Chapter 31 – Preparation for War

~ 11 Months, 1 Week After Raditz ~ 

Upon the Lookout, Ajax sat in a cross-legged position, levitating above the smooth marble tiles across from Kami, who had assumed the same meditative position. Their levitation, however, was not a conventional Ki technique. Instead, they had both saturated the air beneath them with their respective Ki, imbuing it with an incredible density that allowed them to rest upon the very air itself. Every so often, one of them would wobble, with Ajax teetering notably more compared to Kami.

At first glance, it might seem as though the student-mentor pair were engaged in tranquil meditation. However, beneath this serene exterior, an intricate and invisible battle unfolded— a dynamic war for dominion over the airspace that enveloped each of them. Unseen tendrils of Ki extend between them, subtly infiltrating the other's fortified air block to compromise its integrity while safeguarding their own.

Ajax, clenching his jaw at the strain of his efforts, found himself on the defensive as he valiantly fought off Kami's relentless advances. Despite his best efforts, Kami's tendrils snaked through the air with an unparalleled finesse, and slowly, Ajax's defenses began to crumble under the pressure. Throughout this intense struggle, Kami sat with a casual elegance, a light smile on his lips as he rested his chin on his fist.

Finally, a startled yelp escaped Ajax as his control slipped through his grasp and he fell for a few feet, landing unceremoniously on his ass with a resounding "plop". He scowled in frustration, marking another entry in his mental ledger of defeats.

"Damn it! I still can't come close to matching you!" 

Kami laughed at the exclamation. Gracefully, he rose from his seated position, and with a subtle flourish, his staff obediently levitated into his grasp. A wry smile adorned his lips at his disheveled apprentice.

"Well, that's to be expected. Although you've displayed considerable skill, it's merely been a little over a month since you embarked on your journey of mastering external Ki control. And you'll find, my disciple, that achieving mastery and being merely skilled are two very different accomplishments."

Ajax scrunched up his face, dissatisfaction written across it.

Kami observed his protege with a knowing smile. This was a familiar expression that Ajax had used often, and over the course of time, Kami had come to recognize this particular look as a manifestation of Ajax's inherent competitiveness. It's a trait that, while not inherently negative, proved to be an energy-consuming one– for him as a mentor that is.

Kami composed his thoughts, preparing to pinpoint areas for improvement and offer guidance on Ajax's missteps. However, he halted mid-word, the advice freezing on the tip of his tongue. His mouth, initially opening to address Ajax, snapped shut, and his eyes widened in shock and alarm.

The subtle furrow of Ajax's brow mirrored the question marks that seemed to dance in the air around him as he tilted his head. He doesn't like that expression of shock on Kami. It was an expression Ajax had never witnessed before, at least not from Kami, and this realization heightened his sense of unease.

In fact, it surpassed just shock; there was a palpable air of alarm around Kami. Ajax felt his stomach drop as a myriad of thoughts raced through his mind like fleeting shadows. What happened? Did Gohan die? Did one of the Z fighters die? Goku can't be wished back?

Then, before Ajax's eyes, the tranquil sky above the Lookout underwent a surreal transformation, plunging from a serene azure into a stormy darkness. That's odd. It was still daytime, and the Lookout was above both the clouds and any obstruction that could obscure the sunlight.

A split second later, a foreboding realization struck Ajax with the force of a thunderclap. Oh no. A vivid memory flashed in his mind, an echo from the past– the majestic silhouette of an emerald dragon twisting and weaving through the clouds. Genuine panic seized Ajax as the pieces fell into place with an unsettling clarity.

Ajax shot up from his once-relaxed seated position, a guttural growl on his lips and thoughts flying. 'SON OF A BITCH!! Did someone steal the freaking Dragon Balls?!' Ajax turned his gaze to Kami, desperate for some insight, or information– anything!

But Kami showed no signs of registering Ajax's reaction, his gaze vacant and unfocused as he stared into the darkened sky. His typically steady hands clutched the staff with an intensity seldomly seen from the Guardian, and a subtle tremor coursed through him.

