Chapter 27 – Look Out, Lookout!

~ 3 Hours Later ~

Climbing the last few steps of the ladder, Ajax stepped onto the Lookout for the very first time. A tranquil breeze tousled Ajax's hair as he took in the awe-inspiring view from the top of the world. He stood there, relishing the embrace of the chilly wind and savoring the crisp freshness of the air, a distinct scent unique to high altitudes.

A swift survey of his surroundings, however, showed that the other Z Fighters were not sharing the moment of enjoyment with him. Among them, he had remained as the only person still upright, barely breaking a sweat at that. In contrast, scattered across the ground, the rest of the Z Fighters lay collapsed, their bodies pushed beyond the limits of exhaustion from the arduous climb. Ajax felt just the tiniest twinge of guilt for breezing through the ordeal while the others suffered. But only just a little.

Ajax flexed his hands, tightening them into fists. In trust, he hadn't been just unfazed; rather, he was feeling remarkably well and brimming with energy. Some of it, he suspected came from the Senzu bean he had eaten a little over half a day ago, while the rest likely stemmed from the effects of the Ultra Divine Water.

Ajax's grin widened at his newfound lightness that left him in a state of heightened awareness and physical ease. The closest comparison he could draw was shedding some invisible, heavy coat he wasn't aware he had been wearing— kind of like Boros casting off his armor or Rock Lee discarding his weights. It felt like the transition from a sluggish 30 FPS to a high-performing 120 FPS. Just buttery smooth.

Redirecting his focus to the Lookout itself, Ajax noticed a delicately laid out walkway, bordered by strips of mini-gardens boasting a large variety of shrubs and flowers, leading straight to the main entrance. Numerous trees, their green leaves gracefully swaying in the breeze, adorned the Lookout at various locations, adding a touch of nature to the otherwise impeccably maintained surroundings. A wave of nostalgia washed over him at the familiar sight. This really is the Lookout.

Ajax shifted his focus downward to the neat arrangement of white square tiles beneath his feet. His lips curled into an amused smile as he lightly tapped the smooth marble tiles with the tip of his foot. It seemed that the mad minds at TFS had gotten it right after all. Here on the Lookout, all these squares did, in fact, make a circle.

At that moment, the first rays of sunlight pierced the horizon, heralding the arrival of dawn and casting the Lookout in warm hues of orange and gold. The doors to the Lookout let out a slight creak as they swung open, unveiling Kami. He stepped out from the interior, trailed by the silent yet imposing figure of Mr. Popo. A serene smile graced Kami's aged face as he strolled in the morning light, casually observing the assembled group with an arched eyebrow.

"Ahh, I see that you've all managed to gather here, precisely two days later, as I had requested!" Kami said with faux surprise. "Since you are all so eager, shall we start your training immediately?" 

Kami's words were met with a collective chorus of groans from the assembled Z Fighters. Kami chuckled heartily, deeply amused by both the response and the sight of the quivering piles of exhausted martial artists.

"I think patience is a virtue, wouldn't you all agree?" Kami continued, collectively addressing the barely conscious group with a twinkle in his eye. He turned his attention to Mr. Popo, who stood beside him. "Old friend, would you be so kind as to escort them to the infirmary? It appears our guests need some time to fully absorb their first lesson." 

"Of course, Kami." 

Mr. Popo made a swift gesture before walking leisurely towards the main building with both hands clasped behind his back. Meanwhile, the Z Fighters, still in their original spots, were magically pulled across the floor behind Mr. Popo as if an invisible rope was tethered to their foot. They were so fatigued that not a single person made any effort to protest as they were dragged across the Lookout like limp noodles. They soon vanished around the corner, presumably headed towards the infirmary.

Naturally, Kami did not overlook Ajax standing there in near-perfect condition, unaffected by the strain of the ascent. The Guardian of Earth tilted his head, a spark of curiosity within his wise eyes. So, this was the remarkable young man who accomplished the impossible and survived the trials of the Ultra Divine Water, Kami mused. The very same boy who summoned Shenron to bestow upon himself a unique body and climbed to his Lookout completely unruffled thanks to it.

