Gradus XXXVI

The warmth of the forest sun caressed Tenza's back as she crested the final hill. Relief flooded her, not just from the physical exertion but from the gnawing doubt that had shadowed her journey. In this unexplored region of Eschenfrau, there were no bandits—only the natural flora and fauna of the forest. The coordinates whispered through the digital grapevine had been accurate, surprisingly so. Her steps had cleared the fog of war on her minimap. Before her, shimmering in the heat haze, rose a structure unlike anything she'd encountered in the sprawling expanse of Embers of a Wish.

It wasn't the usual hodgepodge of techno-gothic or ancient-like architecture that dominated most dungeons in the game. This was a pyramid, its metallic surface reflecting the sun like a giant mirror, casting fractured shards of light across the dense landscape. Its edges were razor-sharp, defying the laws of physics as they sliced through the azure sky. An alien hum vibrated faintly in the air, a low tremor that sent a shiver down Tenza's spine.

As she drew closer, a wave of awe washed over her. Intricate details emerged: glowing glyphs etched into the metal, each one pulsing with a soft, otherworldly light. Her heart hammered in her chest, a drumbeat of excitement and trepidation. This wasn't just any dungeon; this was something special, something ancient and powerful.

Reaching the base of the pyramid, Tenza ran her hand across the smooth, cool metal. It felt strangely familiar beneath her fingertips, devoid of the unwelcoming textures of the real world, but a sense of separation prickled at her skin. Gazing upwards, the pyramid stretched impossibly high, its peak disappearing into the swirling clouds above.

Then, her gaze fell to the entrance. It wasn't a single, imposing doorway as she'd expected. Instead, a vast panel of intricately carved stone lay before her. Strange symbols danced across its surface, their meaning as enigmatic as the alien hum filling the air. She couldn't understand the glyphs, but they felt like they were meant for her. But it wasn't the glyphs themselves that snagged her attention. Below the panel, nestled in the shadow of the pyramid, lay two entrances. Each was a swirling portal of hazy light, leading into a dark labyrinth within.

A thrill of excitement shot through her. This wasn't just a dungeon; it was a conundrum, a challenge unlike any she'd faced before. The very air crackled with anticipation. But a pang of loneliness followed. Glancing at her friend list displayed on the side of her view, she saw only two names—Godslayer and a new one, Firelez. Both were offline.

Disappointment threatened to drown her excitement. Exploring this place solo was tempting, the allure of the unknown pulling at her. But the labyrinth clearly needed two players, two minds working in tandem to decipher its secrets. A low whine resonated deep within the pyramid, a beckoning call that sent goosebumps erupting on her skin.

Tenza took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the moment. She was standing on the precipice of something extraordinary, a place where her courage and resolve would be tested. The pyramid, with its mysterious glyphs and beckoning portals, was a riddle she was determined to solve.

Tenza stepped through the shimmering portal, a wave of oppressive darkness washing over her. Disoriented, she stumbled forward, her hand instinctively reaching for her sword. The air felt thick and heavy, devoid of the familiar scents of the forest. Panic threatened to rise, but then, a faint glimmer pierced the gloom.

Squinting, Tenza focused on the distant glow. As she moved closer, the source revealed itself—a solitary, monolithic sculpture bathed in an ethereal light. Recognition flickered in the back of her mind. This… this was Chiminigagua, the creator deity from her grandmother's stories! But unlike the vibrant depictions in her childhood memories, this Chiminigagua was austere, its form barely discernible in the swirling shadows.

Next to the sculpture, a smooth black monolith pulsed with an otherworldly light. As Tenza approached, words shimmered into existence on its surface, forming a riddle:

"In the void's embrace, I dwelled alone,

No sun, no moon, no flesh, no bone.

Then from my depths, a light was sown,

And into the cosmos, two black birds were thrown.

They flew through night, their beaks aglow,

Spreading stars, the world to show.

Now tell me, scion, for you must know,

What force did from my belly flow?"

The riddle echoed in the vast emptiness, its words swirling around Tenza like lost souls. A shiver ran down her spine. This wasn't just any dungeon; it was a test, a challenge that resonated with the very essence of creation.

"Godslayer," she called out, her voice echoing in the silence. "Are you seeing this?"

A crackle filled the air, followed by a carefree response. "Nope! All candles and tapestries here. Looks like a history lesson on some legendary knights."