Ajax nervously swallowed, an instinctive reaction to the uncertainty that hung in the air like a guillotine. If the Dragon Balls were off the table, then they are in some deep, deep shit. Without Goku here to face Vegeta, it would be an automatic game-over. No one except Goku could remotely take on Vegeta when the Prince of All Saiyans is fresh and unscathed.

However, not all hope is lost. As a final gambit, they can still turn to Fortuneteller Baba, who can work her magic and 'revive' Goku for a day. Ajax's mind whirred with possibilities. The only thing he could reasonably be certain of is that the Saiyans had not yet arrived on Earth. It had not been a year since Raditz's arrival—three more weeks remained, to be precise, which afforded them a narrow window to plan their next move.

"King Kai just relayed to me that the Saiyans are due to arrive within 20 minutes." Kami's solemn shattered Ajax's racing thoughts, jolting him back to reality.

'F*CK!!' A visceral expletive blasted within Ajax's mind. Why had they arrived ahead of schedule? Had unforeseen events created a deviation in the timeline, or was this—oh shit, it might've been canon. Unhelpfully, only now did Ajax remember that Goku took six months to reach King Kai and trained for five more before returning. The stark reality had slapped Ajax square in the face with the gaps in his knowledge, gaps that now threatened to jeopardize his preparations.

Ajax greatly regrets not delving into the intricate details of the canon more thoroughly in his past life. The assumption that the Saiyans would adhere to the established one-year timeframe had proven to be a costly oversight. There was no sugarcoating it: he f*cked up when the stakes were high, and Ajax keenly felt the butterflies in his stomach turning to lead at this informational blind spot, feeling like a contestant chef, up for elimination, presenting raw meat to Gordon Ramsay himself.

A chill swept across Ajax's face as he made another sobering realization. One of the key objectives of the MASTERPLAN had been to relay a warning to King Kai through Kami, urging Goku to return a day early to guarantee his presence for the impending invasion. However, with the Saiyans arriving in twenty and Goku still absent...

Ajax's frustration boiled over, finding a voice in his exclamation, "Damn it! What on God's Green Earth made King Kai think that a mere twenty minutes notice was a good idea?! Where's Goku at the moment? And what about the Dragon Balls?"

"He's en route on the Snake Way," Kami began to pace, the gravity of the situation weighing on him. "King Kai mentioned that Goku had a rather ingenious idea of timing his revival as closely as possible to the Saiyans' arrival. This way, he'll regain his stamina closer to the critical moment."

Ajax nodded in approval of the plan. It was uncharacteristic of Goku, but he could appreciate the foresight and ingenuity of the decision. As far as last-minute plans go, it was indeed rather brilliant. Reviving closer to the end of the Snake Way meant Goku wouldn't need to concern himself with stamina until that crucial moment, since he'd be in peak condition when Shenron resurrects him.

"At the moment, Young Bulma is utilizing the Dragon Balls she had pre-collected to revive Goku," Kami added, returning from Ajax's other side after completing a brief lap in his pacing.

A wave of relief swept over Ajax, as a fraction of the tension released its hold on him with this reassuring development. Okay, Goku will be an active participant in the fight. That's good. That's very good!

The resolute clenching of Ajax's jaw eased, and he drew a series of deep breaths to steady his racing thoughts. He needed to think strategically. How could he adapt to this situation and gain an advantage? What adjustments could be made to his battle strategy? What recourse does he have within THE MASTERPLAN to account for this change?

Suddenly, Ajax jolted as a spark of inspiration ignited within him. Well, what do you know, Goku does have an untapped resource that could be more strategically deployed!

"Send Nimbus to him!" 

Kami blinked in surprise at Ajax's sudden suggestion, causing a momentary pause in his pacing as he processed the words. "…what?"

"Get Nimbus from Korin, teleport to the closest you can get to Goku, then send Nimbus to meet him halfway! He can ride it back and be all the faster for it!"

Kami's expression lit up, nodding in approval at the astuteness of the suggestion. "Goku is currently around 5 hours away, and this might reduce that time while simultaneously conserving his stamina even more. Well done, excellent idea!"

Without a moment's hesitation, Kami vanished, presumably employing his authority as the Guardian of Earth to swiftly teleport to the afterlife. Or Korin. At least, that's what Ajax assumed.

