Chapter 9 – You Are Not Good Enough!

"So, is there another reason you brought him here, other than introductions?" Master Roshi said once the laughter died down, taking the opportunity to steer the conversation in a more focused direction.

Goku, his usual cheerfulness giving way to a hint of seriousness, turned to Master Roshi to speak his mind.

"Yeah. I think Ajax will grow stronger the more he fights, so I hope he can go through the Turtle School training. That way, I can fight with him for reals!"

Master Roshi considered Goku's request, his face reflecting a thoughtful expression. After a moment of contemplation, he nodded his head in response and broke the silence.

"I don't take students on anymore," Master Roshi began, "but I suppose I can make an exception if it's you asking, Goku. Did you bring any tribute for me? I'm running out of content over here."

"Couldn't you waive that just once? Chi-Chi would let me starve if she found out I bought books like that! I can't starve, I'm a growing boy! Please? For me?" With that, Goku unleashed what he thought was his secret weapon – the "puppy-eyes no Jutsu". However, given that Goku was now a grown-ass man, it only made him look rather disconcerting.

Everyone at the gathering can hear Turtle chortling loudly at Goku's pitiable attempt from behind the house, having waddled away a while ago. Meanwhile, Master Roshi's reaction to Goku's plea was nothing short of dramatic. He let out a full-body shiver and flopped with a heavy dose of resignation as he muttered a heartfelt, "Why-Me?" as if regretting the life choices that led him here.

"Fine... I'll take him on without tribute," Master Roshi relented, his resistance crumbling under Goku's earnest plea. He shook his head with a very put-upon look on his face, realizing he had been defeated by his own student's charm.

Turning his attention to Ajax, Master Roshi asked, "So, Ajax, how old are you?"

"I'm nine."

Master Roshi didn't appear to be deterred by Ajax's answer. He carried on with the conversation without missing a beat.

"A little young. What martial arts experience do you have prior to this?"


"Are you fit?"

"…not particularly?"

"Are you at least healthy enough to practice martial arts right now?"

"Well, I was terminally ill and slated to die young about 3 hours ago."



A few moments passed in silence as Master Roshi and Ajax locked eyes. Then, Master Roshi slowly turned his head toward Goku, tilting his head downward as his index finger expertly slid his sunglasses down his nose. He pinned Goku with a look that could only be described as the epitome of 'what-the-f*ck-am-I-supposed-to-do?'

Goku, who suddenly found himself caught in this absurdly uncomfortable look, responded with an awkward, toothy smile, unable to meet Master Roshi's deadpan gaze.

Krillin, who had caught the look exchanged between master and student on the sidelines, practically busted his gut laughing at the hilarity of the situation.

"HAHAHA!! I– I can't– hahaha!"

Master Roshi released a deep, weary sigh.

"The things I do for you, Goku..." he muttered, his voice carrying a hint of exasperation. Then, he turned his attention back to Ajax.

Look, Ajax," Master Roshi began, his tone unusually candid. "I'm going to be honest with you. Had you approached me like this without Goku, I wouldn't have accepted you as a student. There would've been no words you can say or magazines you can offer to change my mind. You are not qualified for my tutelage. You simply weren't good enough."

Krillin practically choked as he stopped his laughter mid-breath at the brutal statement. A sympathetic expression grew on his face as he winced, reacting to the disparaging criticism with an audible 'oof.' Goku mirrored Krillin's expression, clearly uncomfortable with Master Roshi's unforgiving words. Even Bulma, displeased with both Ajax and the way the conversation was headed, frowned at Master Roshi's uncharacteristic harshness.

"I'm going to head on inside…", Krillin uttered with a wince on his face as he stepped away, escaping from the uncomfortable situation.

"Ouch," Ajax muttered, grimacing at the harsh truth. While it was an accurate assessment, admitting it did little to ease the emotional damage. He knew all too well just how unqualified he was. After all, how could anyone from his world be qualified to train under Master Roshi? A self-deprecating smile tugged at his lips as he grappled with the humbling moment. And here he was considering seeking guidance from Tien Shinhan, whose standards might be even higher.

