Gradus XXIII

The city lay in slumber, blanketed by a hushed stillness. Streetlights, sentinels of the night, painted long, wavering shadows that stretched across the deserted neighborhood, casting a warm, melancholic hue upon the empty asphalt. A sweet symphony of night-blooming jasmine intertwined with the subtle tang of exhaust fumes filled the air, a fragrant perfume of solitude.

In the distance, a faint murmur of traffic whispered from the city center, a reminder of the vibrant life pulsating just beyond the quiet pocket Fiona now stepped into. Emerging from the dojo, the metallic doors closed with a deliberate creak, not dismissing her but anticipating her inevitable return. She paused for a moment, enveloped in the dim pool of light, relishing the unfamiliar touch of cool air against her skin.

It wasn't just the air that embraced her; with each breath, a newfound lightness enveloped her, a sense of expansion unfurling within that was previously unknown. Her hunched shoulders unfurled, her spine stretching upward as if breaking free from invisible chains. Fiona stood tall, meeting the gaze of the sky for the first time, a silent acknowledgment of her place in the cosmos.

Bucaramanga's sky, a paradoxical tapestry woven with the threads of light pollution, stole the stars from their celestial throne. Yet, within the rhythmic flicker of the streetlights, a hidden celestial game unfolded. Each blink revealed fleeting glimpses of celestial diamonds scattered across the inky canvas. Mesmerized, Fiona watched as the universe seemed to wink at her, a secret code reserved for those who recognized their cosmic connection.

A subtle smile tugged at the corners of her lips. The city's darkness, once oppressive, now felt like a canvas awaiting her brushstrokes. The stolen light became a challenge to overcome. Like the protagonist of her own narrative, Fiona resolved to reclaim the night, her newfound purpose illuminating the path ahead. With a straightened posture, no longer burdened by societal expectations, she walked with a gaze directed not just at the world but at the vast expanse of the universe, eager to reclaim her place among the stars.

As the night yielded to the morning, Fiona rested briefly, knowing that today she would visit her grandmother again. In the soft glow of the retirement home's library, Fiona discovered her grandmother hunched over a worn plastic figure. Once nimble and strong, her grandmother's fingers now trembled slightly as they attempted to reattach a chipped limb to the familiar hero, Star Warrior.

Lines etched deep around her grandmother's eyes crinkled in concentration, a glimmer of nostalgia tugging at the corners of her gaze. Star Warrior, the hero of countless childhood stories whispered by her grandma, now lay almost forgotten on the table. Fiona's shadow briefly fell across the table as she approached, startling her grandmother. The plastic warrior clattered to the surface, but instead of frustration, Fiona noticed a spark of surprise in her grandma's eyes.

Rather than the familiar frown, her grandma's voice cut through the air with a breathy, emotional tone. "Well, look at you," she uttered, her eyes tracing the newfound uprightness of Fiona. "Standing tall like a redwood, finally meeting the world in front of you with your gaze."

Caught off guard, Fiona felt a blush creep up her neck. The self-conscious hunch that had plagued her for years now felt like a distant memory. But her grandma's words carried more weight than just surprise. They shimmered with an unexpected awe, reflecting in her suddenly luminous brown eyes.

"There's a fire in those eyes, Fiona," her grandma continued, gently cupping her granddaughter's cheek. "A fire I haven't seen in a long time. Like… like Star Warrior when he finally realized his true power."

A warmth bloomed in Fiona's chest. Her grandma's tales of the valiant Star Warrior had resonated deeply in her childhood, and now, seeing the connection reflected in her eyes, a thrill of recognition shot through her. Her grandma squeezed her hand, the tremor momentarily forgotten.

"He had his doubts as well, you know," she whispered, her voice soft but resolute. "He stumbled, fell, questioned his every move. But he got back up, Fiona. Every single time." The tapping of the table emphasized each word, the unspoken message hanging heavy in the air.

In her grandma's gaze, Fiona found not just admiration, but a shared spirit, a kindred spark ignited by the hero of her grandma's past. In that moment, she knew her journey, like Star Warrior's, was just unfolding, and the crucible of the dojo was the catalyst for her ongoing transformation.