In the wake of Kami's sudden departure, the heavens themselves appeared to react. Moments later, the foreboding darkness shrouding the Lookout dispersed, unveiling a clear blue sky once more. It seemed the Dragon Balls had once again scattered across the world.

With purpose, Ajax turned, his attention now set on the horizon beyond the Lookout. Time was of the essence, and Korin's Tower beckoned to him. Senzu beans awaited him there after all, and they will be critical resources for the impending battle.


Ajax twisted his head towards Mr. Popo, who stood a few feet away. Call Mr. Popo what you will, but his disturbing antics had trained Ajax to be extremely aware of his surroundings. Ajax had sensed Mr. Popo's presence the instant he materialized out of thin air, and as he'd expected, the now familiar figure showed nothing more than neutral stoicism. It was an attitude Ajax had grown accustomed to over the past year.

"Kami had intended to do this before you would depart, but the urgency had caused him to forget," Mr. Popo spoke in his characteristical tone, for once not intimidating. Raising his hands, Mr. Popo shot out a beam of something with a speed that caught Ajax off guard.

Before Ajax could react, the beam made contact, creating a momentary flash that enveloped him. Ajax flinched instinctively, bracing for the effect of the attack.

Rather anticlimactically, Ajax's crimson Gi merely became as light as regular clothing and turned impeccably pristine, as if freshly ironed. Well, that was an embarrassing reaction. To be honest, he had forgotten his clothes and surroundings had been weighed at all.

"...oh. Thanks, Mr. Popo."

"You're welcome, dirt," Mr. Popo replied. His eyes then narrowed, his usual air of menace enveloping his presence. "You are now representing Kami and the Lookout. Do not disgrace us."

With that final ominous warning, Mr. Popo's form dissipated into nothing, leaving only a lingering sense of his presence. And with that, the Lookout became devoid of its inhabitants, becoming eerily silent.

Ajax's brow twisted in confusion at Mr. Popo's cryptic words. Represent? A quick examination of his attire revealed no discernible changes, and the turtle symbol, the emblem that had become synonymous with his martial arts journey until a year ago, still adorned his attire in its familiar place over his heart.

Nevertheless, Ajax decided to inspect his Gi more closely, his gaze tracing the lines of the fabric for subtle alterations. A realization dawned on him as he reached the spot where the prominent turtle symbol had once resided on his back. In its place, the symbol for 'God' now embellished the fabric—a symbol identical to the one Kami himself wore.

A light smile graced Ajax's face. How far he has come on his journey, starting from an absolute nobody with no knowledge of martial arts to this moment in time, where he is carrying Kami's symbol into battle.

After concluding his examination of his Gi, Ajax drew a deep breath. There was one more thing he needed to do. He centered himself and focused on Kami's domain surrounding him. At this point, it was at the same density that forbade him from even breathing almost a year ago. But credit to Kami's incredible skill, even separated by an entire dimension, the airspace surrounding him remained dense and under his mentor's complete control. However, this was no longer the time for training.

Ajax's hand sliced through the air in a horizontal curved arc in a singular motion, resembling a katana during a quickdraw. Instantly, the dense aura of stone cocooning him shattered like fragile glass, dispersing into the atmosphere. The airspace around him shifted, reverting to the natural density of air.

For the first time in eleven months, Ajax was unhindered by external influences. Ajax flexed his hands. This sense of liberation was invigorating, and he felt incredibly powerful. He was finally unchained. He think he can finally understand what Kefla experienced when she first came into existence, fresh from her fusion.

Silently, Ajax launched himself from the Lookout, his form a blur as he plummeted with blistering speed. As the wind roared past him and the Lookout receded into the distance above him, the distinctive form of Korin's tower emerged, drawing closer with remarkable speed.

Ajax's descent concluded in a precise and abrupt halt right before Korin, causing a gust of wind to ripple around him, the aftermath of the kinetic energy from his arrival.

Korin squinted in response to the unexpected arrival, his feline features scrunching as the gust of wind from Ajax's arrival ruffled and blew back his fur. The elderly feline instinctively tightened his grip on his cane.

"Master Korin, Kami received news that the Saiyans would arrive within twenty minutes, more than ten minutes ago. I need all the available healing Senzu beans that we currently have on hand!" Ajax's words rushed forth with a rapid cadence from the urgency.

