The seer

Joan and Peter ran upstairs.

Lo and behold it was the teacher, he was lying unconscious on the floor.

" What do we do now" peter asked

" Let me try my best and see if I can bring him back to normal" Joan said

"Alright" peter said

She stretch forth her hands towards the teacher's direction and made some incantations

His body became calm.

" Is he alright now " Peter asked

" Yes, he just need some rest" Joan said

"Should we call others" Peter asked

"No no, there is no need for that dear" all he just need is rest" Joan said assuring peter that the teacher is fine

Joan and Peter assisted the teacher to stand up.

"Sir are you alright" Joan asked

"Am getting better" Sir Kenneth said

"Okay I will be leaving now" Joan said to Sir Kenneth

"We will come back to check up on you" Peter said

" Alright thank you so much for coming to my rescue " Sir Kenneth said

" You are welcome Sir, we will do everything to make sure you are fine" Peter said smiling

"I appreciate" Sir Kenneth said

Joan and Peter left the staff room leaving Sir Kenneth alone.

"Thank God we didn't go far" Joan said

"I thought you casted out the spell " Peter asked

"Ehhmmmm, I actually did ooo but I wasn't sure because Sir Kenneth interrupted the whole thing" Joan said

"I know but at least he is fine now" Peter said and put his hand on Joan's shoulder

"Alright let's go to your class" Joan said

"My class?? " Peter asked, he was surprised

"Yes now, I want to stay with you a little" Joan said keeping her face like that of a Baby

" Alright" peter said holding her hands and they went to the class.


In the class

"Hi everyone" Joan greeted everyone smiling

Bella stood up to confront Peter for been with another girl

"Hey Peter" Bella said to Peter touching his chest

"Hey Bella stop it " Peter said slapping off her hand from his chest

" You know I like you so much" Bella said keeping a sad face

"And I like you too, can I go now" peter said

" Can I kiss you" Bella said smiling putting her two hands on Peter's shoulder

"Noo please I have something else to do" Peter said looking at Joan

Joan and Peter sat down

"You class is bigger than my class" Joan said admiring the class

"Your can't compare science class to art okay" Peter said smiling

"Ohhh that's true though but I believe art has more things to do with drawing or is there anybody who can draw in this class? " Joan asked

"Yes now, we have talented teens in this class" Peter said

"What is the person's name? " Joan asked

" It's Sammy" Peter said pointing at Sammy

"Is he a creative art student? " Joan asked

"I don't really know but he is very good at drawing" peter answered

"He stole that talent from art students" Joan said and they both laughed

Pinky passed

Peter sensed something fishy

He paused for a while and looked at Pinky

"Joan did you notice anything" Peter asked

"What? " Joan asked

"I feel something is wrong somewhere, as she passed" Peter said

"Maybe she's a witch" Joan said

"We are not safe in this school anymore" peter said

"All I just want is for you to be on my side so, we can defeat them together and save innocent students from any danger" Joan said holding Peter's hand

"We are in this together, we will fight them" Peter said and they both smiled

Peter sitting alone in the class

"Hi Peter" Benny waved

"Hey, how are you doing" peter asked

"Fine and you " Benny said

"Cool cool" Peter said nodding his heads

"You are a seer right? " Benny asked

"Ahhh, who said so, it's not true" Peter said

"Common stop pretending, I know you very well" Benny said

"Who are you?? " Peter asked

"Well am sorry for not introducing myself" Benny said

"Alright go ahead i'm listening" Peter said

"My name is Benny I am a mind reader" Benny said

"You mean you can read someone's mind" peter asked in shock

"Yes dear" Benny said nodding her head

"Okay can you read my mind" peter asked

"You are doubting my power " Benny said

"Oh my G" Peter said

" I know you are surprised" Benny said

"Of cos I am surprised" Peter said

"So we are friends now" Benny said smiling

"Sure " Peter said nodding his head

She left Peter

Peter looked at her till she went out of sight

Peter's POV

I was still looking at Benny till she went out of sight.

Her power of reading mind is surprising, she can be of help to I and Joan.

How do I tell her about what's going on in this school and I don't know if she will be interested in joining I and Joan to fight the witches.

I pray she accepts

I was still thinking when Joan tapped my shoulder

"Hey Peter are you alright" Joan asked

"Ehh emm I, I am fine, am fine" I said

"You are not looking alright" Joan Said

"Am fine though" I said faking a smile

"Peter you know you cannot hide anything from me, remember you can always tell me everything, stop lying, you are not fine" Joan said

"Okay fine I will tell you, There is a girl called Benny"

"Wait, you like her" Joan cut me off

"Noo, allow me speak" I said

"Okay speak I am all ears" Joan Said

"There is this girl called Benny, she is a mind reader" I said

"Are you for real" Joan said covering her mouth in surprise

"Yes she even read my mind and she was correct" I said

"Where is she? I would to meet her" Joan said

"She's a junior student, what if we tell her to join us in this battle" I asked

"Will she agree? " Joan asked

"That was what I was thinking of when you tapped me" I said

"I suggest we should meet her and asked her" Joan said

"Alright then, I will be leaving now" I said to Joan

I stood up and Left

On my way to the class I met Alicia

"Hi Peter" Alicia said

"How are you doing Alicia" I said shaking her

"I am fine and you" she said

"The moment I shook her hands, I saw where she was been chased by the witches, she was bleeding seriously, the witches where chasing her with dangerous weapons, she was running crying for help, but no one was there to save her"

"Hey Peter are you okay" she asked shaking my hands

That was when I realized myself

"Ohhh am sorry, am am fine, thank you" I said

" Okay bye we will see Later" she said and left

I was looking at her till she went out of sight

I have to rush now and tell Joan

I ran to Joan's class

I was about entering the class when I got someone *****