In the soft glow of the retirement home library, Fiona and her grandmother basked in a warm, nostalgic light. Her grandma reached for the holographic library, selecting an article with the label "Star Warrior - Episode 1." "Today marks the 108th anniversary of Star Warrior's first broadcast," her grandmother announced, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Think you can spare one episode with an old lady who wants to relive her youth?"

Touched by the invitation, Fiona chuckled. "Alright, alright," she conceded, "but only one, I can promise." The grainy visuals flickered to life, transporting them to a world of vibrant colors and retro animation. Initially, Fiona found it jarring—dialogue stilted, action sequences clunky compared to the smooth CGI she was used to. Then, something unexpected happened.

As Star Warrior faced his first adversary, he boomed, "Take this! Blazing Solar Strike!" Fiona blinked. Modern heroes didn't announce their attacks anymore. It felt… quaint. The fight unfolded, and unlike the effortless victories of today's heroes, Star Warrior struggled. He landed blows, but also took them, his armor dented, his resolve tested. A stark contrast to the invincible heroes of today. She found herself standing, unable to tear her eyes away. This wasn't just entertainment; it was a mirror reflecting her own reality. She, too, had fought, fallen, and doubted herself.

Unlike those perfect creations in modern media, she wasn't born strong or wealthy. Then, Star Warrior stood, battered but defiant. He tried to warn the humans of an impending invasion, his voice echoing Fiona's own attempts to warn the protesters. Yet, just like her, they scoffed, disbelieving.

"This show gave me strength, Fiona," her grandma said, her voice thick with emotion. "It didn't matter if Star Warrior was a cartoon; his struggles felt real. He taught me that heroes aren't born perfect; they rise from the ashes of their defeats."

Fiona looked at her grandmother, seeing not just an old woman, but a warrior who had faced her own battles. And in that moment, the seed of hope she found in the laundry room at the dojo, nurtured by shared experiences, the smile of her late boyfriend, Sky's angelic wings, and the courage of a forgotten hero, bloomed in her heart.

The characters on the screen ridiculed Star Warrior, dismissed his warnings, just like her neighbors did with her. Now, their city in Star Warrior's story lay smoldering. Yet, instead of despair, Fiona saw resolve ignite in his eyes. "I will protect you," he declared, his voice ringing with unwavering determination. "Even if you don't believe."

Fiona leaned forward, captivated. This wasn't just a hero saving people; it was a rebellion against disbelief, a defiance mirroring her own internal struggle. Star Warrior's gaze settled on a grounded spaceship. Doubt flickered in the humans' eyes. Stealing technology? Was he desperate, reckless? Fiona held her breath.

He moved with lightning speed, disarming guards, commandeering the vessel. The characters erupted in anger, their accusations echoing Fiona's own self-doubt. But Star Warrior didn't waver. He soared into the sky, a lone figure against the vastness of space. Then, amidst the stars, a green light pulsed within the ship.

The narrator's voice, imbued with reverence, began: "The Emerald Tekcrystal, a conduit of cosmic power. It imbued Star Warrior with the power to confront his enemies." Fiona gasped, her hand flying to her mouth. The light enveloped Star Warrior, his form shifting, growing, armor materializing. He wasn't a machine, as she'd naively believed; he was human, transformed. The awe-inspiring spectacle stole her breath. The lines between man and hero blurred, revealing the potential within both.

This wasn't some distant, warrior superhero; it was a reflection of the human capacity for change, for defying limitations. The final scene etched itself onto her memory: Star Warrior, a beacon of emerald energy, facing the oncoming threat. The screen faded, replaced by the words "To Be Continued," hanging heavy in the air. But the story wasn't over. It had just begun, not just on the screen, but within Fiona herself. The seed of rebellion, of self-belief, had been planted. Star Warrior's defiance mirrored her own, whispering a message: believe in your power, Fiona, even when the world doubts you. The hero's journey wasn't just his; it was ours to claim.

Fiona arrived at the tech mall after parting ways with her grandmother, her day unfolding smoothly. However, a spark ignited in her eyes, echoing the emotions stirred by Star Warrior. Dision, sensing the subtle emotional shift, interjected in his pirate-esque tone, "Yar har, Fiona! What be troublin' yer spirits today? Be ye walkin' the plank of boredom, or is there a more shiverin' tale to tell?"