Korin nodded in understanding and swiftly dashed into his chambers without a moment of hesitation. Korin could sense Ajax following in pursuit, and their urgent footsteps echoed through the confines of the chamber. In no time, Korin reappeared from his quarters, cradling two Senzu beans in his paws.

"Here! This is all that we have right now. Good luck!"

Ajax expressed his gratitude with a nod. Perfect! Everything was unfolding flawlessly here as he had planned. In truth, Ajax's decision to provide Goku with Nimbus earlier wasn't solely to hasten Goku's arrival. Rather, it was a calculated move to optimize their limited resources. Through the course of his discussions with Korin in the past year, Ajax had learned that only two Senzu beans would be available, exactly as it was in canon.

In the original story, Goku had taken a Senzu Bean to replenish his stamina, leaving just a single bean for Krillin and Gohan to divide between them.

By ensuring Nimbus gets to Goku in advance, Ajax eliminates the need for Goku to use a Senzu Bean for stamina, thus sparing the second one for the Z fighters. Having two Senzu Beans at their disposal instead of just one is an invaluable advantage for the upcoming battle. It goes without saying, but the difference of having just one more Senzu Bean could sometimes change absolutely everything.

Ajax, who had readied himself to depart and confront the imminent threat, coincidentally happened to catch a glimpse of Yajirobe crouching in the corner. It was a sight that immediately captured his attention and also something that he, embarrassingly, had failed to notice upon his initial arrival. A bit ironic, considering he had been mentally hyping himself up about his heightened awareness thanks to Mr. Popo.

As Ajax's eyes settled on the quivering figure, a sinking suspicion took root within him regarding the situation.

"You're not coming?"

In response, Yajirobe could only manage a nervous chuckle, a feeble attempt to downplay the circumstances. "You got it though, right?"

"Are you being serious right now?" Ajax's expression mirrored the incredulity in his words. "You spent nearly a whole year training with Kami only to sit this out when the time comes?"

"I don't need to go; I hardly matter at all! All of you are far stronger than me!"

"That's not an excuse! We're the last line of def–"

Ajax's mouth snapped shut mid-word as he sensed a titanic energy signature descending in the far distance. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Korin's face turning grim. If he wasn't the only person to sense the Ki, then it could only mean Vegeta had arrived. Damn it, he's out of time.

On the other hand, Yajirobe's fear intensified with the emergence of the energy signature. He began retreating from Ajax, stepping backward with wide-eyed terror etched across his face. "I can't face that! Oh god! Oh god! How can anyone be this strong?!"

"Ajax," Korin interjected, tapping Ajax's shoulder with his cane to grab his attention. "If Yajirobe is terrified to this extent, then he won't be of any help. He'll just be a hindrance to you all."

Ajax glanced at Korin before shifting his gaze to Yajirobe, who had retreated to the banister, his knees trembling with fear. It was evident that Yajirobe had no intention of leaving. Ajax's expression soured with disappointment and a touch of disdain.

"I had thought you were a better man."

"Not everyone is fearless like you, okay!? I might've gone if you weren't there!"

Ajax doesn't have the time for this pointless argument nor the patience for Yajirobe's justifications. Yajirobe can delude himself however he pleases to make himself feel better. Whatever his reasoning may be, Ajax wanted no part in it. Without uttering another word to the swordsman, Ajax expressed gratitude to Korin once more and leaped off Korin's Tower.

It appears Yajirobe is no longer a viable strategic asset for the purposes of severing Vegeta's tail. Unfortunately, this meant that a crucial component of his battle plan was missing, rendering that aspect of his strategy null and void. He'll have to adjust his overall battle strategy to account for this setback. He needs to think of a new plan to deal with Great Ape Vegeta and he needs to think of it fast!

Gritting his teeth, Ajax propelled himself forward with his utmost speed, rapidly distancing himself from Korin's Tower and Kami's Lookout. As Ajax raced against time, the wind and the landscape rushed past him as he surged towards the heart of the continent. Nappa and Vegeta awaited, and with them, is the battle where the fate of the Earth would be decided.

The Saiyan invasion had finally begun.