Chapter 4 – I Need to Borrow the Dragon Balls, Pretty Peas

The morning air was chilly, forming dewdrops that glistened on the colorful flowers lining the curb. Ajax stirred from his uneasy slumber as he felt someone gently shaking him awake. He struggled to open his eyes, a result of both drowsiness and the biting cold that had seeped into his bones. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, he found himself face-to-face with the exact person he wanted to see. A young woman with striking blue hair is crouched before him, her concern etched on her face, and a more elderly man in a lab coat stands behind her.

"Are you alright? You stayed here the entire night?" Bulma inquired; her voice laced with genuine worry.

Ajax couldn't help but crow triumphantly in his mind, 'Well, well, well, look who showed up after a single night. Two guesses as to who you two are, and the first two don't count.' On the outside, however, Ajax merely nodded, with what hopefully is an innocent expression on his face. As he shifted positions while sitting up, a sudden flare of pain shot through his chest. This time, however, he chose not to suppress the coughs this time, letting them wrack his body in a series of deep, wet spasms.

At this, Bulma looked alarmed and even more concerned. She shot a glare at her father. "You told me there was an intruder when I came back last night, but you didn't mention that it was a literal child!"

"Well, Goku was also a kid once upon a time, but look at what he could do back then. Best to be sure." Dr. Briefs replied with a casual shrug.

Bulma rolled her eyes, promptly deciding to ignore her father's less-than-satisfactory explanation. "Let's get you warmed up. Can you stand, sweetie?" She offered a hand to Ajax, her worry for the young boy evident in her eyes.

Ajax grasped Bulma's outstretched hand, allowing her to pull him up from his awkward position on the ground, letting out a slight wince of discomfort in the process. Bulma rose alongside him, their movements synchronized. Bulma turned and beckoned Ajax to follow as she led the way. He stepped forward to follow her lead, his gaze locked on her back as she moved ahead a few paces, occasionally glancing back to ensure he was keeping up.

As Ajax continued to follow Bulma, he couldn't help but notice that three drones had now formed a protective perimeter around him, maintaining a comfortable but vigilant distance. He is certain that if he makes any sudden movements, they will instantly fall upon him with unforgiving electricity. Meanwhile, up ahead, Ajax noticed Dr. Briefs was occupied with something on the wall of the main building, having arrived there earlier by walking at a much faster pace. With a series of quick gestures, he opened and entered the doors to the Capsule Corporation that just yesterday seemed like an impenetrable fortress.

Stepping through the front doors, Ajax entered Capsule Corporation for the very first time. His wide eyes took in the décor adorned the interior. However, before he can appreciate anything, he is interrupted by Bulma who directs him down a corridor that opens into what appears to be a smaller guest lobby. As they entered the room, Bulma gestured for him to sit and Ajax settled onto a plush sofa.

"Stay there for a second. I'll be right back!" Bulma declared as she walked away, disappearing around the corner of the door.

Approximately half a minute after Bulma disappeared, a small robot rolled in, resembling what an offspring of a square R2-D2 and a coffee machine would be. Ajax's shivering was momentarily forgotten as his fascination was captured by the peculiar and rather cute machine.

He watched in rapt attention as the machine swiftly went about its business, lights flashing and beeping purposefully. In mere moments, it approached him while presenting a steaming cup of hot chocolate, complete with adorable gear-shaped marshmallows that bobbed cheerfully on the surface. The cup sat atop a tray that the robot simultaneously extended and lowered, positioning it within Ajax's reach.

Ajax gingerly reached out and claimed the cup, his gratitude clear but uncertain in his voice as he stammered, "T-Thank you?" He wasn't entirely certain if the machine possessed any form of sentience, but he wanted to express his appreciation just in case. It needs to be stated that Ajax has no desire to be hunted by a coffee machine-based terminator. At least, not until he's at Beerus's level and bored out of his mind. 