Frustration flickered within Tenza. Their experiences were entirely different. She relayed the riddle to Godslayer, then listened as he shared his own—a cryptic verse about a king, a blade, and an unknown power.

Both riddles hung in the air, as perplexing as the darkness itself. They tried to decipher them on their own, each grappling with their unique challenges. But a growing sense of unease gnawed at Tenza. Something about the room felt… responsive.

As she traced her fingers along the cold, reflective surfaces scattered on the walls, a flicker of movement caught her eye. A tiny ray of light, barely a pinprick, pierced through a crack in the ceiling. It shifted ever so slightly as she moved a reflective panel.

An idea sparked in Tenza's mind. Could the rooms be… connected? Godslayer scoffed at first, but curiosity eventually won him over. They began a series of experiments—Tenza adjusting the reflective surfaces, Godslayer manipulating the candles. With each movement, the tiny ray of light in Tenza's room danced and grew, revealing a faint outline of a weapon embedded in the stone floor of Godslayer's chamber.

The riddles, the seemingly disparate elements—they were all pieces of the same puzzle. Working together, fueled by a shared sense of discovery, they began to make progress. The answer to Tenza's riddle struck her like a bolt of lightning—"Life and Light!"

The moment the words left her lips, a warmth spread through the room. The oppressive darkness receded, replaced by a soft, luminous glow. The air crackled with energy, and the distant rumble of thunder echoed through the chamber. It was the sound of creation unfolding, a symphony of birth and renewal.

The scent of fresh earth filled Tenza's lungs, a primal aroma that spoke of beginnings. In Godslayer's room, a transformation took place as well. The tapestries shimmered, depicting a bustling kingdom bathed in golden light. The scent of meadowsweet, a fragrance associated with celebration, wafted through the air.

Godslayer's voice crackled through the headset, a mixture of awe and amusement. "Whoa! Looks like we solved the puzzle. Feels like I'm standing in the heart of a medieval kingdom at its peak."

Tenza, however, felt a pang of something else—a deep curiosity about the game itself. Why go to such lengths to create such an elaborate, immersive experience? The creators of this dungeon had woven a tapestry of myth, history, and creation, pushing the boundaries of virtual reality. It was a testament to their imagination, a feat both breathtaking and perplexing.

Tenza gasped, the oppressive darkness of the previous chamber replaced by a dazzling display of wealth. Walls shimmered with polished gold leaf, reflecting the flickering flames of torches that danced like constellations above a vast pool of water. In the center of the room, a replica of the legendary Muisca raft stood proudly, its form laden with glittering treasures. It seemed to float upon the water, mirroring the mythical scene of Lake Guatavita.

Drawn closer, Tenza spotted a stone tablet resting beside the pool. As she approached, words shimmered into existence, forming a riddle:

"Veiled in legend, cloaked in gold,

 A city lost, a tale untold.

A king adorned, in waters cold,

What did the depths of Guatavita hold?"

The weight of history pressed down on Tenza. This wasn't just a room; it was a portal to a forgotten past, a challenge that whispered of sacrifice and secrets. Reaching for her headset, she called out, "Godslayer, are you seeing anything like this?"

A crackle of static followed, then Godslayer's voice, laced with amusement. "Nope, feels like I walked into a knight's chapel. All tapestries and holy relics here."

Tenza frowned. Their experiences were diverging once more. She relayed the riddle, her words echoing in the opulent chamber. Godslayer scoffed, then proceeded to describe his own room—a space imbued with an air of sacred mystery. Intricate tapestries adorned the walls, depicting the legendary quests of the Knights of the Ringed Table in their pursuit of the Holy Grail. In the center stood a stone table, upon which the Grail itself pulsed with an inner light. Inscriptions surrounding it spoke of trials to test a knight's worthiness.

The new riddle shared by Godslayer sent a shiver down Tenza's spine:

"Grail of wonder, cup divine, A quest not for wine.

Through trials by sword, by heart, by sign,

What virtue must one ultimately enshrine?"

Godslayer fell silent for a moment, the playful tone gone from his voice. He traced the inscription on the table, his brow furrowed in thought. Then, he spoke, a hint of revelation in his voice.

"Wait a minute, Tenza. Both these symbols… the raft laden with gold, the Grail overflowing with light… they're not just objects, are they? They represent something more. An ideal, perhaps. But what?"