Speaking of Shenron, a few years ago, he had gotten into the habit of monitoring the Dragon Balls periodically, a precautionary practice born out of necessity after the disastrous events involving his evil counterpart. The memory of that fiasco had left an impression on him, and to ensure that history does not repeat itself, he had to become vigilant of any attempts to gather the Dragon Balls.

He had initially been on high alert when he sensed someone gathering the Dragon Balls unusually quickly, fearing that a potential disaster had descended upon them once more. Thankfully, that apprehension dissipated as swiftly as it had arrived when he identified the individual responsible was none other than Goku. Kami could distinctly recall the sense of relief that swept over him upon this realization, since even among Earth's allies, Goku, known for his bravery and kindness, was someone Kami could trust without reservation.

Kami nodded to himself as he observed the young boy. Even in hindsight, Kami harbored no regrets regarding his decision to trust Goku. He still believed that letting the wish be made unhampered is the correct judgment. Since then, Ajax has demonstrated himself to be a valuable addition to Earth's allies, and now they have another warrior in reserve to stand against the impending Saiyan threat.

Suddenly and without any warning, Ajax bowed deeply, catching Kami off-guard at the unexpected display of politeness. 'What a polite boy,' Kami thought to himself, a subtle smile tugging his lips at the respectful gesture.

"Rise, my child," Kami said kindly, watching as Ajax straightened himself. "Do you need to rest as well?"

"Nope! I'm fresh and still a little high from the Ultra Divine Water's boost," Ajax declared, a lighthearted grin lighting up his face.

Kami nodded in acknowledgment.

"Training shall commence at noon. In the meantime, feel free to explore and partake in the refreshments at the cafeteria as you please. There's no need to concern yourself with venturing where you shouldn't; I have arranged it so that certain areas are off-limits to all of you."

Ajax mulled Kami's words over with a thoughtful expression as he absorbed the instructions. The fact that there was a cafeteria on the Lookout surprised him, but he supposed it made sense; after all, this was technically a place of residence. Honestly, though, he couldn't care less. Free food is free food and he is certainly not going to say no to that. Before Kami could redirect his focus elsewhere, Ajax reached out his hands while speaking up to capture Kami's attention.

"I have a favor to ask."

Kami, who had been in the middle of turning away, halted and pivoted back to Ajax, shifting his staff slightly as he did so. The aged Namekian kept a steady gaze, though a touch of amusement colored his expression. "As long as it is within my power."

"May I learn under you?"

Kami raised a single eyebrow, his amusement deepening at the question. "Well, I certainly hope you do, considering that I've invited you all here for that exact purpose."

"Ahh– I meant as your disciple?"

Kami released a noise of comprehension at the clarification. How embarrassing, it appears that he had misunderstood young Ajax's intentions. In his defense, to ask for such a thing not even two minutes after their initial meeting is quite… ambitious. But ambition by its lonesome is not necessarily a negative quality. After all, wasn't he the same back during his heyday when he sought after the position of Guardian?

Kami appraised Ajax with a contemplative gaze. In his own way, Ajax mirrored the determination he himself once possessed, and, well, come to think of it, he's never truly taught Goku, did he?

"Regrettably, the majority of my techniques are beyond my ability to impart to you. Many are of a magical nature and, in most instances, tailored specifically to me and, I suppose, my malevolent counterpart," Kami explained as he advanced towards Ajax, narrowing the gap between them. "However, I can guide you in the finer aspects of Ki control— aspects that many, even Goku, are not aware are possible."

"Yes please!"

"Any other requests you'd like to get off your chest?" Kami said while chuckling, feeling rather pleased with Ajax's eagerness.

Ajax, already pleasantly surprised by Kami's willingness to entertain his prior request now found himself handed another opportunity on a silver platter. If Kami was offering, then who was he to say no? Emboldened, Ajax seized the opening to make a request that could propel him forward significantly in terms of power.

