Azraq is not normal

I need a water bottle, maybe a small first aid kit, a torch, and my mobile phone. What else shall I pack? Right, snicker bars. A map will do good, but I don't where I can find a map of the forest. 

I still have not told any of them about my decision. Theoretically, they cannot stop me, but I don't trust them enough. They may bring up some irrefutable logic that would make me believe that staying away from the forest would be a better idea. 

The diary is another thing I am going to need. I tried to read the rest of it last night. The script is Roman, but the language is completely alien to me. It's not French, German, Spanish, or any other language that uses Roman script. I tried an image search. and every other online resource available. No results found. 

Felix appears in the doorway with a tray in his hand. "I cooked something," he announces. His glee makes me happy too. He notices the bag and puts the tray down. 

"What is going on?"