Tenza's eyes darted towards the small altar nestled in a corner of her own chamber. Godslayer mirrored her action, spotting a similar altar in his room. Both were simple structures, devoid of ornamentation. But a nagging feeling wouldn't leave Tenza. These altars weren't just decorations; they were part of the puzzle. But what were they supposed to sacrifice? A physical object felt trivial in the face of such grand riddles.

The silence stretched between them, thick with unspoken questions. The only sound was the gentle lapping of water in Tenza's room and the distant, mournful strains of a lute melody from Godslayer's. This wasn't just a test of their skills; it was a test of their understanding. And the key, they both realized, lay not in brute force, but in unraveling the deeper meaning behind the glittering treasures and the holy relics.

Godslayer's voice broke the silence, resonating with a newfound clarity. "Tenza, it's not about the objects themselves. It's about the values they represent. The Grail is about purity, sacrifice, and devotion. The raft… it's about legacy, honor, and the eternal quest for enlightenment."

Tenza's heart pounded as she absorbed his words. The grand chambers, the intricate puzzles—they were tests of character, trials designed to measure their inner strength and resolve. Taking a deep breath, she approached the altar in her room, her mind racing. What could she offer that embodied those ideals?

A sudden realization struck her. It wasn't about a tangible sacrifice but an emotional one. With trembling hands, she reached for her headset, ready to share her thoughts with Godslayer. "We need to give up something that truly matters in this game, something that represents our dedication to these ideals."

Godslayer's voice softened, the weight of understanding heavy in his words. "Our most cherished memories, our deepest regrets, our greatest hopes... No, our hard earned skills. We have to be willing to let them go in this dungeon."

Tenza nodded, feeling a sense of unity with her friend despite the physical distance. Together, they each made their offerings, hearts open to the unknown. The chambers responded to their sacrifice, the opulent surroundings dissolving into a radiant light that enveloped them both.

As the light faded, they found themselves standing side by side, the ancient riddles solved, their bond strengthened by the trials they had faced.

As Tenza and Godslayer processed the weight of their sacrifice, a shift rippled through the air. The opulent walls of their separate chambers dissolved, replaced by a unified space bathed in an ethereal glow. The light pulsed with newfound intensity, symbolizing the enlightenment that bloomed from their understanding.

The silence that followed held a strange serenity. Then, a celestial melody filled the air, a harmonious chorus resonating deep within their souls. It was the sound of a distant choir, its music infused with the sanctity of the Grail and the purity it demanded. The scent of frankincense wafted through the chamber, a poignant reminder of the sacrifice they had made.

At the far end of the transformed room, a shimmering figure materialized. It solidified into a hologram of a man of regal bearing adorned in the elaborate garb of a Muisca zipa. His crown, crafted from golden feathers, shimmered in the luminescent light. A knowing smile played on his lips as his gaze swept over Tenza and Godslayer.

On either side of the zipa, spectral warriors materialized, their forms cloaked in the regalia of Guecha warriors. Their presence filled the chamber with an aura of unwavering loyalty and strength.

Tenza gasped, a spark igniting in her eyes. These weren't mere projections; they were her childhood heroes brought to life! The mighty zipa, the valiant Guecha warriors – they all stood before her, exactly as her grandmother's stories had described them. Strong, gallant, and utterly marvelous.

Her right hand moved instinctively, brushing over the stylized Muisca Kogi tattooed on her shoulder – a symbol of her heritage, a connection to these very figures. Emotion welled within her, not tears, but a profound sense of awe. The game had recreated her legends, these larger-than-life figures now standing within reach.

The air crackled with unspoken respect as both Tenza and Godslayer sank to their knees. The hologram of Zipa Nemequene, his voice a thunderous yet welcoming rumble, addressed Tenza directly.

"In the ever-turning cycles of the Moon and the Sun, through the whispers of time, my voice reaches out to you. You stand now where once I stood, amidst the trials of a world unyielding, a labyrinth not of stone, but of life itself," he intoned, his voice echoing with the power of ages past.

"Remember, oh descendant of mine, that the true measure of a ruler lies not in the wealth amassed nor the lands conquered, but in the hearts won and the spirits uplifted. Let not the allure of gold taint the purity of your purpose, nor the shadows of ego eclipse the light of your soul."