"May I use the Hyperbolic Time Chamber for training before the Saiyans arrive?"

Kami immediately frowned. "No," he replied with a firmness in his tone that left no room for negotiation.

"What?! Why?!" Ajax protested.

"The conditions there are too harsh for a human," Kami explained, his expression gravely serious. "The interior has, by default, ten times the gravity of Earth. You will not survive."

"You let Goku in when he was young!"

"Hmm, I suppose he told you that," Kami admitted, acknowledging the point. "But did he tell you that even he lasted for only three months?"

Ajax is rightfully somewhat frustrated by Kami's refusal and attempts to counter by pressing the point. "But why can't I try? If we don't get stronger fast, the Saiyans will kill everyone in a year!"

"The gravity in the hyperbolic time chamber is not just a test of strength and the toll it takes on the body is immense," Kami explained calmly, unfazed at Ajax's outburst. "Your safety is paramount, and pushing yourself beyond your limits could have consequences. There are alternative methods of strengthening yourself without risking your well-being."

Anyone observing Ajax's expression at that moment could perceive that the answer did not satisfy him. Kami, with his wisdom, easily recognized such signs and casually placed one arm behind his back as he continued to explain:

"Unlike Saiyans, humans have never genetically evolved to endure high gravity. The internal organs of humans have distinct upper limitations when exposed to high gravitational forces. Although these limits can be mitigated with Ki, at present, all of you lack the strength required to survive, even with the assistance of Ki." He paused at this point, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. "Goku, as a Saiyan, is different. Saiyans, with their unique biology, are better equipped to withstand these extreme conditions. They possess a natural resilience that humans lack."

"But my body can adapt!" Ajax rebutted, undeterred by the explanation, before pausing and blinking. "Actually, I'm not sure if you know about the wish I made."

"I do, but you need to understand, Young Ajax, that gravity training is inherently different than weight training. Gravity exerts its influence not only on your muscles but your entire physiology, from your bones to your organs. The moment you enter, your blood will rush to your feet and unconsciousness will follow within minutes, if that. Be exposed for an extended duration and your heart will collapse under the strain of pumping blood against a gravity it cannot handle."

Kami leveled a solemn look at Ajax. "Can your body adapt fast enough? Tell me, how much time did it take for you to acclimate to the Ultra Divine Water?


Kami continued despite Ajax's silence.

"To undergo gravity training effectively, you must gradually increase the gravity, not jump straight to ten times all at once. The human body is resilient, yes, but it requires time to gradually build strength. Even with Ki, there are limits as to how much strain the human body can withstand, and subjecting it to extreme conditions without understanding or respecting its limitations will result in irreversible damage at best. And I cannot afford to risk endangering any of your lives for such an endeavor, at least not until I am certain you possess the strength necessary to endure it."

Ajax brought a hand to his chin, gently rubbing it as he considered Kami's words. He was attempting to think of a reasonable argument to persuade the elder Namekian as he still had uncertainties about the accuracy of Kami's statement. After all, hadn't the Z Fighters managed to endure the gravity on King Kai's planet? This doesn't make any sense! How did they– oh… oh shit. They were dead!

The rules must have worked differently for those who had passed away. It is entirely possible that factors such as internal organs, sustenance, and stamina were just not as important for the deceased as the living. Goku, for example, could use his Super Saiyan 3 form against Buu with considerably more ease when he had a halo above his head than when he didn't.

So, it's possible that the Z Fighters, and him, might have died on King Kai's planet had they been there while alive. Damn, he dodged a fat bullet there, as training at King Kai after Raditz had briefly been on the MASTERPLAN...

Meanwhile, Ajax's mind continued to churn. While he could come to accept that humans below a certain power threshold just cannot survive 10x gravity, it just gave rise to another question. See, Kami claimed he let Goku in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber due to having confidence in Saiyan physiology. But when Goku entered… okay, something about this didn't add up. Emerging from his contemplation, Ajax eyed Kami suspiciously.

"How did you know that kid Goku was a Saiyan before Raditz arrived?"