my veins like a nasty, incurable disease. Everything around me seems to be dark, red, and fake. Like the concern and the fear, I see in their eyes. Alp has been following me since the woman, Lin left the premises of the house. He wants to talk, but he doesn't. He keeps a steady distance between the two of us, but he keeps his presence visible. 

I refuse to look at him. I refuse to talk. My rational side vanished long ago, and I am left with my moth, and the Woman. She is there soaring in the air but completely silent. The moth has returned to its bowl of water. I pace restlessly in the room for a while, finally storming out. Alp follows me, saying something, but I can't hear him.