In response, the machine emitted a series of melodious beeps and boops, almost as if it were attempting to communicate. With the drink delivered, the robot retreated to the center of the room, where it began preparations for another beverage, leaving Ajax to his hot chocolate.

Right when Ajax took a sip of his drink, Bulma returned with two large towels in her grasp. She stopped with mild surprise when her eyes fell upon the cup of hot chocolate in Ajax's hands. She took in the scene, noticing the robot stationed at the room's center.

"Huh, Dad must've sent Caffey over," Bulma mused aloud, her lips quirking into a bemused smile. She placed the towels gently onto the sofa next to Ajax. "Here, use these to warm yourself up."

With a cheerful 'ding,' the robot, now known as Caffey, delivered another steaming hot drink. It smoothly extended the tray, positioning it at a height where Bulma, who was standing, could effortlessly reach for it.

"Oh, my favorite! Thanks, Caffey!" Bulma grinned after striding over and grabbing the cup from the tray.

Caffey responded with a series of cheerful boops before wheeling itself out of the room, leaving Bulma and Ajax in relative quiet. Ajax, taking advantage of the moment, busied himself by draping one towel over his lap while fashioning the other onto his shoulders like a makeshift cape.

Bulma's voice cut through the air, breaking the brief silence. "So, what's your name?"

Ajax looked up, his eyes meeting hers. "Ajax," he replied politely. "May I know yours?"

"Bulma Briefs. But you can just call me Bulma," she took a sip of her drink and released a contented sigh. "So, what's a kid like you doing outside Capsule Corp all night? How old are you, anyway?"

"I'm nine," Ajax answered the easy question first before shifting his gaze downward at the cup of hot chocolate in his hands, contemplating. He took a sip, mentally preparing himself for the critical act he was about to perform.

Meanwhile, across from him, Bulma waited patiently, taking another sip from her drink.

With a deep breath, Ajax finally began, his voice tinged with resignation, "You know, they say life has a funny way of dealing you a hand you never asked for. Well, the infamous Red Ribbon Army took my father from me when I was three—a freak accident from a remnant cell or so they say. I learned then, at the tender age of three, that stories don't always have happy endings."

Ajax's gaze turns towards his fingers, stroking the lips of the mug in his hands. "My mother is a warrior in all but body. She fought an endless battle against an incurable disease that slowly deteriorated the muscular structure of the lungs. She was in the hospital most of the time, receiving treatment that only delayed the inevitable. The insurance money that followed my father's untimely death was nothing more than a pittance and was a cruel reminder of the life we could never afford, the care my mother deserved but could never have. And in the end, she made the ultimate sacrifice – her own life – to secure my future. I learned then, at the age of five and feeling the strength fade from my mother's hands, what powerlessness feels like. Now, I'm nine years old, and the same illness that took her from me courses through my veins."

Ajax swallowed, the noise unbearably loud in the silence of the room. He glanced upward at Bulma, who, in her astonishment, had raised a delicate hand to cover her mouth.

"I'm not giving up though. Because I have a dream." Ajax allowed himself to start smiling as he proceeded to the next part. "Did you know? There are rumors that a single martial artist defeated the entire Red Ribbon Army. Can you imagine that? A single person brought down a behemoth that even our country feared to openly confront. I want to be like that martial artist more than anything else in the world, to stand tall and proud above the shadows of my past. For my mother, for my father, for myself, and those like me. I'll carve my own path, not as a powerless, scared boy, but as a beacon for others so I can be for them who that mysterious martial artist was for me."

Ajax clutched his mug, his fingers tight around its warmth. "But I can't do it. I'm just an ordinary human, and no amount of determination or willpower can magically cure my illness. At this point, I'm running out of options. But I am determined to accomplish my dream, even if that means chasing after legends." His gaze locked onto Bulma's, his eyes brimming with determination. "Say, have you ever heard of the legends of the Dragon Balls?"