Across from Ajax, Master Roshi noted the changes in the young boy's expression. The undeniable reality is that Master Roshi needed absolute certainty that Ajax had what it takes within himself to persevere. The mountain that is martial arts could not be scaled by mere dreams and desire; it demanded the unwavering fortitude of one's will and determination. Without this inner drive, Master Roshi would not accept Ajax, even if Goku got on his knees and begged.

"Others may call me the 'God of Martial Arts," Master Roshi began, his voice carrying the weight of his wisdom, "but I'm not an actual god, nor am I a miracle worker." He leaned forward, his eyes locked onto Ajax's, "Fortunately for you, the Dragon Balls are, and they've worked their miracle on you."

Master Roshi paused, gauging the impact of his words on the young boy before him. He knew that this wasn't about discouraging Ajax. It was about instilling humility, a lesson essential to any martial artist under his tutelage.

"You are still behind. In fact, as you are now, you aren't even at the starting line." Master Roshi continued, "Though the Dragon Balls have removed the primary obstacle for you, it merely meant your journey has been upgraded from impossible to incredibly difficult."

Master Roshi knew that the wondrous power of Shenron, and the gift he bestowed upon Ajax, had rewritten the young boy's fate. At the same time, that gift is also a deadly two-edged sword with the potential to breed confidence that, if mishandled, might turn into arrogance as Ajax progresses along his martial arts journey. Unlike Goku and Krillin, this lesson needed to be taught early and harshly, to firmly embed the virtue of humility, lest the young warrior tread the perilous path of hubris and evil, as Bulma feared.

Unbeknownst to Master Roshi, this was a lesson that Ajax, of all individuals, did not require. Ajax knew very well of his own weakness and the limitations of the human race. He understood precisely where he stood in the pecking order of the greater universe and knew exactly how he scales in comparison to the true monsters lying in wait.

Master Roshi might have perceived the wish as a source of potential arrogance, but he is mistaken. Ajax did not and will not regard the wish as a source of pride; instead, it is a vital and indispensable tool for survival. Ajax's circumstances demanded a perpetual focus on the future against incoming threats, rather than dwelling on past accomplishments. It was not a matter of choice; it was something born of necessity, driven by the demands of THE MASTERPLAN and his survival.

Suddenly, Ajax's mind echoed with the wisdom of another inspirational source from his past: 'Abandon your fear. Look forward. Move forward and never stop. Retreat and you will age. Hesitate and you will die!' A steely glint flickered within Ajax's eyes. That's right. He couldn't afford to second-guess himself. Yes, he might be weak now, but everyone started somewhere. Even the future Son Goku who had brought the mighty Jiren to his knees once possessed a mere Power Level of 2. With resolve hardened, he raised his gaze to meet Master Roshi's, whose expression remained inscrutable behind his sunglasses.

Master Roshi parted his lips, ready to deliver his next words.

"You're starting from behind, which means you'll have to push forward harder than others, train longer hours than others, learn faster than others, and challenge your limitations further than others. This path isn't one that just anyone can take. Do you have what it takes?"

Even as the question left his lips, Master Roshi already knew what the answer would be. While he might not fully understand what drives the young boy, the look in Ajax's eyes does not belong to someone who is in it for amusement. Whatever it is that impelled Ajax forward, he was certain it would not wane with time.

"I do," Ajax answered resolutely.

"Good." Master Roshi nods, pleased. "You aren't qualified to train under me yet. To get there, we must first give your body what it needs to overcome your disease and attain peak condition. Then, your true training shall commence. Prepare yourself for two years of hell."

"Bring it on, old man." Ajax retorted with a challenging grin, simultaneously suppressing his unease at the estimated time frame.

Master Roshi laughs.

"You're going to regret saying that, you little squirt!"


Krillin's sudden, thunderous yell startled everyone as they swiveled their heads toward Kame House in alarm. Krillin's next words, however, prompted collective silence.

"I'M GOING TO BE A SENPAI!" Krillin's triumphant proclamation echoed through the confines of the house. His head then popped out from the window frame like a prairie dog. He fixed his gaze upon the people gathered outside, his face suddenly deadpan and devoid of his earlier elation.

"Also, Bulma, your plane got sand all over the floor."



Learn from Master Roshi (added) - (COMPLETED)