Fiona hesitated for a moment, then sighed, "I watched an old anime with my grandma. 'Star Warrior'. It kind of… shook me." Dision, intrigued, waited for Fiona to finish her sentence before exclaiming, "Blimey! What be this Star Warrior ye speak of? Did he have a parrot on his shoulder and a peg leg like me?"

Fiona chuckled, "No, he struggled, just like me. Doubted himself. But he never gave up, even when no one believed in him." Archon, joining the conversation, added, "Intriguing. Star Warrior was a product of a bygone era, yet his themes remain potent. What specifically resonated with you?"

Fiona took a breath and replied, sorting out the desk inside the store, "The fight against disbelief. He stood alone against doubt, just like I want to fight for what I believe in." The sound of sea water splashed from her phone as Dision inquired, "A noble quest, that be. But remember, Star Warrior had fancy gadgets and gizmos galore. Yer path might need different tools, savvy?"

Fiona sat in front of Dision's screen, which flickered with colors. "Maybe. But his spirit, his courage… that's something I can try and imitate, can't I? regardless of technology." Archon, injecting a little surprise into her pursuit, added, "Indeed. And perhaps technology can still aid you. I have discovered a free channel on the 'Wetube' platform, featuring the complete Star Warrior series."

Fiona's eyes widened, "Really? Can we watch it?" With some pride, Archon answered, "But of course, I'm still part of the platform, so we can watch it freely." Fiona grinned and took the phone out to show both Archon and Dision. "Then consider me intrigued. How about we watch it together tonight? I think you both could learn a thing or two from Star Warrior's old-fashioned grit."

Dision tilted his head while scratching his digital chin, "Intriguin' proposition. Learnin' be always a worthy endeavor, even for a salty seadog like me." Archon chuckled and stated, "Very well. Tonight, we delve into the legend of Star Warrior. Prepare yourselves for a journey beyond conventional narratives."

The rest of the day transpired as normal. Fiona returned to the dojo, and today it felt more welcoming. She still struggled with the uniforms, lifting the basket proved challenging, and scrubbing and cleaning felt like a titanic task. However, today, she endured without complaints, embracing only physical labor as payment for her future training in a martial art that had also chosen her. Tonight, her muscles screamed, but inside, her heart beat a different melody. Star Warrior's courage, depicted in his anime, fueled her desire to aspire for distant heights, to crave the power to confront the destiny she was forced to live.

Fiona practically skipped into the dojo, the fiery sword dance of Star Warrior still etched in her mind. Tonight, with Dision and Archon, she would finally dive into the anime that fueled her desire for more. But first, her tasks at the dojo awaited. The now familiar scent of the dojo welcomed her as she took off her worn shoes before entering. Sky was on his knees cleaning the room with a tiny brush, diligently continuing the task assigned by Sensei Leonardo.

She approached, and without looking up, Sky greeted her, "Hello, Fiona." Intrigued, she asked, "How did you know?" He stopped momentarily, avoiding eye contact but drawing a shy smile, "You will learn that here, Fiona. Please be patient," he said before returning to his cleaning, visibly enjoying his time.

With the basket of uniforms in hand, lighter than before but still a challenge, she washed them all. Although not as white and sparkly as she envisioned, there was progress. The steam filled the room, making her sweat, and the air carried a persistent trace of lavender soap—a reminder of her efforts. As she approached the drying rack, the scent intensified, a floral melody carried by the warmth of the drying fabric. Unlike her first day, where the dojo seemed heavy with inadequacies, today it vibrated with a calming, medicinal aroma.

The damp gis, heavy and slightly stiff despite her washing, released the scent in warm puffs as she adjusted them on the rack. Moonlight streamed through the roof window, casting dancing patterns on the floor. The lavender aroma swirled within the beams like an invisible mist. The faint sounds of drying fabric and occasional drips of water created a rhythmic soundtrack to the lingering scent.

Sensei Leonardo's voice broke the peaceful silence, "Good job, Fiona. You can't join training yet, but Sky mentioned you wanted to try the Dream Reality Device. Come, I allow you to use it once."