Tenza kept her respectful posture, her legs trembling with a mixture of reverence and excitement. The zipa's presence was overwhelming, a tangible connection to her heritage. She could feel the weight of history pressing down on her, the stories of her ancestors alive in this moment.

"Be as the Tequendama Falls, mighty and unyielding, yet nurturing the land and the people. Let your actions flow with the wisdom of the ancients, your decisions rooted in the well-being of all, not the few.

"May you walk the path of leadership as the jaguar treads the forest—silent, observant, and with noble grace. Seek counsel from the Moon, our Chía, for she sees all from her celestial throne, and learn from the Sun, our Súa, who gives without expecting return." Zipa Nemequene continued, his gaze unwavering.

"If you find yourself astray, look to the Muisca Code, the laws etched in the very fabric of our being. They will guide you back to the essence of who you are—a leader, a guardian, a beacon for the people."

The Guecha warriors stood in silent affirmation, their spectral forms radiating a fierce pride. Tenza felt a kinship with them, a bond forged through shared struggle and triumph. They were more than just heroes from her grandmother's tales; they were part of her, a living testament to the resilience and honor of her ancestors.

Godslayer, sensing the gravity of the moment, remained silent, his usual remarks replaced with deep respect. He too could feel the significance of what was unfolding, the blending of past and present, myth and reality.

The zipa's smile softened as he looked at Tenza.

"And so, I entrust to you this legacy, a lineage unbroken, a flame undimmed. Carry it forth into the future, and let it be said that the blood of Nemequene flowed pure and true in the veins of those who came after!"

With a final nod, the holograms began to fade, their forms dissolving into the ethereal light. The celestial melody lingered, a haunting reminder of the sacred encounter. Tenza and Godslayer stood together, the chamber returning to its former opulence, yet somehow transformed by the experience.

The celestial melody drifted to a whisper, the final notes hanging in the air like fading dreams. Tenza remained kneeling, a profound stillness settling over her. The weight of history pressed down on her, a legacy entrusted to her care.

A distant rumble echoed through the chamber, a tremor vibrating through the very stone floor. It was a sound both primal and jarring, a stark contrast to the serenity that had moments ago filled the space.

Tenza's eyes snapped open, her gaze flickering towards Godslayer. He stood poised, brow furrowed in concern. The rumble intensified, growing steadily closer.

"What was that?" she whispered, her voice trembling in sync with the floor.

Godslayer shook his head, his hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of his weapon. The air crackled with unspoken tension, the silence broken only by the growing thunder of the approaching force.

A monstrous groan resonated through the chamber, followed by a sickening screech of metal on stone. The opulent entrance they had entered through began to buckle, groaning under the assault.

Panic flared in Tenza's chest. The message, the legacy—they were about to be lost! She surged to her feet, adrenaline coursing through her veins.

"We have to stop them!" she cried, urgency lacing her voice. "They can't take this!"

Godslayer placed a firm hand on her arm, grounding her in the present.

"Tenza," he said, his voice calm amidst the chaos. "Remember the message. The true treasure wasn't here for the taking."

He gestured towards her glowing tattoo, his gaze unwavering. Tenza's hand instinctively rose, brushing over the familiar inscription of the Muisca Kogi tattooed on her shoulder. Understanding dawned in her eyes, a slow burn chasing away the initial panic.

The groan of the entrance reached a crescendo, a shower of golden debris raining down as the doorway gave way. But Tenza barely registered it. The treasure, the true riches, resided within her now—the wisdom of her ancestors, the strength of her heritage.

As the entrance crumbled, a figure emerged from the swirling dust. His attire, though partially obscured, spoke of a seasoned warrior. A glint of polished metal caught Tenza's eye, resolving into the unmistakable silhouette of a katana—a weapon of legendary class, not a standard one, its very presence a testament to his prowess.

He stopped just within the threshold, his form casting a long shadow across the chamber floor. The air crackled with a tension that transcended the physical, a silent challenge emanating from his every breath. This wasn't a mindless invader, but a force to be reckoned with—a final boss came to claim his prize.

The invaders surged forward, a wave of relentless energy. Godslayer unsheathed his weapon, the blade glinting ominously in the ethereal light. Tenza, fueled by the newfound resolve within her, drew Chía, her katana, her stance firm and unwavering.

"Hold the line," Godslayer commanded, his voice a steely anchor.