Throughout Ajax's monologue, Bulma had been on a rollercoaster of emotions. Sympathy, shock, and concern danced across her features like fleeting shadows, but her eyes flew wide open in recognition at the mere mention of those fated objects. "Is this fate?" She mumbled out seemingly involuntarily.

"The Dragon Balls, mystical wishing orbs scattered across the world that will grant any wish if gathered." Ajax continued with his voice low. Ajax did not miss those words nor the expression of recognition on Bulma's face and decided to strike while the iron was hot. "I can see that you recognize them. Please, I need your assistance to gather them!"

Ajax carefully set the mug, still full of hot chocolate aside. He then rose from his seat, his movements deliberate, and bowed to Bulma at a 90-degree angle, his face essentially parallel to the ground. At this position, his chest twinged again, and he couldn't hold back the coughs that wracked his body. But even then, he remained in the bow, determination outweighing the pain.

As the silence began to stretch, Ajax began to wonder if the conclusion of his plea had been too sudden. Perhaps it was too soon to reveal that the Dragon Balls were his goal? His heart raced with anxiety, and small beads of sweat formed on his forehead.

Before he could fret too much, Bulma finally spoke, her voice gentle yet firm. "Sit down, please."

Ajax straightened slowly; his face still pale from the coughing fit.

Ajax complied, straightening slowly, his face still pale from the coughing fit. Taking his seat once more, he remained silent, his eyes locked onto Bulma's face, studying her expression with great intensity to determine how he needed to approach his next words.

Bulma, eyes trained on Ajax but deep in thought, eventually closed her eyes in contemplation. Ajax watched her closely, his anxiety growing with every passing second. When she finally opened her eyes, there was an unsettling blankness in them, as if she had shut off her emotions entirely.

"Why come to me, Ajax?" Bulma's voice was calm, but Ajax could feel the underlying intensity in her words.

"Because you and Dr. Briefs are among the world's most influential and intelligent people. In terms of technology, wealth, and information, Capsule Corps is unrivaled. You have the highest chance of being able to help."

It seemed that that answer was unsatisfactory because she narrowed her eyes, a glimmer of suspicion appeared in them along with a glint of something that Ajax couldn't quite recognize. The closest description that Ajax can come up with is Machiavellian. It was as if she were weighing the risks and benefits of some under-the-table deal. Ajax struggled to conceal his discomfort, barely keeping himself from wincing.

"Why risk it all on us?" she asked, her voice unwavering and expression unchanged. "You could've died last night."

Ajax leaned forward, projecting forth a confidence he did not feel he possessed as he unblinkingly locked eyes with Bulma. "And what do I have to lose?" he replied. "Die now versus later? Hope is a powerful thing, especially as motivation."

Bulma's expression momentarily wavered before she schooled her emotions with an impassive facade once more. "Let's entertain a hypothetical scenario then. If the legend were indeed true, and you found yourself with the opportunity to make a wish, what would that wish be?"

"I would wish for a healthy and robust body." The response came immediately without hesitation.

Bulma sat and looked at Ajax intensely. Her gaze felt like that of an apex predator, observing a cornered prey hiding within its shell to find the chinks in the armor and get at the flesh beneath. Ajax felt a wave of goosebumps travel down his back.

"I need to make a call. Don't leave." Bulma stated bluntly before abruptly stepping out of the room, abandoning her half-finished drink on the table.

As the door clicked shut behind her, Ajax felt the weight of the room's silence pressing upon him. Ajax collapsed bonelessly onto the sofa, feeling the adrenaline that had fueled his confidence and strength moments ago draining away.

After Ajax had calmed down, he reached for the forgotten cup of hot chocolate. The once-steaming beverage had now cooled to a lukewarm temperature, and the marshmallows had dissolved into the liquid, leaving a sugary residue on the surface. He raised the cup to his lips and drank it anyway. It was still delicious.