He paused, "Just for tonight," he added, walking out of the laundry room, expecting Fiona to follow. Ever since she'd first seen "Embers of a Wish" advertised—a world built within the DRD with art so breathtaking it blurred the lines between human and AI creation—she'd dreamed of experiencing it firsthand. Today, with Sensei Leonardo's permission hanging in the balance, that dream felt tantalizingly close.

His words, "Just for tonight," sent a jolt through her. Her eyes widened, then squeezed shut for a moment, a silent "thank you" forming on her lips. When she opened them again, they sparkled with unadulterated joy, making her entire body want to jump. A triumphant fist pump escaped her, echoing through the dojo walls with the infectious sound of her excitement.

"Will I...will I be able to explore the landscapes within the game?" she stammered, her voice barely containing her eagerness. "Will I get to meet the NPCs that seem to be alive? What if..." The questions tumbled out, each one fueled by a fervent desire to dive into the artistic masterpiece that was "Embers of a Wish." This wasn't just a game; it was a chance to step into a world she'd only dreamed of, and the anticipation was almost unbearable.

Tumbling and trembling, she followed Sensei into another room where the DRD awaited her. The butterflies in her stomach, her racing heart, and tingling nerves heightened her positive, inspirational, and uplifting anticipation of the upcoming experience. Thrilled gasps escaped her trembling lips as she stepped closer to the device that promised to transport her into the realms of imagination and wonder.

As Fiona enters the room behind Sensei Leonardo, the hum of the DRD thrums in the air like a low heartbeat. Sky stands beside it, his normally gentle demeanor replaced by focused intensity. The light of the holographic screen casts an ethereal glow, highlighting the sleek lines of the biosuit waiting on a nearby stand. In the middle of the room lies a sleek, futuristic bed made from graphene composites, its viscoelastic foam mattress providing optimal comfort and support. The surface adapts to any chosen position, forming a comfortable chair with back support when needed, and below, a retractable graphene shell forms a protective cocoon, seamlessly integrating with the bed.

Inspired by high-end furniture and modern minimalist design, the sleek bed boasts clean lines, soft lighting accents, and subtle curves. A striking, translucent bridge connects the transforming bed to the main DRD machine, housing data cables, power lines, and fluid conduits for biosuit connections, evoking the bifrost from Nordic mythology. The main DRD machine resembles a high-tech arcade cabinet reimagined for the modern era, with a large holographic display, touchscreen interfaces, and biometric scanners.

The air is charged with static electricity, tingling with potential, as sterile disinfectant mingles with the metallic tang of technology, exciting and intimidating Fiona. In the dressing room, the biosuit shimmers, becoming an extension of her own skin. The form-fitting material hums gently with life, pulsing in sync with her heart rate. As she returns, her mirror reflection reveals not just the biosuit but a newfound determination in her eyes. This isn't just technology; it's a bridge to a new world, a chance to step beyond her limitations.

As Fiona carefully slides into the DRD, her hands and shoulders slightly tremble, not from fear but sheer anticipation. Each click of the restraining straps echoes in the hushed room, drawing her closer to the digital frontier. When the helmet descends, it bathes her in a soft, ethereal light akin to a player radiating potential. The light dances across the room, illuminating Sky's solemn expression and the holographic screen waiting for interaction. A low, rhythmic hum emanates from the DRD, calming and energizing, matching Fiona's racing heart.

As Sky touches the holographic screen, selecting "Embers of a Wish," a single tear rolls down Fiona's cheek. It's not just excitement; it's a tribute to her lost love, a promise to explore this world they dreamed of together. The tear catches the light, reflecting a kaleidoscope of memories and emotions—grief, hope, and the determination to live for both of them. Sleepless nights spent daydreaming about this moment with Bairon flooded her mind.

The tear rolls down her cheek and vanishes as the holographic screen fills with the "Embers of a Wish" start screen. As Fiona closes her eyes, the world fades away, replaced by the flickering flames of a dream coming alive. In her mind, the start screen of the game appears with the words "Embers of a Wish'' and an ethereal button that reads "Come Forth." She hesitates, gasping for air, but an invisible force pushes her to touch the button. The game starts, and in the silence, the words appear in her mind, welcoming her to the world of Eschenfrau. Fiona recognizes the sentence from a classic epic poem, The Odyssey. It reads, "The distance between dreams and reality is called action."